An Unforeseen Friendship: Laia's Rescue at Park Güell
FluentFiction - Catalan
An Unforeseen Friendship: Laia's Rescue at Park Güell
Laia es desperta i decideix anar al Parc Güell.
Laia wakes up and decides to go to Park Güell.
És un dia assolellat i perfecte.
It’s a sunny and perfect day.
Amb la seva motxilla i una ampolla d'aigua, comença a caminar pel parc.
With her backpack and a bottle of water, she begins to walk through the park.
El sol brilla sobre el mosaic colorit.
The sun shines on the colorful mosaic.
Laia se sent feliç i lliure.
Laia feels happy and free.
De sobte, Laia sent un dolor agut al turmell.
Suddenly, Laia feels a sharp pain in her ankle.
Ha relliscat sobre una pedra.
She has slipped on a stone.
Cau a terra i es torça el turmell.
She falls to the ground and twists her ankle.
Laia intenta aixecar-se, però el dolor és massa intens.
Laia tries to get up, but the pain is too intense.
Se sent espantada i sola.
She feels scared and alone.
Mira al voltant i veu a un noi que corre pel camí.
She looks around and sees a guy running down the path.
", crida Laia.
shouts Laia.
El noi escolta el crit i corre cap a ella.
The guy hears the shout and runs towards her.
És en Marc, un estudiant de medicina que està de visita al parc.
It’s Marc, a medical student visiting the park.
"Estàs bé?
"Are you okay?"
" pregunta en Marc.
asks Marc.
Laia sacseja el cap.
Laia shakes her head.
"No, em fa molt de mal el turmell.
"No, my ankle hurts a lot."
" En Marc examina el turmell i li diu: "No sembla trencat, però és millor anar a un hospital.
Marc examines her ankle and says, "It doesn’t seem broken, but it’s better to go to a hospital."
"Marc ajuda Laia a aixecar-se.
Marc helps Laia get up.
Ell li posa el braç al voltant de l'espatlla per donar-li suport.
He puts his arm around her shoulder to support her.
Caminen lentament fins a la sortida del parc.
They walk slowly to the park exit.
Cada pas és dolorós per a Laia, però es sent segura amb la ajuda d'en Marc.
Every step is painful for Laia, but she feels safe with Marc’s help.
Arriben a la parada de taxis i Marc agafa un taxi per portar-los a l'hospital.
They reach the taxi stand and Marc gets a taxi to take them to the hospital.
A l'hospital, un doctor confirma que Laia té un esquinç, no una fractura.
At the hospital, a doctor confirms that Laia has a sprain, not a fracture.
Li venen el turmell i li donen unes crosses.
They bandage her ankle and give her crutches.
"Moltes gràcies, Marc," diu Laia somrient.
"Thank you so much, Marc," says Laia, smiling.
"No sé què hauria fet sense la teva ajuda.
"I don’t know what I would have done without your help."
" Marc somriu.
Marc smiles.
"Encara tens molts llocs del parc per veure.
"You still have many places in the park to see.
Quan estiguis millor, t'hi acompanyaré.
When you’re better, I’ll accompany you."
"Laia se sent alleujada i agraïda.
Laia feels relieved and grateful.
Sap que ha conegut un bon amic.
She knows she has made a good friend.
"Ho faré, estic desitjant-ho," respon Laia.
"I will, I’m looking forward to it," responds Laia.
Tot i el dolor i la por, el dia acaba amb una nova amistat i l'esperança de tornar al Parc Güell.
Despite the pain and fear, the day ends with a new friendship and the hope of returning to Park Güell.
The End.