Photography & Words: Inspiration on the Garden Route
FluentFiction - Afrikaans
Photography & Words: Inspiration on the Garden Route
Luan staan langs die pad, sy kamera in die hand.
Luan stands by the side of the road, his camera in hand.
Die briesie van die see maak sy hare deurmekaar.
The sea breeze tousles his hair.
Die son sak stadiger as wat hy ooit gesien het.
The sun is setting slower than he has ever seen.
Hy voel verlore.
He feels lost.
Net 'n paar meter verder, leun Elise oor die reling.
Just a few meters away, Elise leans over the railing.
Sy kyk na die golf breuke en sug.
She watches the waves break and sighs.
Sy wonder of sy ooit weer sal kan skryf.
She wonders if she will ever be able to write again.
Haar pen het stil geword.
Her pen has fallen silent.
Luan stap nader.
Luan steps closer.
"Dis mooi, né?
"It's beautiful, isn't it?"
" sê hy.
he says.
Elise glimlag skaars.
Elise barely smiles.
"Ja, dis pragtig.
"Yes, it's gorgeous."
" Sy draai om en ontmoet sy oë.
She turns and meets his eyes.
"Ek is Elise.
"I'm Elise."
""Luan," sê hy, en steek sy hand uit.
"Luan," he says, extending his hand.
Hulle sit saam op 'n houtbankie.
They sit together on a wooden bench.
"Wat doen jy hier?
"What are you doing here?"
" vra Elise.
asks Elise.
"Ek is 'n fotograaf," sê Luan.
"I'm a photographer," says Luan.
"Soek inspirasie.
"Looking for inspiration.
En jy?
And you?"
""Ek is 'n skrywer, probeer 'n storie begin.
"I'm a writer, trying to start a story."
" Elise kyk na die horison.
Elise looks at the horizon.
Die volgende dag, loop hulle mekaar weer raak by 'n kospadstal.
The next day, they run into each other again at a food stall.
"Wil jy saamry?
"Want to join me?"
" vra Luan impulsief.
asks Luan impulsively.
Elise dink kort.
Elise thinks briefly.
"Ja, hoekom nie?
"Yes, why not?
Ek het niks om te verloor nie.
I have nothing to lose."
"En so ry hulle oor die kronkelende paaie van die Tuinroete.
And so they drive along the winding roads of the Garden Route.
Hulle stop by verlate strandjies, bospaadjies, en stille klein dorpe.
They stop at deserted beaches, forest paths, and quiet little towns.
Maar alhoewel hulle saam was, bly hulle op 'n afstand.
But although they were together, they remained distant.
Luan se kamera klik, en Elise se notaboek bly leeg.
Luan's camera clicks, and Elise's notebook stays empty.
Op een pragtige wintersdag stop hulle by 'n kloof.
On one beautiful winter's day, they stop at a gorge.
Die uitsig is asemrowend.
The view is breathtaking.
Luan soek na die perfekte hoek, terwyl Elise probeer skryf.
Luan searches for the perfect angle while Elise tries to write.
Skielik ontplof 'n rusie.
Suddenly, an argument erupts.
"Jy verstaan nie!
"You don't understand!"
” roep Luan.
shouts Luan.
"Ek soek betekenis in my foto's.
"I'm looking for meaning in my photos."
""En jy dink ek het dit maklik?
"And you think it's easy for me?"
" Elise se stem tril.
Elise's voice trembles.
"Ek probeer woorde vind wat ek nie eens het nie.
"I'm trying to find words I don't even have."
"Hulle staar mekaar aan, die spanning dig.
They stare at each other, tension thick.
Dan, stadig, begin hulle praat.
Then, slowly, they begin to talk.
Dieper dinge, seer dinge - hulle hartseer en drome.
Deeper things, painful things—their sadness and dreams.
Hulle sien mekaar vir die eerste keer regtig.
They see each other truly for the first time.
Daarna sit hulle stil.
Afterward, they sit quietly.
Die kloof om hulle is nou net 'n agtergrond.
The gorge around them is now just a backdrop.
"Ek wil hê jy moet bly," sê Luan sag.
"I want you to stay," says Luan softly.
"Ek wil bly," antwoord Elise.
"I want to stay," Elise responds.
Met nuwe begrip en 'n vars gevoel van koers, reis hulle verder saam.
With a new understanding and a fresh sense of direction, they continue their journey together.
Luan se foto's begin lewe.
Luan's photos come to life.
Elise se pen vind ritme.
Elise's pen finds rhythm.
Teen die einde van hul reis, staan hul op 'n hoë krans.
By the end of their journey, they stand on a high cliff.
Die son sak weer, maar hierdie keer voel niks verlore nie.
The sun sets again, but this time nothing feels lost.
Hulle kyk na mekaar en weet hulle het gevind wat hul gesoek het, in hulself en in mekaar.
They look at each other and know they have found what they were seeking, in themselves and in each other.
Luan voel vol doel.
Luan feels full of purpose.
Elise se storie blom.
Elise's story blooms.
En hul pad saam voel net soos die regte storie.
And their path together feels just like the right story.