Catalonian Coffee Dreams: A Journey of Passion and Brew
FluentFiction - Catalan
Catalonian Coffee Dreams: A Journey of Passion and Brew
El sol de tardor brillava sobre Barcelona, i l'aire estava ple de l'aroma càlida del cafè.
The autumn sun shone over Barcelona, and the air was filled with the warm aroma of coffee.
Era La Diada, i la ciutat estava viva de vida i colors.
It was La Diada, and the city was alive with life and colors.
Martí i Blanca caminaven pel carrer, entre les banderes catalanes que es balancejaven al vent.
Martí and Blanca walked down the street, amidst the Catalan flags waving in the wind.
Eren amics des de feia molt de temps, però avui era un dia especial.
They had been friends for a long time, but today was a special day.
Anaven a visitar una torrefactora coneguda per la seva història i renom.
They were going to visit a coffee roastery known for its history and renown.
Martí, amb passió als ulls, somiava amb trobar el cafè perfecte.
Martí, with passion in his eyes, dreamed of finding the perfect coffee.
Volia inspirar-se per al seu negoci de cafè.
He wanted to get inspired for his coffee business.
Blanca, poc convençuda però solidària, esperava que ell trobés una opció més segura que aquest somni atrevit.
Blanca, unconvinced but supportive, hoped he would find a safer option than this daring dream.
En arribar, la torrefactora era plena de gent.
Upon arrival, the roastery was full of people.
Les converses es barrejaven amb el soroll de les màquines de cafè.
Conversations mixed with the noise of the coffee machines.
El lloc tenia un encant rústic, amb la llum del sol entrant per les grans finestres.
The place had a rustic charm, with sunlight streaming in through the large windows.
Martí es va sentir aclaparat, però també emocionat.
Martí felt overwhelmed, but also excited.
"És molt ple," va dir Blanca, mirant al seu voltant.
"It's very crowded," said Blanca, looking around.
Martí va assentir.
Martí nodded.
Sabia que trobar un moment per parlar amb els torradors seria difícil, però estava decidit.
He knew finding a moment to talk with the roasters would be difficult, but he was determined.
"M'agradaria parlar amb algú que conegui els seus secrets de cafè," va dir Martí amb esperança.
"I'd like to speak with someone who knows their coffee secrets," Martí said hopefully.
Blanca el mirà, notant la seva determinació.
Blanca looked at him, noticing his determination.
"Ho pots fer, Martí.
"You can do it, Martí.
Ho sé.
I know."
"Després d'un temps intentant captar l'atenció d'un torrador, Martí va veure un home gran al fons, treballant amb cura els grans de cafè.
After some time trying to catch a roaster’s attention, Martí saw an old man in the back, carefully working with the coffee beans.
Va decidir intentar-ho.
He decided to give it a try.
"Perdó, em podries ajudar amb alguna recomanació?
"Excuse me, could you help me with a recommendation?"
" va preguntar Martí.
Martí asked.
L'home es va girar amb un somriure.
The man turned with a smile.
"Sóc l'Eduard.
"I'm Eduard.
Vols saber sobre el cafè?
Do you want to know about coffee?"
"Van parlar llargament, Martí escoltant amb atenció els consells del torrador expert.
They talked for a long time, Martí listening closely to the expert roaster's advice.
Eduard li va oferir un blend especial.
Eduard offered him a special blend.
Martí i Blanca el van tastar.
Martí and Blanca tasted it.
Era aromàtic i ric, tot just el que Martí buscava.
It was aromatic and rich, just what Martí was looking for.
"És increïble, Martí," va admetre Blanca, canviant d'opinió.
"It's incredible, Martí," Blanca admitted, changing her mind.
Veia ara la passió de Martí des d'una nova perspectiva.
She now saw Martí's passion from a new perspective.
Amb renovada confiança, Martí sabia que havia trobat el seu camí.
With renewed confidence, Martí knew he had found his path.
Mentre sortien de la torrefactora, Blanca li va donar suport.
As they left the roastery, Blanca offered him support.
"Jo t'ajudaré, Martí.
"I'll help you, Martí.
Podem fer-ho així.
We can do it like this."
"El somni del cafè de Martí estava més a prop que mai, gràcies al seu coratge i al canvi d'opinió de Blanca.
Martí's coffee dream was closer than ever, thanks to his courage and Blanca’s change of heart.
junts, van començar a traçar un pla per al seu futur, amb una tassa de cafè al cor.
Together, they began to map out a plan for their future, with a cup of coffee at the heart.