Hopeful Holidays: The Missing Angel of Barcelona
FluentFiction - Catalan
Hopeful Holidays: The Missing Angel of Barcelona
El Nadal a Barcelona sol ser ple de llums i somriures, però Núria no se sentia gens festiva mentre es dirigia a la comissaria de policia amb la seva amiga Marta.
Christmas in Barcelona is usually full of lights and smiles, but Núria wasn't feeling festive at all as she headed to the police station with her friend Marta.
Feia fred, i ella, embolicant-se bé amb la bufanda, pensava en la figura del pessebre familiar que havia desaparegut.
It was cold, and as she wrapped her scarf tightly around her, she thought about the figure from the family nativity scene that had disappeared.
Aquesta figura, un àngel de fusta tallada, havia estat a la família des de feia generacions.
This figure, a carved wooden angel, had been in the family for generations.
Sense ell, el seu Nadal no seria el mateix.
Without it, her Christmas wouldn't be the same.
Quan van arribar a la comissaria, van trobar un lloc ple de gent.
When they arrived at the police station, they found a place full of people.
La gent entrava i sortia, i la sala d’espera estava plena de persones amb històries de pèrdues i robatoris.
People were coming and going, and the waiting room was crowded with individuals with stories of loss and thefts.
Les decoracions nadalenques penjaven del sostre, intentant il·luminar l'ambient carregat.
Christmas decorations hung from the ceiling, trying to brighten the heavy atmosphere.
Pere, un agent simpàtic però visiblement cansat, anava de dalt a baix amb informes i telèfons sonant.
Pere, a friendly but visibly tired officer, was bustling around with reports and ringing phones.
Malgrat tot, quan Núria i Marta s'acostaren al taulell, les va rebre amb un somriure.
Despite everything, when Núria and Marta approached the counter, he greeted them with a smile.
—Bon dia, com us puc ajudar? —va preguntar amb veu càlida, intentant amagar el seu esgotament.
"Good morning, how can I help you?" he asked warmly, trying to hide his exhaustion.
Núria li explicà el succés, detallant l’emoció i la importància de la figura del pessebre.
Núria explained the incident, detailing the emotion and importance of the nativity figure.
Marta li donava suport, intercalant comentaris encoratjadors mentre Núria parlava.
Marta supported her, interjecting encouraging comments as Núria spoke.
—Entenc que aquest article tingui un gran valor sentimental per a vostè —va dir Pere, escoltant atentament.
"I understand that this item has great sentimental value for you," Pere said, listening attentively.
Núria sabia que la comissaria estava desbordada, però decidir destacar l'emoció va ser un encert.
Núria knew the police station was overwhelmed, but choosing to emphasize the emotion was a smart move.
Va mirar Pere als ulls i li digué:
She looked Pere in the eyes and said:
—Aquest àngel no només és una peça del pessebre. És un record d'infantesa, un símbol de tradició i amor familiar.
"This angel isn't just a piece of the nativity scene. It is a childhood memory, a symbol of tradition and family love."
Pere, commogut per la sinceritat de Núria, va decidir que faria un esforç extra.
Pere, moved by Núria's sincerity, decided he would make an extra effort.
Va prometre que mouria cel i terra per trobar aquest petit tresor.
He promised that he would move heaven and earth to find this little treasure.
—Et prometo, Núria —va dir, assegut a la seva taula, ja escrivint algunes notes—. Faré tot el que pugui perquè aquest Nadal tingui el vostre àngel al seu lloc al pessebre.
"I promise you, Núria," he said, sitting at his desk already jotting down some notes, "I'll do everything I can so that this Christmas your angel is in its place in the nativity scene."
Amb aquelles paraules, Núria se sentí reconfortada.
With those words, Núria felt comforted.
No estava sola.
She wasn't alone.
Marta li va estrènyer la mà, i amb un respir profund, Núria va començar a sentit una espurna d’esperança.
Marta squeezed her hand, and with a deep breath, Núria began to feel a spark of hope.
Potser aquest Nadal seria diferent, però, envoltada d'amics i gent de bon cor, trobaria la força en la comunitat i en l'esperança.
Maybe this Christmas would be different, but, surrounded by friends and good-hearted people, she would find strength in the community and in hope.
La història acabava amb Núria sortint de la comissaria, no amb la figura recuperada, però sí amb l’ànima una mica més lleugera.
The story ended with Núria leaving the police station, not with the figure recovered, but with her soul a bit lighter.
Gràcies a suport com el de Marta i de Pere, aprenia que a vegades la força està en la vulnerabilitat i en la confiança dels altres.
Thanks to the support of Marta and Pere, she learned that sometimes strength lies in vulnerability and in trusting others.
Nadal, després de tot, era sobre el que donem i rebem dels qui ens envolten.
Christmas, after all, was about what we give and receive from those around us.
I això, no podia ser robat.
And that, could not be stolen.