Climbing Table Mountain: A Journey of Beauty and Responsibility
FluentFiction - Afrikaans
Climbing Table Mountain: A Journey of Beauty and Responsibility
Die son het pas begin uitkom agter die hoë berge.
The sun had just begun to emerge from behind the high mountains.
Johan het sy rugpak gegryp en begin stap.
Johan grabbed his backpack and started walking.
Vandag was die dag.
Today was the day.
Hy gaan Tafelberg klim.
He was going to climb Table Mountain.
Die voetpad was glad en klipperig.
The footpath was slippery and rocky.
Hy het voetjie vir voetjie na bo gestap.
He walked step by step upward.
Die lug was koel en skoon.
The air was cool and clean.
Johan kon die voëls hoor sing.
Johan could hear the birds singing.
Hy het gedink aan die pragtige uitsig wat hom wag.
He thought about the beautiful view awaiting him.
Uiteindelik, na 'n lang stap, het hy bo gekom.
Finally, after a long walk, he reached the top.
Daar lê Kaapstad voor hom.
Cape Town lay before him.
Hy kon die see sien, die strate, die huise.
He could see the sea, the streets, the houses.
Alles was baie klein van so hoog bo.
Everything looked very small from such a height.
Johan het op 'n rots gesit en asem gehaal.
Johan sat down on a rock and caught his breath.
"Dit is pragtig," het hy vir homself gesê.
"It is beautiful," he said to himself.
Hy het sy kamer gestel en foto's geneem.
He set his camera and took photos.
Die stad het geskitter in die sonlig.
The city sparkled in the sunlight.
Skielik hoor Johan 'n geluid.
Suddenly, Johan heard a sound.
Hy draai om en sien 'n man.
He turned around and saw a man.
Die man dra 'n groot sak vol afval.
The man was carrying a big bag full of trash.
Johan voel hartseer.
Johan felt sad.
Die pragtige Tafelberg word besoedel.
The beautiful Table Mountain was being polluted.
Johan het opgeklim om rustig te wees.
Johan had climbed to find some peace.
Hy wil nie stry nie.
He did not want to argue.
Maar hy kon nie stilbly nie.
But he could not remain silent.
"Verskoon my," sê Johan.
"Excuse me," Johan said.
"Wat maak jy?
"What are you doing?"
"Die man kyk hom aan.
The man looked at him.
"Ek gooi hierdie weg," sê hy.
"I'm throwing this away," he said.
"Maar waarom hier?
"But why here?"
" vra Johan.
Johan asked.
"Tafelberg is so mooi.
"Table Mountain is so beautiful.
Ons moet dit beskerm.
We should protect it."
"Die man huiwer.
The man hesitated.
Hy kyk na die sak en dan na Johan.
He looked at the bag and then at Johan.
"Jy is reg," sê die man uiteindelik.
"You are right," the man finally said.
Johan bied aan om te help.
Johan offered to help.
Hy en die man het die afval opgetel en dit na die regte plek geneem.
He and the man picked up the trash and took it to the proper place.
Hulle werk hard en vinnig.
They worked hard and quickly.
Uiteindelik was Tafelberg weer skoon.
Finally, Table Mountain was clean again.
Johan sit weer op die rots.
Johan sat on the rock once more.
Hy kyk oor Kaapstad.
He looked over Cape Town.
Hierdie keer voel hy trots.
This time, he felt proud.
Hy het iets goeds gedoen.
He had done a good deed.
Hy het die berg skoon gehou.
He had kept the mountain clean.
Die son begin sak.
The sun began to set.
Dit is tyd om terug te gaan.
It was time to go back.
Johan staan op en glimlag.
Johan stood up and smiled.
Hierdie dag op Tafelberg was spesiaal.
This day on Table Mountain was special.
Hy het iets geleer.
He had learned something.
Elke mens kan 'n verskil maak.
Every person can make a difference.
Met 'n laaste blik oor die pragtige Kaapstad begin Johan afstap.
With a last look over the beautiful Cape Town, Johan began to descend.
Hy weet dat hy binnekort weer hier sal wees.
He knew he would soon be back.
Tafelberg sal altyd in sy hart wees.
Table Mountain would always be in his heart.