Facing Fears: A Christmas in the Psychiatric Ward
FluentFiction - Catalan
Facing Fears: A Christmas in the Psychiatric Ward
El vent gelat bufava fort a través de les finestres del pavelló psiquiàtric, però a dins, les decoracions de Nadal intentaven aportar una mica de calidesa a l'ambient.
The icy wind blew strongly through the windows of the psychiatric ward, but inside, the Christmas decorations tried to bring a bit of warmth to the atmosphere.
Les llums brillaven suaument, i una petita garlanda de verd i vermell adornava la sala de teràpia, on un grup de persones seia en cercle esperant l'inici de la sessió.
The lights shone softly, and a small garland of green and red adorned the therapy room, where a group of people sat in a circle waiting for the session to begin.
Adrià, un jove amb els ulls somiadors però sovint marcats per l'ansietat, arraulit a la seva cadira, mirava els altres.
Adrià, a young man with dreamy eyes but often marked by anxiety, curled up in his chair, looking at the others.
Al seu costat, Laia, amb un somriure encoratjador malgrat la tristesa que l'acompanyava aquests mesos d'hivern, l'observava.
Beside him, Laia, with an encouraging smile despite the sadness that had accompanied her these winter months, watched him.
Martí, tranquil i reservat, sovint preferia escoltar, però avui sentia una lleugera tensió a l'aire.
Martí, calm and reserved, often preferred listening, but today he felt a slight tension in the air.
La sessió era per parlar sobre la por.
The session was to talk about fear.
La por que impedeix viure plenament.
The fear that prevents living fully.
Adrià sabia que aquest era el seu moment.
Adrià knew that this was his moment.
Es recolzà endavant, esperant que les paraules sortissin sense tremolar massa.
He leaned forward, hoping the words would come out without trembling too much.
"Sempre he tingut por de fallar," començà, notant com l'atenció de Laia i Martí el reconfortava.
"I've always been afraid of failing," he began, noticing how Laia and Martí's attention comforted him.
"Aquest Nadal.
"This Christmas...
vull gaudir del que tinc sense pensar en el que pot anar malament.
I want to enjoy what I have without thinking about what could go wrong."
"Un silenci ple d'expectativa envoltà la sala.
A silence full of anticipation enveloped the room.
La terapeuta, amb paciència, animà Adrià a continuar.
The therapist, with patience, encouraged Adrià to continue.
Ell respirà profundament i compartí una experiència recent: "L'altre dia, intentava preparar un sopar de Nadal per la meva família.
He took a deep breath and shared a recent experience: "The other day, I was trying to prepare a Christmas dinner for my family.
Estava tan preocupat que acabés malament que no podia ni començar.
I was so worried it would turn out bad that I couldn't even start."
"En aquell moment, Laia, notant que la seva pròpia lluita no era tan diferent, afegí: "També em costa gaudir de les coses boniques quan estic trista.
At that moment, Laia, noticing that her own struggle wasn't so different, added, "I also find it hard to enjoy beautiful things when I'm sad.
Crec que ens podem ajudar.
I think we can help each other."
"Martí, per primera vegada des que havia arribat al grup, es va sentir impulsat a parlar: "La vulnerabilitat pot fer por, però és part de ser humans".
Martí, for the first time since he had joined the group, felt compelled to speak: "Vulnerability can be scary, but it's part of being human."
Les seves paraules ressonaren amb força a l'habitació, convidant a la reflexió.
His words resonated strongly in the room, inviting reflection.
L'obertura d'Adrià va iniciar una pluja de confessions.
Adrià's openness started a flood of confessions.
Cada membre del grup va compartir una part d'ells mateixos, connectant històries i pors en aquell petit espai de seguretat.
Each group member shared a part of themselves, connecting stories and fears in that small safe space.
Al final de la sessió, Adrià sentí que un pes li havia estat alliberat.
At the end of the session, Adrià felt a weight had been lifted from him.
S'adonà que el compartir el feia més fort, no més dèbil.
He realized that sharing made him stronger, not weaker.
Mentre l'Advent avançava, Adrià trobà la valentia per preparar un altre àpat nadalenc, aquesta vegada amb el record dels somriures i paraules dels seus companys de teràpia per guiar-lo.
As Advent progressed, Adrià found the courage to prepare another Christmas meal, this time with the memory of the smiles and words of his therapy companions to guide him.
Les llums nocturnes reflectides en la neu semblaven menys fredes ara, com si una calor interna l'acompanyés.
The night lights reflected in the snow seemed less cold now, as if an internal warmth accompanied him.
Les llavors d'esperança sembrades a la sala de teràpia creixien lentament, prometent una temporada de Nadal plena de nous inicis i amistats sinceres.
The seeds of hope sown in the therapy room were slowly growing, promising a Christmas season full of new beginnings and sincere friendships.