The Great Sugar Swap: A Family's Hilarious Healthy Eating Mishap
FluentFiction - Catalan
The Great Sugar Swap: A Family's Hilarious Healthy Eating Mishap
Jordi entrava a la cuina del gran casalot familiar amb una idea brillant.
Jordi entered the kitchen of the large family mansion with a brilliant idea.
Volia ajudar la família a menjar més sa.
He wanted to help his family eat healthier.
L'estiu entrava per les finestres obertes, amb una brisa lleugera que feia ballar les cortines.
Summer came through the open windows, with a light breeze making the curtains dance.
El sol brillava i es reflectia al marbre de la cuina.
The sun shined and reflected off the kitchen marble.
"Montse, tinc una sorpresa per tothom!", Jordi va dir amb entusiasme.
"Montse, I have a surprise for everyone!" Jordi said enthusiastically.
Montse aixecà la vista del llibre que estava llegint a la taula del menjador.
Montse looked up from the book she was reading at the dining room table.
"Ah sí?", va preguntar, somrient.
"Oh really?" she asked, smiling.
Jordi era conegut per les seves idees poc convencionals però sempre benintencionades.
Jordi was known for his unconventional but well-meaning ideas.
Jordi va obrir les bosses de sucre i les va reemplaçar per sal.
Jordi opened the sugar jars and replaced them with salt.
Pensava que així aconseguiria reduir el consum de sucre a casa.
He thought this would reduce sugar consumption at home.
Ho va fer ràpidament, no fos cas que ningú el veiés.
He did it quickly so no one would see him.
Estava segur que ningú notaria la diferència.
He was sure no one would notice the difference.
Al cap d'uns dies, començaren els problemes.
After a few days, problems began to arise.
L'àvia va fer un pastís tradicional, però ningú es va poder menjar ni un bocí sense fer una ganyota de disgust.
Grandma made a traditional cake, but no one could eat even a bite without grimacing in disgust.
"Què és això?", va cridar l'àvia.
"What is this?" Grandma cried.
"Aquest pastís està salat!"
"This cake is salty!"
Tothom va riure, i se’n van anar al jardí a prendre el sol, pensant que havia estat un error.
Everyone laughed and went to the garden to sunbathe, thinking it was a mistake.
Però els "errors" van continuar.
But the “mistakes” continued.
El cafè del matí era amarg, els segadors recollien les patates que havien plantat amb les rialles de les històries que s'explicaven, fent menys feixuga la feina; tota la cuina era un caos constant.
The morning coffee was bitter, the harvesters gathered the potatoes they had planted amidst the laughter of the stories they told, making the work less tedious; the entire kitchen was in constant chaos.
Montse, observadora com sempre, començava a sospitar.
Montse, as observant as always, began to suspect.
Però era una dona tranquil·la i no va dir res.
But she was a calm woman and didn't say anything.
Una tarda, mentre preparava el sopar, Montse va necessitar ajuda.
One afternoon, while preparing dinner, Montse needed help.
"Jordi, em pots ajudar a trobar l’arròs?", va dir.
"Jordi, can you help me find the rice?" she said.
Jordi va sentir una suor freda.
Jordi felt a cold sweat.
No volia que Montse descobrís la sal al pot de sucre.
He didn't want Montse to discover the salt in the sugar jar.
Espera un moment!" va dir ell, una mica nerviós, mentre corria cap a la cuina.
Wait a moment!" he said, a bit nervously, as he ran to the kitchen.
Va intentar canviar la sal pel sucre ràpidament, però la Nuri, la seva filla petita, el va aturar.
He tried to switch the salt for sugar quickly, but Nuri, his little daughter, stopped him.
“Papa, pots ajudar-me amb els deures?” va dir amb uns ulls grossos i brillants.
"Daddy, can you help me with my homework?" she said with big, bright eyes.
“El que sigui, Nuri!” va respondre Jordi, sabent que no podia dir que no a la seva filla.
“Anything for you, Nuri!” Jordi replied, knowing he couldn’t say no to his daughter.
Mentrestant, Montse, convençuda que el pot contenia sucre, va seguir cuinant.
Meanwhile, Montse, convinced the jar contained sugar, continued cooking.
Aquell vespre, tota la família es reuní al menjador per un gran sopar.
That evening, the whole family gathered in the dining room for a big dinner.
L’ambient era festiu, fins que Montse va portar les postres.
The atmosphere was festive until Montse brought out the dessert.
Una gran safata de crema catalana se servia davant de tothom.
A large tray of crema catalana was served to everyone.
Quan van provar la crema, les cares es van torçar de disgust. "Què és això?"
When they tasted the crema, their faces twisted in disgust. "What is this?"
Està salada!
It's salty!
Jordi va veure la seva oportunitat.
Jordi seized the opportunity.
Va aixecar-se i amb la cara enrojolada va explicar tota la història.
He stood up, blushing, and explained the whole story.
"Ho sento, família. Volia que mengéssim més sa, però... he canviat el sucre per sal sense adonar-me’n del desastre que provocaria."
"I'm sorry, family. I wanted us to eat healthier, but... I swapped the sugar for salt without realizing the disaster it would cause."
Al principi, tothom estava enfadat.
At first, everyone was angry.
Però després, una de les cosines va començar a riure.
But then, one of the cousins started laughing.
Un per un, tots començaren a riure fins que la casa ressonava amb les rialles de tots.
One by one, everyone began to laugh until the house echoed with their laughter.
La tensió es va dissipar i la família va anar a la terrassa a gaudir del vespre d’estiu.
The tension dissipated, and the family went to the terrace to enjoy the summer evening.
Després de tot, Jordi va aprendre una lliçó important.
After all, Jordi learned an important lesson.
"Montse," va dir mentre miraven la posta de sol, "a partir d'ara, comprovaré les coses dues vegades abans de fer res."
"Montse," he said as they watched the sunset, "from now on, I'll double-check things before doing anything."
Montse li va donar una palmadeta a l'esquena.
Montse patted him on the back.
"Això és tot el que demanem, Jordi.
That's all we ask, Jordi.
Les bones intencions no són suficients si no ens assegurem que el que fem és correcte."
Good intentions aren't enough if we don't make sure we're doing the right thing."
El somriure de Jordi era sincer mentre es unia a la resta de la família.
Jordi's smile was sincere as he joined the rest of the family.
Havien acabat el dia riure i això era el més important.
They had ended the day with laughter, and that was the most important thing.
La família va entendre que Jordi només volia ajudar, i van decidir que les bones intencions mesclades amb un toc de riure sempre serien benvingudes en aquella casa.
The family understood that Jordi only wanted to help, and they decided that good intentions mixed with a touch of laughter would always be welcome in that house.