School Trip Inspires Future Architect at Parc Güell
FluentFiction - Catalan
School Trip Inspires Future Architect at Parc Güell
El sol lluïa brillant sobre Barcelona.
The sun shone brightly over Barcelona.
Júlia i els seus companys de classe caminaven pel Parc Güell.
Júlia and her classmates walked through Parc Güell.
Era una excursió escolar.
It was a school trip.
Tots estaven emocionats.
Everyone was excited.
Anaven a descobrir l'obra de l'arquitecte Antoni Gaudí.
They were going to discover the work of architect Antoni Gaudí.
"Mireu aquesta escultura," va dir la mestra.
"Look at this sculpture," said the teacher.
"És una salamandra feta de mosaic.
"It's a salamander made of mosaic.
Gaudí era famós per utilitzar trossos de ceràmica per crear art.
Gaudí was famous for using pieces of ceramics to create art."
"Júlia observava amb atenció.
Júlia observed attentively.
Els colors eren vius: blau, verd i groc.
The colors were vivid: blue, green, and yellow.
Els seus companys també estaven impressionats.
Her classmates were also impressed.
Els ulls de tots feien pampallugues d'admiració.
Everyone's eyes were gleaming with admiration.
Després, van caminar cap a l'escalinata del drac.
Then, they walked towards the dragon staircase.
Hi havia molta gent fent fotos.
There were many people taking photos.
La mestra els va explicar que aquell lloc era molt famós.
The teacher explained that this place was very famous.
Júlia va treure la seva càmera i va fer una foto.
Júlia took out her camera and snapped a picture.
"Fantàstic," va pensar.
"Fantastic," she thought.
"Podré ensenyar aquesta foto als meus pares.
"I can show this photo to my parents."
"La classe va continuar cap al banc ondulant.
The class continued towards the undulating bench.
Era llarg i serpentejava com una serp.
It was long and meandered like a snake.
Estava recobert de trossos de ceràmica de tots colors.
It was covered with pieces of ceramics of all colors.
Júlia s'hi va asseure.
Júlia sat on it.
Se sentia com si estigués dins d'un conte de fades.
She felt as if she were inside a fairy tale.
"Gaudí volia que la gent se sentís còmoda aquí," va dir la mestra.
"Gaudí wanted people to feel comfortable here," said the teacher.
"Ell volia que cada racó fos especial.
"He wanted every corner to be special."
"A prop del banc, van veure columnes que semblaven arbres.
Near the bench, they saw columns that looked like trees.
Júlia s'enamorava més i més del Parc Güell.
Júlia was falling more and more in love with Parc Güell.
Tot era màgic.
Everything was magical.
Finalment, es van aturar davant la casa del guarda.
Finally, they stopped in front of the guard's house.
Tenia una forma curiosa, amb una teulada que semblava de caramel.
It had an unusual shape, with a roof that looked like candy.
La mestra els va explicar que Gaudí tenia una imaginació desbordant.
The teacher explained that Gaudí had an overflowing imagination.
Júlia va somriure.
Júlia smiled.
Gaudí l'inspirava a somniar.
Gaudí inspired her to dream.
Va decidir que algun dia volia ser arquitecta i crear llocs bonics com el Parc Güell.
She decided that one day she wanted to be an architect and create beautiful places like Parc Güell.
Quan va arribar el moment de marxar, estava trist d'anar-se'n, però també emocionada pel futur.
When it was time to leave, she was sad to go but also excited about the future.
Sabia que aquest dia al Parc Güell l'havia canviat per sempre.
She knew that this day at Parc Güell had changed her forever.
Amb un últim cop d'ull a les meravelles de Gaudí, Júlia i els seus companys van pujar a l'autobús, amb els cors plens d'inspiració.
With one last glance at Gaudí's wonders, Júlia and her classmates boarded the bus, their hearts full of inspiration.