Family Celebrates Grandpa's Birthday at Magical Parc Güell
FluentFiction - Catalan
Family Celebrates Grandpa's Birthday at Magical Parc Güell
El sol brillava amb força al Parc Güell.
The sun shone brightly at Parc Güell.
Les figures de Gaudí semblaven cobrar vida sota la llum del matí.
Gaudí's figures seemed to come to life under the morning light.
Jordi i Marina van arribar primer.
Jordi and Marina arrived first.
Eren germans.
They were siblings.
Estaven emocionats.
They were excited.
Avui era l'aniversari del seu avi.
Today was their grandfather's birthday.
La família es trobava per celebrar-ho.
The family had gathered to celebrate.
La mare de Jordi i Marina preparava un pícnic.
Jordi and Marina’s mother was preparing a picnic.
Hi havia entrepans, fruita i un pastís de xocolata.
There were sandwiches, fruit, and a chocolate cake.
Al costat, l'avi somreia.
Nearby, their grandfather smiled.
Ell portava un barret de palla i una camisa de quadres.
He wore a straw hat and a checkered shirt.
"Feliç aniversari, avi!
"Happy birthday, Grandpa!"
" va dir Jordi.
said Jordi.
"Hem portat un regal per a tu.
"We brought a gift for you."
"Marina va donar-li una bossa de tela.
Marina handed him a cloth bag.
L'avi la va obrir amb curiositat.
The grandfather opened it with curiosity.
Dins hi havia una bufanda teixida a mà.
Inside was a hand-knitted scarf.
"És preciosa," va dir l'avi.
"It's beautiful," said the grandfather.
"Moltes gràcies, nens.
"Thank you so much, kids."
"Familiars arribaven de tots costats.
Relatives were arriving from all directions.
Els oncles, ties i cosins s'asseien al voltant del pícnic.
Uncles, aunts, and cousins sat around the picnic.
Tots xerraven i reien.
Everyone was chatting and laughing.
El Parc Güell estava ple de vida.
Parc Güell was full of life.
Un dels cosins, Pau, havia portat una guitarra.
One of the cousins, Pau, had brought a guitar.
Va començar a tocar cançons.
He started playing songs.
Tothom cantava.
Everyone sang along.
La música ressonava entre les majestuoses columnes del parc.
The music resonated among the park’s majestic columns.
Després d'un bon àpat, van posar espelmes al pastís.
After a good meal, they put candles on the cake.
L'avi va bufar mentre tots aplaudien.
The grandfather blew them out while everyone applauded.
"Després de tants anys, no he de desitjar molt," va dir l'avi mentre somreia.
"After so many years, I don't need to wish for much," said the grandfather with a smile.
"El meu millor regal és tenir-vos a tots aquí.
"My best gift is having all of you here."
"De repent, el cel va canviar.
Suddenly, the sky changed.
Els núvols apareixien lentament.
Clouds slowly appeared.
Però això no va aturar la festa.
But that didn’t stop the party.
La família es va posar sota una pèrgola.
The family moved under a pergola.
De sobte, va començar a ploure.
It began to rain.
Però, a sota de la pèrgola, es van mantenir secs.
But under the pergola, they stayed dry.
Les gotes de pluja ballaven al voltant, creant una música natural.
The raindrops danced around, creating a natural music.
"És una pluja de benedicció," va dir l'avi.
"It's a blessing rain," said the grandfather.
"Cada gota és un record.
"Each drop is a memory."
"Després de la pluja, va sortir l'arc de Sant Martí.
After the rain, a rainbow appeared.
Tots van veure'l des de la pèrgola.
They all saw it from the pergola.
Era un arc de colors que creuava el cel.
It was an arc of colors crossing the sky.
"Perfecte final per un dia perfecte," va dir Marina agafant la mà de Jordi.
"Perfect ending to a perfect day," said Marina, holding Jordi’s hand.
Quan el sol es va començar a pondre, la família va recollir les coses.
As the sun began to set, the family gathered their things.
Amb un últim adéu, tots van deixar el Parc Güell.
With one last goodbye, they all left Parc Güell.
Jordi i Marina miraven el parc una última vegada.
Jordi and Marina looked at the park one last time.
Sabien que aquest dia seria inoblidable.
They knew this day would be unforgettable.
L'avi també va mirar enrere, amb un somriure ple de gratitud.
The grandfather also looked back, with a smile full of gratitude.
"I fins l'any que ve," va murmurar, amb el cor ple.
"And until next year," he murmured, his heart full.