Annelie's Christmas Duet: A Tale of Music and Teamwork
FluentFiction - Afrikaans
Annelie's Christmas Duet: A Tale of Music and Teamwork
Die klanke van opgewondenheid vul die lug van die klaskamer.
The sounds of excitement fill the air of the classroom.
Die somerson sak stadig oor die hoërskool in Kaapstad.
The summer sun sets slowly over the high school in Kaapstad.
Die talentvertoning is 'n groot gebeurtenis by die skool, veral noudat dit Kersfees is.
The talent show is a big event at the school, especially now that it is Christmas.
Kleurryke liggies flikker en kransies draai oor die verhoog van die ouditorium.
Colorful lights flicker and garlands swirl over the stage of the auditorium.
In hierdie feestelike atmosfeer droom Annelie groot.
In this festive atmosphere, Annelie dreams big.
Sy wil 'n duet sing wat almal sal onthou.
She wants to sing a duet that everyone will remember.
Annelie is 'n talentvolle sanger.
Annelie is a talented singer.
Haar stem is helder en sterk.
Her voice is clear and strong.
Sy droom groot drome, en hierdie talentvertoning is haar kans.
She dreams big dreams, and this talent show is her chance.
"Johan, as jy saam met my speel op jou kitaar, sal ons 'n wonderlike duet kan hê!
"Johan, if you play with me on your guitar, we can have a wonderful duet!"
" sê sy met vonkelende oë.
she says with sparkling eyes.
Maar Johan twyfel.
But Johan hesitates.
Hy frons.
He frowns.
"Ek weet nie, Annelie.
"I don't know, Annelie.
Ek raak so senuweeagtig voor 'n groot gehoor.
I get so nervous in front of a big audience."
" Annelie se skouers sak effens, maar sy gee nie moed op nie.
Annelie's shoulders droop slightly, but she does not give up.
"O okay, maar wat van Pieter?
"Oh okay, but what about Pieter?"
" sê sy.
she says.
Pieter is talentvol, maar skaam.
Pieter is talented but shy.
Hy skryf mooi gedigte, maar sukkel om sy stem oor die mikrofoon te laat klink.
He writes beautiful poems but struggles to make his voice sound over the microphone.
Annelie glimlag verleidelik na Pieter.
Annelie smiles enticingly at Pieter.
"Jou woorde is kragtig.
"Your words are powerful.
Dit kan 'n spesiale tikkie aan ons lied gee.
They can add a special touch to our song."
"Hulle oefen laat in die aand in die ouditorium terwyl die liggies sag flikker om hulle.
They practice late into the evening in the auditorium while the lights softly flicker around them.
Annelie motiveer hulle.
Annelie motivates them.
"Ons kan dit doen!
"We can do this!
Ons moet net voorberei," sê sy met oortuiging.
We just need to prepare," she says with conviction.
Johan oefen onophoudelik op sy kitaar, en Pieter begin gedigte hardop lees.
Johan practices tirelessly on his guitar, and Pieter begins reading poems aloud.
Die drie werk hard en bou selfvertroue op.
The three work hard and build confidence.
Op die aand van die talentvertoning is die ouditorium vol.
On the night of the talent show, the auditorium is full.
Die liggies gloei en die gehoor is opgewonde.
The lights glow, and the audience is excited.
Die tyd vir hul optrede het aangebreek.
The time for their performance has arrived.
Annelie begin sing.
Annelie begins to sing.
Haar stem vul die saal en Johan speel die soet klanke van sy kitaar.
Her voice fills the hall, and Johan plays the sweet sounds of his guitar.
Net toe al die spanning verdwyn, breek een van Johan se kitaar snare met 'n harde "twang.
Just when all the tension disappears, one of Johan's guitar strings breaks with a loud "twang."
"Annelie huiwer nie.
Annelie does not hesitate.
Sy hou aan sing.
She keeps singing.
Pieter stap vorentoe, sy hande ietwat bewerig, maar sy stem klink sterk: "As die sterre helder skyn en die wind se liedjie draai, ons woorde sal bly.
Pieter steps forward, his hands somewhat shaky, but his voice sounds strong: "As the stars shine bright and the wind's song turns, our words will remain."
" Die gehoor is nou doodstil.
The audience is now dead silent.
Pieter se spontane gedig vul die lug met magie.
Pieter's spontaneous poem fills the air with magic.
Toe hulle klaar is, is die gehoor stil vir 'n oomblik, vol bewondering, en bars dan uit in 'n staande ovasie.
When they are finished, the audience is silent for a moment, full of admiration, and then bursts into a standing ovation.
Die musiekonderwyser stap nader na Annelie.
The music teacher steps closer to Annelie.
"Julle was fantasties.
"You were fantastic.
Ek wil graag 'n mentor vir jou wees, Annelie.
I would like to be a mentor for you, Annelie."
"Annelie straal van trots.
Annelie beams with pride.
Johan glimlag breed en Pieter staan regop, sy spel en stem bevry.
Johan smiles broadly, and Pieter stands tall, his play and voice freed.
Hulle het dit saam gedoen.
They did it together.
Annelie besef die krag van spanwerk en die vrede wat kom wanneer mens óp ander vertrou.
Annelie realizes the power of teamwork and the peace that comes when people rely on one another.
In die someraand vol Kersfeesliggies, het hulle al drie gegroei.
In the summer night full of Christmas lights, all three of them have grown.