From Jellyfish to Bravery: A Marine Biologist's Awakening
FluentFiction - Catalan
From Jellyfish to Bravery: A Marine Biologist's Awakening
Enric caminava lentament per l’Aquarium de Barcelona, amb un bloc de notes a la mà.
Enric walked slowly through the Aquarium de Barcelona, with a notebook in his hand.
Era un dia de tardor, i les fulles dels arbres del parc del costat del Port Olímpic començaven a caure.
It was an autumn day, and the leaves on the trees in the park next to the Port Olímpic were beginning to fall.
Enric, marine biòleg, estava cercant inspiració per als seus projectes de recerca.
Enric, a marine biologist, was looking for inspiration for his research projects.
No obstant això, al seu interior, sentia aquella sensació de no estar a l'altura, tant a la feina com a la seva vida personal.
However, inside, he felt that nagging sensation of not being up to par, both at work and in his personal life.
L'aquari era fascinant.
The aquarium was fascinating.
Els túnels de vidre permetien veure grans taurons passar a pocs centímetres del seu cap.
The glass tunnels allowed him to see large sharks pass just inches above his head.
Els peixos es movien amb gràcia entre les esculleres de corall, i les meduses brillaven amb colors de l'arc de sant Martí.
The fish moved gracefully among the coral reefs, and the jellyfish glowed with colors of the rainbow.
Enric s'aturà davant d'un gran tanc ple de meduses.
Enric stopped in front of a large tank full of jellyfish.
Sempre havia trobat aquell ball rítmic i tranquil·litzador.
He had always found their rhythmic and calming dance mesmerizing.
Va començar a prendre notes, la seva ment tractant de captar alguna idea significativa.
He began to take notes, his mind trying to capture some meaningful idea.
Sense avisar, una picor es va escampar per la seva gola.
Without warning, an itch spread through his throat.
Va agafar-se el coll, i de sobte, tot l'aquari començà a donar voltes.
He clutched his neck, and suddenly, the whole aquarium started to spin.
La seva vista es tornà borrosa, i va saber que estava tenint una reacció al·lèrgica.
His vision blurred, and he knew he was having an allergic reaction.
Potser era el pol·len que havia entrat amb algú a l’aquari o potser una defensa desconeguda contra el marisc.
Perhaps it was pollen that someone had brought into the aquarium, or perhaps an unknown reaction to shellfish.
Sentia com el seu cos li fallava.
He felt his body failing him.
Enric tenia dues opcions davant d'aquest imprevist: correr cap al centre mèdic del mateix aquari o intentar continuar treballant, ignorant la situació.
Enric had two options in the face of this unexpected situation: run to the medical center within the aquarium or try to continue working, ignoring the situation.
En el passat, solia empènyer-se a compensar la seva inseguretat, però avui, el seu cos li cridava ajuda.
In the past, he used to push himself to compensate for his insecurity, but today, his body was crying out for help.
De sobte va caure als genolls, incapaç d'aixecar-se.
Suddenly, he fell to his knees, unable to stand.
La situació semblava desesperada, però una veu gentil va emergir d'entre el murmuri constant dels visitants.
The situation seemed desperate, but a gentle voice emerged from among the constant murmuring of visitors.
“Ei, estàs bé?
"Hey, are you okay?"
” preguntà un jove que s’apropava ràpidament.
asked a young man who was approaching quickly.
Enric sentia com la respiració li faltava, però va poder assenyalar cap al centre mèdic.
Enric felt his breath leaving him, but he managed to point toward the medical center.
El jove no va perdre el temps.
The young man didn't waste time.
Amb rapidesa, el va ajudar a posar-se dempeus i el va portar amb celeritat cap al punt d’atenció mèdica.
Quickly, he helped Enric to his feet and swiftly brought him to the medical attention point.
Els metges de guàrdia van reaccionar immediatament.
The on-call doctors reacted immediately.
Una estona després, Enric descansava a una sala del centre mèdic.
A while later, Enric was resting in a room at the medical center.
La seva respiració tornava a ser constant i regular.
His breathing was back to being steady and regular.
El jove que l'havia ajudat seia a prop, vigilant que tot anés bé.
The young man who had helped him sat nearby, ensuring everything was alright.
“Gràcies per la teva ajuda,” va dir Enric, amb un deix d'emoció a la veu.
"Thank you for your help," said Enric, with a hint of emotion in his voice.
Fins aleshores, sempre havia pensat que mostrar feble era un punt feble.
Until then, he had always thought that showing weakness was a flaw.
Avui va aprendre que reconèixer quan necessitava ajuda no només era humà, sinó essencial.
Today he learned that recognizing when he needed help was not only human but essential.
Això li recordava que en la recerca, ja fos científica o emocional, la connexió humana era vital.
This reminded him that in research, whether scientific or emotional, human connection was vital.
Amb una nova perspectiva, Enric sabia que podia enfrontar-se als seus projectes amb més confiança, sabent que no sempre havia d'estar sol.
With a new perspective, Enric knew he could face his projects with more confidence, knowing he didn't always have to be alone.
Va sortir de l'aquari amb el cor més lleuger, preparat per a qualsevol desafiament que pogués venir.
He left the aquarium with a lighter heart, ready for any challenges that might come his way.