Healing Waves: Sibling Bonding in Times of Turmoil
FluentFiction - Catalan
Healing Waves: Sibling Bonding in Times of Turmoil
Els raigs del sol jugaven sobre l’aigua cristal·lina de la platja de Llafranc, creant milers de lluentors com diamants.
The sunbeams danced over the crystal-clear water at Llafranc beach, creating thousands of sparkles like diamonds.
Mariona i el seu germà petit, Pere, estaven asseguts a la sorra.
Mariona and her little brother, Pere, sat on the sand.
Mariona mirava l’horitzó mentre Pere llançava pedres al mar amb frustració.
Mariona gazed at the horizon while Pere threw stones into the sea with frustration.
—No vull estar aquí —va dir Pere amb mal humor.
"I don't want to be here," said Pere, sulky.
Mariona va sospirar, mirant el seu germà amb paciència.
Mariona sighed, looking at her brother patiently.
Des de la separació dels seus pares, Pere estava sempre enfadat.
Since their parents' separation, Pere was always angry.
Mariona volia tornar-li el somriure, però no sabia com.
Mariona wanted to bring back his smile but didn't know how.
—Va, Pere, fem un castell de sorra —va proposar amb una veu suau, intentant animar-lo.
"Come on, Pere, let's build a sandcastle," she suggested softly, trying to cheer him up.
Pere es va limitar a sacsejar el cap i va seguir llançant pedres.
Pere just shook his head and continued tossing stones.
El dia era calorós, i el murmuri suau de les onades semblava voler calmar les seves ànimes inquietes.
The day was hot, and the gentle murmur of the waves seemed to want to calm their restless souls.
Mariona va decidir provar una altra cosa.
Mariona decided to try something else.
Va agafar una pilota inflable que havien portat i la va fer rodar cap a Pere.
She picked up an inflatable ball they had brought and rolled it towards Pere.
Però en lloc de seguir jugant, Pere es va aixecar de cop i va arrencar a córrer cap a l’aigua.
But instead of playing, Pere suddenly jumped up and ran towards the water.
—Pere, espera!
"Pere, wait!"
—va cridar Mariona, corrent darrere d’ell.
Mariona shouted, running after him.
Quan el va atrapar, Pere es va girar, amb llàgrimes als ulls.
When she caught up to him, Pere turned around, tears in his eyes.
—Per què no podem tornar a casa?
"Why can't we go home?
Per què no podem ser una família normal?
Why can't we be a normal family?"
—va xisclar, ple de ràbia i dolor.
he yelled, full of rage and pain.
Mariona va sentir una punxada de dolor al cor.
Mariona felt a pang in her heart.
No havia sabut com explicar-li els seus propis sentiments.
She hadn't known how to explain her own feelings to him.
Ella també volia que tot tornés a la normalitat, però sabia que això no era possible.
She also wanted everything to return to normal, but she knew that wasn't possible.
—Pere, jo tampoc no sé què fer —va dir, amb la veu trencada.
"Pere, I don't know what to do either," she said, her voice breaking.
Les llàgrimes li van omplir els ulls—.
Tears filled her eyes.
Em sento perduda, com tu.
"I feel lost, just like you."
Pere la va mirar, sorprès, i va abaixar la veu.
Pere looked at her, surprised, and lowered his voice.
—Però tu sempre sembles forta.
"But you always seem strong."
—Només ho faig per tu.
"I only do it for you."
—Mariona va fer un pas endavant, abraçant-lo—.
Mariona stepped forward and hugged him.
Però tots dos ens hem de recolzar.
"But we need to support each other.
No podem fer-ho sols.
We can't do this alone."
Per un moment, es va fer el silenci entre ells.
For a moment, there was silence between them.
Les ones segueixen trencant suaument a la platja.
The waves continued softly breaking on the shore.
Pere finalment va abraçar la seva germana amb força.
Pere finally hugged his sister tightly.
—Ho sento, Mariona —va murmurar—.
"I'm sorry, Mariona," he murmured.
No volia fer-te mal.
"I didn't mean to hurt you."
—No passa res, Pere.
"It's okay, Pere.
També estic trista i confosa.
I'm sad and confused too.
Però trobarem una manera de sortir-nos-en junts.
But we'll find a way to get through this together."
Van tornar caminant cap a la tovallola, més units que mai.
They walked back to the towel, closer than ever.
Mariona sabia que les coses no serien fàcils, però ara comprenia que no estava sola.
Mariona knew things would not be easy, but now she understood that she wasn't alone.
Començaven un nou camí, junts, amb l’esperança que, pas a pas, podrien trobar una nova normalitat, una en què ambdós podrien ser feliços.
They were starting a new journey together, with the hope that, step by step, they could find a new normal where both could be happy.
Llafranc, amb la seva bellesa i calma, els va regalar aquell moment de pau, i els va recordar que, encara que el camí fos difícil, podien comptar l’un amb l’altre.
Llafranc, with its beauty and calm, gifted them that moment of peace and reminded them that even though the road ahead was difficult, they could count on each other.