Unforgettable Moments in Park Güell on Saint George's Day
FluentFiction - Catalan
Unforgettable Moments in Park Güell on Saint George's Day
Montjuïc, un matí assolellat d'abril.
Montjuïc, a sunny April morning.
Montserrat, Pere i Núria caminen pel Parc Güell.
Montserrat, Pere, and Núria are walking through Park Güell.
Avui és Sant Jordi.
Today is Saint George's Day.
Les roses i els llibres són per tot arreu.
Roses and books are everywhere.
La gent somriu i celebra.
People smile and celebrate.
Montserrat diu: "Mireu, quantes roses vermelles!
Montserrat says, "Look at all these red roses!"
" Té els ulls brillants i una gran rosa a la mà.
Her eyes are bright, and she has a large rose in her hand.
Pere assenteix.
Pere nods.
Té un llibre sota el braç.
He has a book under his arm.
Núria busca un bon lloc per seure.
Núria is looking for a good place to sit.
"Anem allà, sota aquell arbre?
"Shall we go over there, under that tree?"
" pregunta Núria.
Núria asks.
L'arbre té una ombra fresca i prop de la font.
The tree casts a cool shadow and is near the fountain.
Pere somriu.
Pere smiles.
"Sí, és perfecte per llegir.
"Yes, it's perfect for reading."
"Seuen a la gespa.
They sit on the grass.
Montserrat comença a llegir.
Montserrat begins to read.
És una llegenda de Sant Jordi.
It is a legend of Saint George.
Núria escolta atenta.
Núria listens attentively.
Pere observa els nens jugant a prop.
Pere watches the children playing nearby.
"Recordo quan era petit," diu Pere.
"I remember when I was little," says Pere.
De sobte, veu algú conegut.
Suddenly, he sees someone familiar.
"Mireu, és la Marta!
"Look, it's Marta!"
" Tots giren el cap.
They all turn their heads.
Marta, una vella amiga, s'apropa.
Marta, an old friend, approaches.
"Bon dia!
"Good morning!
Quina sorpresa trobar-vos aquí!
What a surprise to find you here!"
"Montserrat riu.
Montserrat laughs.
"Ens has trobat en el millor dia!
"You've found us on the best day!"
" Marta s'uneix a ells.
Marta joins them.
S'asseu a prop de Pere.
She sits next to Pere.
"He comprat un llibre excepcional," diu Marta, mostrant el llibre.
"I bought an exceptional book," Marta says, showing the book.
Parlen i riuen durant hores.
They talk and laugh for hours.
La llum del sol canvia, però l'alegria continua.
The sunlight changes, but the joy continues.
Montserrat comparteix la seva rosa amb Marta.
Montserrat shares her rose with Marta.
"Gràcies," diu Marta emocionada.
"Thank you," Marta says, touched.
Quan el sol baixa, decideixen anar a casa.
As the sun sets, they decide to go home.
Montserrat, Pere i Núria somrien i diuen adéu a Marta.
Montserrat, Pere, and Núria smile and say goodbye to Marta.
"Anem a celebrar més sovint," suggereix Núria.
"Let's celebrate more often," suggests Núria.
Tots assenteixen.
They all nod.
Caminen junts cap a la sortida del parc.
They walk together towards the park exit.
El dia ha estat perfecte.
The day has been perfect.
La celebració de Sant Jordi els ha unit més.
Saint George's Day has brought them closer.
I han fet un nou record inoblidable al Parc Güell.
And they’ve made a new unforgettable memory at Park Güell.