Trust, Tension, and Triumph: Barcelona's Startup Adventure
FluentFiction - Catalan
Trust, Tension, and Triumph: Barcelona's Startup Adventure
La llum ataronjada de la tardor il·luminava les finestres del centre d'incubadores de startups a Barcelona.
The orange light of autumn illuminated the windows of the startup incubator center in Barcelona.
L'ambient era vibrant.
The atmosphere was vibrant.
Joves emprenedors es movien frenèticament, preparant-se per al gran esdeveniment de la setmana: la jornada de presentacions davant inversors.
Young entrepreneurs moved frantically, preparing for the big event of the week: the presentation day before investors.
Entre ells hi havia l'Oriol i la Gemma.
Among them were Oriol and Gemma.
L'Oriol era un emprenedor ambiciós amb grans somnis per a la seva startup tecnològica.
Oriol was an ambitious entrepreneur with big dreams for his tech startup.
La Gemma, la seva amiga i sòcia, era escèptica però sempre havia estat al seu costat, oferint-li suport i consells.
Gemma, his friend and partner, was skeptical but had always been by his side, offering support and advice.
A mesura que s'apropava l'hora de la seva presentació, l'Oriol se sentia cada cop més nerviós.
As the time for their presentation approached, Oriol felt increasingly nervous.
Era conscient que aquest esdeveniment era crucial pel futur de la seva empresa.
He was aware that this event was crucial for the future of his company.
La Gemma, observant-lo, li va fer una pallissa a l'espatlla.
Observing him, Gemma gave him a pat on the shoulder.
"Tens això, Oriol," li va dir ella somrient.
"You've got this, Oriol," she said with a smile.
"Hem assajat molt.
"We've practiced a lot.
Confia en tu mateix.
Trust in yourself."
"Tanmateix, les mans de l'Oriol tremolaven.
However, Oriol's hands were trembling.
Estava aterrit davant la idea de fer malbé la seva gran oportunitat.
He was terrified of ruining his big opportunity.
A més, la tensió entre ell i la Gemma pels detalls finals de la presentació no ajudava a calmar-lo.
Furthermore, the tension between him and Gemma over the final details of the presentation did not help calm him.
Finalment, va arribar el moment.
Finally, the moment arrived.
L'Oriol i la Gemma van pujar a l'escenari.
Oriol and Gemma took the stage.
Les llums brillants il·luminaven les seves cares, i l'audiència esperava amb atenció.
The bright lights illuminated their faces, and the audience waited attentively.
L'Oriol va començar amb el discurs preparat, però el seu cap li donava voltes amb dubtes i incerteses.
Oriol began with the prepared speech, but his mind was swirling with doubts and uncertainties.
Tot anava segons el pla fins que un dels inversors va formular una pregunta complicada: "Com sabeu que el vostre producte serà escalable en altres mercats internacionals?
Everything was going according to plan until one of the investors posed a complicated question: "How do you know your product will be scalable in other international markets?"
"L'Oriol es va quedar paralitzat un segon.
Oriol froze for a second.
Sentia que duia dues opcions: seguir el pla preparat o deixar-se portar pel seu instint.
He felt he had two options: stick to the prepared plan or follow his instincts.
Va mirar la Gemma, que li va donar un assentiment subtil.
He looked at Gemma, who gave him a subtle nod.
Amb un sentiment renovat de confiança, va decidir seguir el seu cor.
With a renewed sense of confidence, he decided to follow his heart.
"El nostre producte es basa en tecnologies flexibles i adaptatives," va començar, deixant a un costat les notes.
"Our product is based on flexible and adaptive technologies," he began, setting aside his notes.
"Creiem fermament que les eines que hem creat poden adaptar-se a diversos mercats gràcies a la nostra innovació constant i el talent del nostre equip.
"We firmly believe that the tools we've created can adapt to various markets thanks to our constant innovation and the talent of our team."
"L'audiència es va quedar uns moments en silenci, però després es van sentir algunes capses d’aplaudiments.
The audience remained silent for a few moments, but then some applause was heard.
Algunes cares d'inversors mostraven interès temerós però esperançador.
Some investors' faces showed wary but hopeful interest.
Quan van acabar, l'Oriol i la Gemma van baixar de l'escenari amb una respiració alleujada.
When they finished, Oriol and Gemma stepped down from the stage with relieved breaths.
La presentació havia acabat, però l'interès genuí dels inversors els va donar motius per ser optimistes.
The presentation was over, but the genuine interest from the investors gave them reasons to be optimistic.
De tornada, pel camí cap a casa, l'Oriol va girar-se cap a la Gemma.
On the way back home, Oriol turned to Gemma.
"Gràcies, Gemma.
"Thank you, Gemma.
No podria haver-ho fet sense tu.
I couldn't have done it without you."
""Em sap greu si hem xocat abans", va respondre ella.
"I'm sorry if we clashed earlier," she replied.
"Estem junts en això.
"We're in this together."
"En aquella tarda de tardor, entre la llum daurada dels carrers de Barcelona, l'Oriol va aprendre a confiar més en els seus instints i a reconèixer la força de treballar colze a colze amb la Gemma.
On that autumn afternoon, amidst the golden light of the streets of Barcelona, Oriol learned to trust his instincts more and to recognize the strength of working elbow to elbow with Gemma.
Aquesta unió enfortida els preparava per qualsevol desafiament futur.
This strengthened union prepared them for any future challenges.
L'esperança i la il·lusió eren la veritable inversió de la jornada.
Hope and excitement were the true investments of the day.