A Taste of Barcelona: The Allure of Vermouth at Noon
FluentFiction - Catalan
A Taste of Barcelona: The Allure of Vermouth at Noon
Els colors i els sons de Barcelona bullien sota un sol de mitja tarda, vorejant el migdia.
The colors and sounds of Barcelona were buzzing under a mid-afternoon sun, flirting with noon.
La plaça estava viva amb venedors ambulant, músics tocant melodies vibrants i cafeteries esquitxades per l'ombra de les palmeres on la gent estava asseguda gaudint del seu vermut.
The square was alive with street vendors, musicians playing vibrant melodies, and cafés splashed with the shade of palm trees where people were seated enjoying their vermouth.
Per aquesta hora, si es parava una mica i s'observava a la gent, es podia veure un fenomen que és una part integral de la cultura de Barcelona.
By this time, if one stopped a little and observed the people, they could see a phenomenon that is an integral part of Barcelona's culture.
La Marta, una noia nativa de Barcelona amb els ulls encès com l'oceà atlàntic, parlava animadament amb dos dels seus bons amics, Jordi i Laia.
Marta, a native girl from Barcelona with eyes lit up like the Atlantic ocean, was talking animatedly with two of her good friends, Jordi and Laia.
Seu una taula a fora d'una cafeteria a la plaça, un lloc vibrant on transmetre'n la cultura local al seu amic que visitava.
They sat at a table outside a café in the square, a vibrant place to share the local culture with their visiting friend.
A la taula, se'ls unia un nou amic, David.
Joining them at the table was a new friend, David.
David era un foraster, nou a la ciutat i al costat del mar Mediterrani.
David was a newcomer to the city and the Mediterranean Sea.
Fascinat per la cultura local, tendia a absorbir tot el que li explicant els tres amics.
Fascinated by the local culture, he tended to absorb everything the three friends explained to him.
"Hem parat perquè és l'hora de fer el vermut", va explicar Marta amb un somriure enigma, decidida a introduir en David a aquesta tradició local.
"We stopped because it's time for vermouth," Marta explained with a mysterious smile, determined to introduce David to this local tradition.
David s'arronsà les celles, "El vermut?
David raised his eyebrows, "Vermouth?
És un tipus d'alcohol, oi?
Is it a type of alcohol, isn't it?"
" Va intentar esbrinar-ho.
He tried to figure it out.
Jordi rià i Laia explicà: "És més que simplement una beguda.
Jordi laughed and Laia explained, "It's more than just a drink.
Fer el vermut és, bàsicament, la nostra manera de dir que és el moment per agafar una beguda i un aperitiu abans de dinar".
Having vermouth is basically our way of saying it's time to have a drink and an appetizer before lunch."
Això es feia, usualment, amb un got de vermut, un vi fortificat amb herbes, acompanyat de tapes.
This was typically done with a glass of vermouth, a fortified wine with herbs, accompanied by tapas.
"És un moment per relaxar-se i gaudir de la companyia dels altres," va afegir Marta amb un somriure suau.
"It's a moment to relax and enjoy the company of others," Marta added with a gentle smile.
David es va relaxar amb un somriure, "M'agrada aquesta tradició.
David relaxed with a smile, "I like this tradition.
és veritablement una genial manera d'apreciar el dia.
It's truly a great way to appreciate the day."
El sol segueix brillant a Barcelona i aquest quartet continuà la seva conversació, rient, gaudint de la companyia i, per descomptat, fent el vermut.
The sun continued to shine in Barcelona as this quartet carried on their conversation, laughing, enjoying each other's company, and, of course, having vermouth.
Les vides de la Marta, el Jordi, la Laia i el David es tocaren tot transmetent una part essencial de la seva cultura, sent aquella tarda brillant un record especial per al David.
The lives of Marta, Jordi, Laia, and David touched each other while sharing an essential part of their culture, making that bright afternoon a special memory for David.
Fantàstic, o no?
Fantastic, isn't it?
Aquest, amics míos, és el poder d'una tradició, d'una beguda, d'un moment compartit: el poder de fer el vermut a Barcelona.
This, my friends, is the power of a tradition, a drink, a shared moment: the power of having vermouth in Barcelona.