Festival of Truths: Heartfelt Confessions at Montjuïc Castle
FluentFiction - Catalan
Festival of Truths: Heartfelt Confessions at Montjuïc Castle
L'aire a Montjuïc estava ple d'energia.
The air in Montjuïc was filled with energy.
La brisa càlida d'estiu portava l'olor de castanyes rostides i el so de les rialles dels nens.
The warm summer breeze carried the smell of roasted chestnuts and the sound of children's laughter.
El castell estava decorat amb llums de colors i banderes per la Festa de Sant Joan.
The castle was decorated with colorful lights and flags for the Festa de Sant Joan.
Núria, Pau i Ferran, tres voluntaris dedicats, es preparaven per un dia ocupat.
Núria, Pau, and Ferran, three dedicated volunteers, were preparing for a busy day.
Núria, amb els ulls brillants i plens d'emoció, estava decidida.
Núria, her eyes bright and full of excitement, was determined.
Volia fer una bona impressió als organitzadors del festival.
She wanted to make a good impression on the festival organizers.
Era una oportunitat per obtenir una recomanació per una feina en el sector del patrimoni cultural, el seu somni des de petita.
It was an opportunity to get a recommendation for a job in the cultural heritage sector, her childhood dream.
Pau, en canvi, estava tranquil però nerviós per una altra raó.
Pau, on the other hand, was calm but nervous for another reason.
Tenia sentiments per Núria des de feia temps.
He had had feelings for Núria for a long time.
Avui volia confessar-se.
Today he wanted to confess them.
Però cada vegada que intentava parlar amb ella, el seu cor batejava molt fort i s'aturava.
But every time he tried to talk to her, his heart pounded and stopped.
Com podria trobar el moment adequat enmig del bullici del festival?
How could he find the right moment amidst the bustle of the festival?
Ferran, l'amic extrovertit del grup, estava allà per deure, però els seus pensaments estaven lluny d'allà.
Ferran, the extroverted friend of the group, was there out of duty, but his thoughts were far away.
Planejava anar-se'n a l'estranger, però no sabia com dir-ho als seus amics.
He was planning to go abroad but didn't know how to tell his friends.
La seva leialtat cap a ells el mantenia en silenci.
His loyalty to them kept him silent.
Avui, però, sabia que havia de dir alguna cosa.
Today, however, he knew he had to say something.
Els visitants començaven a arribar al castell.
Visitors began arriving at the castle.
Núria donava el seu primer recorregut amb entusiasme, explicant la història del castell amb passió.
Núria gave her first tour enthusiastically, passionately explaining the history of the castle.
Els nens escoltaven atents, els pares prenien fotos.
The children listened attentively, and the parents took photos.
Però de sobte, una part important de l'exposició es desploma.
But suddenly, an important part of the exhibition collapsed.
Els nens criden i els pares es mostren preocupats.
The children screamed, and the parents looked worried.
Núria sentia el pànic en el seu pit, però sabia que no podia deixar-se vèncer pels nervis.
Núria felt panic in her chest, but she knew she couldn't let herself succumb to nerves.
"Pau, Ferran, necessito ajuda!", va cridar.
"Pau, Ferran, I need help!" she shouted.
Pau i Ferran van córrer cap a ella.
Pau and Ferran ran to her.
Pau es va quedar a prop, oferint el seu suport.
Pau stayed close, offering his support.
Ferran va començar a reparar l'exposició amb habilitat.
Ferran started repairing the exhibition skillfully.
Treballant junts, van aconseguir solucionar el problema ràpidament.
Working together, they quickly fixed the problem.
Núria va agrair als seus amics i va continuar el recorregut amb un somriure renovat.
Núria thanked her friends and continued the tour with a renewed smile.
Els visitants semblaven contents.
The visitors seemed pleased.
En aquest moment, Pau va sentir que havia de dir-li els seus sentiments.
At that moment, Pau felt he had to tell her his feelings.
"Núria, necessito parlar amb tu", va dir, mirant cap a la seva direcció.
"Núria, I need to talk to you," he said, looking in her direction.
Ella va fer una pausa, els ulls fixos als d'ell.
She paused, her eyes fixed on his.
Pau va agafar aire i va confessar: "M'agrades des de fa temps.
Pau took a deep breath and confessed, "I've liked you for a long time.
No podia guardar-ho més."
I couldn't keep it inside any longer."
Núria va quedar sorpresa, sentint una mescla d'emocions.
Núria was surprised, feeling a mix of emotions.
"Pau… jo... necessito temps per pensar," va dir amb veu suau.
"Pau… I... need time to think," she said softly.
Però va agrair la sinceritat en el seu cor.
But she was grateful for his honesty in her heart.
Pau va assentir, respectant les seves necessitats.
Pau nodded, respecting her needs.
Al mateix moment, Ferran va decidir que també havia de ser honest.
At the same moment, Ferran decided he also had to be honest.
Amb un gest seriós, va dir: "Tinc alguna cosa a dir-vos a tots dos.
With a serious gesture, he said, "I have something to tell both of you.
Aviat marxaré a l'estranger.
I will soon be leaving for abroad.
És una decisió difícil, però és el que més desitjo."
It's a difficult decision, but it's what I desire most."
Núria i Pau es van quedar en silenci, processant la notícia.
Núria and Pau were silent, processing the news.
Però després de l'impacte inicial, van abraçar Ferran.
But after the initial shock, they hugged Ferran.
"Entenem, Ferran.
"We understand, Ferran.
Sempre seràs un amic important per a nosaltres", van dir.
You will always be an important friend to us," they said.
El festival va continuar amb èxit.
The festival continued successfully.
Núria va rebre elogis dels organitzadors per la seva gestió de la crisi.
Núria received praise from the organizers for her crisis management.
Va sentir que el seu somni estava cada vegada més a prop.
She felt her dream was getting closer.
Pau, tot i que encara esperava la resposta de Núria, se sentia alleujat per haver-se obert.
Pau, although still awaiting Núria's response, felt relieved for opening up.
Ferran, amb el suport dels seus amics, es va sentir preparat per començar la seva nova aventura amb confiança.
Ferran, with the support of his friends, felt ready to start his new adventure with confidence.
Al final del dia, el castell de Montjuïc es va il·luminar amb focs artificials.
At the end of the day, Montjuïc Castle lit up with fireworks.
Els tres amics, junts, van contemplar el cel brillant, sabent que les seves vides estaven canviant, però sempre estarien connectats per els llaços que els havien unit.
The three friends, together, watched the bright sky, knowing that their lives were changing but that they would always be connected by the bonds that had united them.