From Lost Time to Renewed Hope: A Barcelona Reunion
FluentFiction - Catalan
From Lost Time to Renewed Hope: A Barcelona Reunion
L'estiu envoltava Barcelona amb la seva calor asfixiant, i la Plaça de Sant Felip Neri era un oasi fresc enmig del bullici de la ciutat.
Summer enveloped Barcelona with its suffocating heat, and the Plaça de Sant Felip Neri was a cool oasis amidst the city's hustle and bustle.
Martí seia en una taula del petit cafè, mirant les pedres antigues i les marques de la guerra a les parets.
Martí sat at a table in the small café, looking at the ancient stones and the war scars on the walls.
Feia molts anys que no estava en aquest lloc.
It had been many years since he had been to this place.
Esperava amb impaciència, però també amb nervis.
He waited with impatience but also with nerves.
Laia arribava pel carrer empedrat, amb la seva bossa plena de papers i la seva mirada decidida.
Laia arrived on the cobbled street, her bag full of papers and her gaze resolute.
No sabia què esperar de Martí.
She didn't know what to expect from Martí.
Els anys havien passat lentament des de l'última vegada que es van veure.
The years had passed slowly since the last time they saw each other.
Massa coses no dites.
Too many things left unsaid.
Massa coses deixades enrere.
Too many things left behind.
Martí va veure Laia i va somriure.
Martí saw Laia and smiled.
Ella, però, va mantenir una expressió seriosa.
She, however, kept a serious expression.
"Hola, Laia," va dir ell, aixecant-se i fent un gest cap a la cadira davant seu.
"Hello, Laia," he said, standing up and gesturing toward the chair in front of him.
"Hola, Martí," va respondre ella, assegurant-se.
"Hello, Martí," she replied, sitting down.
"Com estàs?"
"How are you?"
Martí sabia que havia d'anar amb compte. No volia espantar-la.
Martí knew he had to be careful. He didn't want to scare her away.
"Estic bé. Vaig decidir tornar a Barcelona. He trobat a faltar casa... i amics."
"I'm fine. I decided to come back to Barcelona. I've missed home... and friends."
Laia assentí, prenent un glop del seu cafè.
Laia nodded, taking a sip of her coffee.
"Per què vas marxar, Martí? Mai ho vaig entendre."
"Why did you leave, Martí? I never understood."
Ell va respirar profundament.
He took a deep breath.
"És complicat. Vaig tenir una oportunitat de treballar a l'estranger. Però, hi ha més coses que hauria d'haver dit."
"It's complicated. I had an opportunity to work abroad. But, there’s more I should have said."
Laia el va mirar directament als ulls.
Laia looked him straight in the eyes.
"Com què?"
"Like what?"
"Com que sempre he tingut sentiments per tu," va dir ell amb veu suau. "I vaig tenir por. Por de no ser suficient per a tu. Por de perdre una amistat important."
"Like that I've always had feelings for you," he said softly. "And I was afraid. Afraid of not being enough for you. Afraid of losing an important friendship."
Laia va apartar la mirada, remenant el seu cafè.
Laia looked away, stirring her coffee.
"Martí, no és tan senzill. No pots esperar que oblidi tot."
"Martí, it's not that simple. You can't expect me to forget everything."
"Ho sé," va assentir ell.
"I know," he nodded.
"Però estic aquí perquè vull solucionar-ho. Vull que entenguis que no va ser fàcil per a mi marxar."
"But I'm here because I want to fix it. I want you to understand that leaving wasn't easy for me."
La plaça estava en silenci. Només els ocells cantaven suaument.
The square was silent. Only the birds sang softly.
Laia va deixar el cafè a la taula.
Laia placed her coffee down on the table.
"I què esperes ara, Martí? Que tornem a ser amics? O més que això?"
"And what do you expect now, Martí? That we become friends again? Or more than that?"
"Espero que puguem començar de nou," va dir ell amb sinceritat.
"I hope we can start anew," he said sincerely.
"No pretenc decidir el futur ara mateix. Només vull una oportunitat."
"I don't intend to decide the future right now. I just want a chance."
Després d'uns moments de silenci, Laia va aixecar la mirada i va somriure lleugerament.
After a few moments of silence, Laia looked up and smiled slightly.
"D'acord, Martí. Tornem a intentar-ho. Podem veure'ns la setmana vinent?"
"Alright, Martí. Let's give it a try. Can we meet next week?"
El cor de Martí es va alleugerir.
Martí's heart felt lighter.
"I'd love that."
Laia va aixecar-se i va mirar l'hora.
Laia stood up and checked the time.
"He de tornar a la feina. Però ha estat... bé parlar amb tu."
"I have to get back to work. But it's been... good talking to you."
"També per a mi," va dir Martí.
"Same here," said Martí.
Amb això, ella va girar-se i va marxar, deixant enrere una nova esperança.
With that, she turned and left, leaving behind new hope.
Els dos amics van decidir donar una segona oportunitat a la seva amistat, obrint una porta al passat per poder construir un futur diferent.
The two friends decided to give their friendship a second chance, opening a door to the past to build a different future.
I així, la Plaça de Sant Felip Neri, amb la seva bellesa serena, va presenciar el renaixement d'una connexió que gairebé s'havia perdut amb el temps.
And so, the Plaça de Sant Felip Neri, with its serene beauty, witnessed the rebirth of a connection that had almost been lost to time.