A Christmas Experiment: Teamwork in Montserrat's Secret Lab
FluentFiction - Catalan
A Christmas Experiment: Teamwork in Montserrat's Secret Lab
Al bell mig de les muntanyes de Montserrat, on la neu cobria suaument els arbres i el fred era constant, hi havia un laboratori secret.
In the heart of the Montserrat mountains, where snow gently covered the trees and the cold was constant, there was a secret laboratory.
Aquest laboratori, amagant-se entre els pics escarpats, es mostrava contemporani i ple d'equipaments avançats.
This laboratory, hiding among the steep peaks, appeared contemporary and full of advanced equipment.
Tot i l'ambient hivernal, era un aquest temps de Nadal que il·luminava els cors fora dels murs freds i brillants d'aquells passadissos.
Despite the wintery environment, it was this Christmas time that lit up hearts outside the cold and bright walls of those corridors.
Jordi, un científic apassionat i precís, caminava amunt i avall del laboratori.
Jordi, a passionate and precise scientist, walked back and forth in the laboratory.
Estava determinat a provar una teoria molt important sobre el canvi climàtic.
He was determined to test a very important theory about climate change.
Al seu costat, Laia, la seva assistent, el seguia amb interès però també amb precaució.
Beside him, Laia, his assistant, followed him with interest but also with caution.
Ella valorava la ciència, però encara més la seguretat del medi ambient.
She valued science, but even more so the safety of the environment.
—Jordi, estic preocupada —va dir Laia, observant els instruments que es preparaven per a l'experiment.
"Jordi, I'm worried," said Laia, observing the instruments being prepared for the experiment.
—No et preocupis, Laia.
"Don't worry, Laia.
Tenim poc temps abans del Nadal per obtenir resultats.
We have little time before Christmas to get results.
Ho hem de fer —va respondre Jordi, decidit.
We have to do it," replied Jordi, determined.
El conflicte entre ells era evident.
The conflict between them was evident.
Jordi volia provar que el seu experiment podia aportar solucions al canvi climàtic, però Laia no estava convençuda.
Jordi wanted to prove that his experiment could offer solutions to climate change, but Laia was not convinced.
Tenia por que l'experiment pogués causar un dany irreversible a l'entorn natural del seu estimat país.
She feared that the experiment could cause irreversible damage to the natural environment of her beloved country.
Tot i així, Jordi va decidir continuar.
Nevertheless, Jordi decided to continue.
La tensió omplia l'aire quan activaven els aparells.
The tension filled the air as they activated the devices.
Les màquines començaven a brunzinar i emetre llums.
The machines started buzzing and emitting lights.
L'ambient dins el laboratori es va tornar frenètic.
The atmosphere inside the laboratory turned frenetic.
Els dos treballaven en silenci, cadascú absorbit pel seu compromís.
The two worked in silence, each absorbed in their commitment.
Però llavors, un soroll estrany va interrompre el moment.
But then, a strange noise interrupted the moment.
Una de les màquines va començar a fallar.
One of the machines started to malfunction.
L'energia es va descontrolar i una alarma va sonar, omplint el laboratori d'una llum vermella.
The energy went out of control, and an alarm sounded, filling the lab with a red light.
Hem de fer alguna cosa!
We have to do something!"
—va cridar Laia, tractant de fer-se sentir.
Laia shouted, trying to make herself heard.
El perill era imminent.
The danger was imminent.
L'experiment havia assolit un punt crític.
The experiment had reached a critical point.
Sense dubtar-ho més, Jordi va reconèixer que necessitaven treballar junts per aturar el mal que podia venir.
Without further hesitation, Jordi recognized that they needed to work together to stop the impending harm.
Van cooperar amb rapidesa i coordinació, utilitzant totes les seves habilitats i coneixements.
They cooperated quickly and coordinately, using all their skills and knowledge.
Finalment, després d'uns quants minuts intensos que van semblar eterns, van aconseguir desactivar l'experiment.
Finally, after a few intense minutes that seemed eternal, they managed to deactivate the experiment.
Laura es va deixar caure a la cadira, esbufegant, mentre Jordi s'asseia al seu costat amb el cap cot, però amb un nou respecte a l'ànima.
Laia collapsed into a chair, panting, while Jordi sat beside her with his head bowed, but with a newfound respect in his soul.
—Laia, tens raó —va admetre Jordi—.
"Laia, you're right," admitted Jordi.
He après que els nostres experiments han de ser segurs i ètics.
"I've learned that our experiments must be safe and ethical."
Laia va somriure, tranquil·la.
Laia smiled, reassured.
—Treballant junts, podem fer molta diferència, Jordi.
"Working together, we can make a big difference, Jordi."
Aquell nadal, mentre tota la regió celebrava la màgia de l'hivern, al laboratori de Montserrat, dues persones havien trobat una nova manera de col·laborar.
That Christmas, while the entire region celebrated the magic of winter, in the Montserrat laboratory, two people had found a new way to collaborate.
S'havia encès una llum càlida, brillant més que les llums artificials del laboratori, recordant als científics la importància de treballar units i amb responsabilitat.
A warm light had ignited, shining brighter than the laboratory's artificial lights, reminding the scientists of the importance of working together responsibly.