From Shy Admirer to Street Mime: A Day on La Rambla
FluentFiction - Catalan
From Shy Admirer to Street Mime: A Day on La Rambla
La Rambla brillava amb colors.
La Rambla was shining with colors.
Gent passejava amunt i avall.
People strolled up and down.
Jordi volia impressionar a Montserrat.
Jordi wanted to impress Montserrat.
Li agradava molt.
He liked her a lot.
Tenia una idea.
He had an idea.
Es faria passar per un artista de carrer.
He would pretend to be a street artist.
Jordi es va acostar a Montserrat.
Jordi approached Montserrat.
"Mira, Montse, avui seré un artista!
"Look, Montse, today I will be an artist!"
" va dir somrient.
he said with a smile.
Montserrat va riure.
Montserrat laughed.
"Endavant, Jordi!
"Go ahead, Jordi!"
"Al mateix moment, Jordi va notar una agrupació de mims.
At the same time, Jordi noticed a group of mimes.
Tot i no saber mimar, s'hi va unir.
Even though he didn’t know how to mime, he joined them.
Es va pintar la cara de blanc.
He painted his face white.
Va seguir els altres mims.
He followed the other mimes.
Jordi va començar a mimar.
Jordi started miming.
Feia moviments lents, com si estigués atrapat en una caixa invisible.
He made slow movements, as if he were trapped in an invisible box.
Montserrat el mirava amb curiositat.
Montserrat watched him with curiosity.
La gent s’aturava per veure’l.
People stopped to watch him.
Jordi se sentia còmode.
Jordi felt comfortable.
Però, un home gran, líder dels mims, li va xocar la mà.
But then, an old man, the leader of the mimes, bumped his hand.
"Benvingut, noi!
"Welcome, young man!"
" va dir l’home gran somrient.
said the old man, smiling.
Jordi va sentir-se atrapat.
Jordi felt trapped.
No podia marxar.
He couldn’t leave.
Si marxava, Montserrat l’hauria vist.
If he left, Montserrat would have seen him.
Així, va continuar mimant.
So, he continued miming.
Passaven les hores.
Hours passed.
Jordi estava cansat.
Jordi was tired.
Pensava en com sortir d’allà sense que Montserrat s’enfadés.
He thought about how to get out of there without Montserrat getting upset.
Després de molta estona, l'home gran va fer un senyal.
After a long time, the old man made a signal.
Tots els mims van fer un reverència final.
All the mimes made a final bow.
Era el moment perfecte.
It was the perfect moment.
Jordi va fer una gran reverència i va sortir.
Jordi made a big bow and left.
Montserrat va aplaudir fort.
Montserrat clapped loudly.
"Bravo, Jordi!
"Bravo, Jordi!
No sabia que eres un mim tan bo!
I didn't know you were such a good mime!"
" Jordi va riure.
Jordi laughed.
Estava abatut, però content que Montserrat estava feliç.
He was exhausted, but happy that Montserrat was pleased.
"Gràcies, Montse.
"Thanks, Montse.
Però no sé si seré mim altra vegada.
But I don't know if I'll be a mime again."
"Van caminar per La Rambla.
They walked along La Rambla.
La nit ja havia caigut.
Night had already fallen.
Jordi es va sentir orgullós.
Jordi felt proud.
Va impressionar Montserrat, encara que no ho hagués planejat així.
He had impressed Montserrat, even though he hadn’t planned it that way.
La Rambla seguia viva amb artistes i somriures.
La Rambla was still alive with artists and smiles.