Reconnecting at Montserrat: A Lawyer's Journey Back to Family
FluentFiction - Catalan
Reconnecting at Montserrat: A Lawyer's Journey Back to Family
L’aire fresc de la tardor bufava suaument a Montserrat, on les fulles grogues i taronges creaven una catifa acolorida sota el cel blau.
The fresh autumn air gently blew at Montserrat, where the yellow and orange leaves created a colorful carpet under the blue sky.
Aquest any, la caminada familiar per celebrar la Castanyada era diferent.
This year, the family hike to celebrate la Castanyada was different.
Núria, una advocada dedicada, s’hi havia unit després de molts anys absent.
Núria, a dedicated lawyer, had joined after many years of being absent.
Sentia que alguna cosa important s'havia perdut.
She felt that something important had been lost.
Mirava els cims rocosos amb admiració mentre el seu pare, Jordi, liderava el grup pel camí.
She admired the rocky peaks while her father, Jordi, led the group along the path.
"Vinga, Núria, posa't a la cua", va dir Jordi amb un somriure.
"Come on, Núria, move to the back," said Jordi with a smile.
Era un home fort, ple de vida, i sempre havia sigut qui unia la família.
He was a strong man, full of life, and had always been the one who brought the family together.
Al seu costat, Maria, la germana petita de la Núria, saltava sobre els còdols amb energia juvenil.
Beside him, Maria, Núria's younger sister, hopped over the pebbles with youthful energy.
Maria, amb uns ulls brillants de curiositat, es girava de tant en tant per assegurar-se que Núria seguia el ritme.
Maria, her eyes shining with curiosity, occasionally turned to make sure Núria was keeping up.
Durant les primeres hores, Núria lluitava amb el seu mòbil.
During the first hours, Núria struggled with her phone.
Els constants correus electrònics i missatges la mantenien distreta.
The constant emails and messages kept her distracted.
De tant en tant, Jordi li mirava amb desaprovació lleu.
From time to time, Jordi looked at her with slight disapproval.
Núria sempre havia buscat l’aprovació del seu pare.
Núria had always sought her father's approval.
Malgrat el seu èxit laboral, sentia que alguna cosa encallava.
Despite her professional success, she felt something was stuck.
“Deixa el telèfon, Núria”, va dir Maria, assenyalant una àguila que volava per sobre dels cims.
"Put the phone down, Núria," said Maria, pointing to an eagle soaring over the peaks.
“Mira, tot aquest paisatge és millor que qualsevol notificació.
"Look, this whole landscape is better than any notification."
”Núria va respirar profundament i va decidir desconnectar.
Núria took a deep breath and decided to disconnect.
Va guardar el telèfon a la motxilla i va centrar-se en el so de les fulles cruixents sota els seus peus.
She put the phone in her backpack and focused on the sound of the crunchy leaves under her feet.
A mesura que avançaven, el camí es feia més empinat.
As they moved forward, the path became steeper.
Maria va relliscar en una roca humida, però Núria, atenta, la va agafar ràpidament.
Maria slipped on a wet rock, but Núria, attentive, caught her quickly.
Maria va somriure i va dir: “Gràcies, Núria.
Maria smiled and said, "Thanks, Núria.
Estava tan capficada en el paisatge, que no vaig veure la pedra.
I was so caught up in the scenery, I didn't see the rock."
”Núria es va sentir bé.
Núria felt good.
Va començar a notar la bellesa del voltant: els colors del bosc, l’aire net, el cant dels ocells.
She began to notice the beauty around her: the colors of the forest, the clean air, the birds singing.
I mentre Jordi explicava històries de la seva joventut, Núria va riure més que mai.
And as Jordi told stories of his youth, Núria laughed more than ever.
Se sentia part de la família novament.
She felt part of the family again.
En arribar al cim, van gaudir d’unes vistes espectaculars.
Upon reaching the top, they enjoyed spectacular views.
Montserrat s’estenia davant seu, un recordatori de la grandesa natural.
Montserrat stretched out before them, a reminder of natural grandeur.
En aquell moment, Núria va entendre que la seva dedicació a la feina l’havia allunyat de moments com aquests.
In that moment, Núria understood that her dedication to work had distanced her from moments like these.
"Pare", va dir Núria, inhalant profundament l’aire fresc, "ha estat genial venir avui.
"Father," Núria said, inhaling deeply the fresh air, "it’s been great coming today.
He trobat quelcom que pensava haver perdut.
I've found something I thought I had lost."
”Jordi va somriure, colpejant suaument l’espatlla de Núria.
Jordi smiled, gently patting Núria's shoulder.
"Això és el que compta, filla.
"That's what counts, my daughter."
"En baixar de la muntanya, Núria es va comprometre a visitar la família més sovint.
As they descended the mountain, Núria committed to visiting the family more often.
Va decidir fer temps per la natura, per la connexió familiar i per si mateixa.
She decided to make time for nature, for family connection, and for herself.
Sabia que l’equilibri era la clau per trobar la pau.
She knew that balance was the key to finding peace.
La vida era més que el despatx i els casos a resoldre.
Life was more than the office and the cases to solve.
Amb el cor lleuger, Núria va tancar aquell dia amb un somriure que prometia un nou començament.
With a light heart, Núria closed that day with a smile that promised a new beginning.
Un on ella es retrobava amb allò que realment importava.
One in which she reconnected with what truly mattered.