Sibling Reunion: Bridging the Gap After Years of Silence
FluentFiction - Catalan
Sibling Reunion: Bridging the Gap After Years of Silence
La llum del sol d'estiu travessa les grans finestres del café trendy.
The summer sunlight streams through the large windows of the trendy café.
Les taules de fusta i les cadires minimalistes fan que l'ambient sigui modern i acollidor.
The wooden tables and minimalist chairs create a modern and welcoming atmosphere.
Oriol està assegut en una taula a prop de la finestra, amb una tassa de cafè davant seu.
Oriol is seated at a table near the window, with a cup of coffee in front of him.
Mira el rellotge una vegada i una altra.
He looks at his watch again and again.
El seu cor batega ràpidament.
His heart beats rapidly.
Fa anys que no veu la seva germana.
He hasn't seen his sister in years.
Oriol és un enginyer de programari a la trentena, però avui no es preocupa pels codis ni pels projectes.
Oriol is a software engineer in his thirties, but today he isn't worried about codes or projects.
Avui, només pensa en com disculpar-se.
Today, he's only thinking about how to apologize.
Sap que la seva germana, Marta, està enfadada amb ell.
He knows his sister, Marta, is angry with him.
Remou el cafè sense ganes, pensant en com començar la conversa.
He stirs his coffee listlessly, thinking about how to start the conversation.
La porta del café s'obre i Marta entra.
The café door opens, and Marta enters.
Porta uns texans i una samarreta senzilla, però la seva mirada és dura i desconfiada.
She's wearing jeans and a simple t-shirt, but her gaze is hard and distrustful.
S'asseu davant d'Oriol sense dir res, només mirant-lo amb ulls plens de ressentiment.
She sits down in front of Oriol without saying anything, just looking at him with eyes full of resentment.
—Hola, Marta —diu Oriol amb un somriure incòmode.
"Hi, Marta," says Oriol with an awkward smile.
—Hola —respon ella fredament.
"Hi," she responds coldly.
Hi ha un silenci llarg i tens.
There is a long, tense silence.
—Marta, sé que he comès errors —comença Oriol, mirant la seva germana amb sinceritat.
"Marta, I know I’ve made mistakes," Oriol begins, looking at his sister sincerely.
Tot el que va passar amb la família... Va ser culpa meva.
"Everything that happened with the family... It was my fault."
Marta respon amb un sospir de frustració.
Marta responds with a sigh of frustration.
—Oriol, no m'has trucat ni una sola vegada en anys.
"Oriol, you haven't called even once in years.
I ara només dius que ho sents?
And now you just say you're sorry?"
—Entenc que estiguis enfadada.
"I understand that you're angry.
Però he volgut fer les coses bé durant molt de temps.
But I've wanted to make things right for a long time.
No sabia com... —Oriol fa una pausa, incapaç de trobar les paraules correctes.
I didn't know how..." Oriol pauses, unable to find the right words.
—He de ser honrat.
"I have to be honest.
Hi va haver coses que vaig amagar.
There were things I hid.
No sabia com afrontar-les.
I didn't know how to face them."
Marta fa una ganyota, però no diu res.
Marta grimaces but says nothing.
Oriol continua.
Oriol continues.
—Vaig tenir por de perdre't del tot.
"I was afraid of losing you completely.
Per això vaig callar.
That's why I kept quiet.
No volia fer més mal.
I didn't want to do more harm."
Marta finalment parla.
Marta finally speaks.
—Oriol, necessito que siguis sincer amb mi.
"Oriol, I need you to be honest with me.
Si no podem ser honestos, no podem començar de nou.
If we can't be truthful, we can't start over.
No vull més mentides.
I don't want any more lies."
Oriol agafa aire profundament.
Oriol takes a deep breath.
—D'acord. Et diré tot.
"Okay. I'll tell you everything.
T'explicaré què va passar i com em sento.
I'll explain what happened and how I feel.
Però, si us plau, dóna'm una oportunitat per demostrar-te que puc canviar.
But please, give me a chance to show you that I can change."
La conversa es torna cada vegada més emotiva.
The conversation becomes increasingly emotional.
Parlen durant hores, amb llàgrimes i ràbia, però també amb moments d'esperança.
They talk for hours, with tears and anger, but also moments of hope.
Finalment, Marta assenteix lentament.
Finally, Marta nods slowly.
—D'acord, Oriol. Comencem de nou, però a poc a poc.
"Okay, Oriol. Let's start again, but slowly.
No puc prometre res, però intentaré donar-te una oportunitat.
I can't promise anything, but I'll try to give you a chance."
Oriol somriu amb alleujament.
Oriol smiles with relief.
—Gràcies, Marta.
"Thank you, Marta.
Et prometo que no et decebré.
I promise I won't disappoint you."
Surten del café amb una nova esperança.
They leave the café with new hope.
Oriol sent que, per primer cop en molt temps, hi ha una possibilitat de restaurar la unitat familiar.
Oriol feels that, for the first time in a long time, there is a chance to restore family unity.
Marta, encara escèptica, també sent una petita espurna d'esperança.
Marta, still skeptical, also feels a small spark of hope.
Han fet el primer pas.
They have taken the first step.
I això, en si mateix, ja és un èxit.
And that, in itself, is already an accomplishment.
Amb el sol d'estiu il·luminant-los, l'Oriol i la Marta comencen a construir un pont entre el passat i el futur.
With the summer sun illuminating them, Oriol and Marta begin to build a bridge between the past and the future.