Finding Resilience in Art: A Holiday Encounter at the Museum
FluentFiction - Catalan
Finding Resilience in Art: A Holiday Encounter at the Museum
Les campanes de Nadal ressonaven al Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.
The Christmas bells resounded at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.
Les parets, adornades amb llums i guirlandes, reflectien centenars d'històries antigues.
The walls, adorned with lights and garlands, reflected hundreds of ancient stories.
Jo, Núria, em passejava pels passadissos, intentant refugiar-me de les meves preocupacions en les obres d'art que tant estimava.
I, Núria, wandered through the corridors, trying to take refuge from my worries in the works of art I so loved.
Pau, el meu amic i company de pis, treballava com a guia al museu.
Pau, my friend and roommate, worked as a guide at the museum.
Ell sempre sabia com animar-me.
He always knew how to cheer me up.
Aquell dia fred d'hivern, mentre passava pel claustre de la primera planta, el vaig veure somrient-me des de la distància.
That cold winter day, as I passed through the cloister on the first floor, I saw him smiling at me from a distance.
—Núria! —em va cridar mentre s'acostava—.
"Núria!" he called out to me as he approached.
Com va l'anàlisi d'art d'avui?
"How's today's art analysis going?"
Em va costar dissimular el meu malestar.
I struggled to hide my unease.
La recent descoberta d'una condició mèdica em tenia nerviosa.
The recent discovery of a medical condition had me nervous.
Estava esperant els resultats d'una sèrie de proves.
I was waiting for the results of a series of tests.
Vaig forçar un somriure.
I forced a smile.
—Intento centrar-me en això, però ja saps... a vegades és difícil.
"I'm trying to focus on this, but you know... sometimes it's difficult."
Ell va assentir amb comprensió.
He nodded in understanding.
—Venim. T'ensenyaré les teves pintures preferides.
"Come. I'll show you your favorite paintings.
Potser una mica d'art pot alliberar-te de les preocupacions, ni que sigui un moment.
Maybe a bit of art can free you from your worries, even if just for a moment."
Em va guiar fins a la sala on penjaven les Pintures de Retaule.
He guided me to the room where the Altarpiece Paintings were hanging.
Sempre m'havia fascinat aquella barreja de colors i detalls.
That blend of colors and details had always fascinated me.
Sabia que Pau ho feia per fer-me sentir millor, així que vaig intentar deixar a un costat el meu neguit.
I knew Pau was doing it to make me feel better, so I tried to set aside my anxiety.
Al capdavall, vaig parar davant del meu quadre preferit, sentint una barreja d'emoció i angoixa.
Finally, I stopped in front of my favorite painting, feeling a mix of emotion and distress.
—Això és el que més m'agrada d'aquest món —va dir Pau, col·locant-se al meu costat—.
"This is what I love most about this world," Pau said, positioning himself next to me.
Fixa't en la imperfecció dels traços.
"Look at the imperfection of the strokes.
És aquí on trobo veritable bellesa.
It's here where I find true beauty.
L'art, com la vida, no és perfecte.
Art, like life, isn't perfect.
Però això no el fa menys valuós.
But that doesn't make it any less valuable."
Les seves paraules em van colpir.
His words struck me.
El paral·lelisme em va calmar.
The parallel comforted me.
Era cert; la bellesa resideix també en les imperfeccions.
It was true; beauty also resides in imperfections.
Em vaig adonar que el meu problema no era insalvable.
I realized that my problem wasn't insurmountable.
Podia enfrontar-lo un dia a la vegada.
I could face it one day at a time.
Jamie seguia parlant del quadre, però jo ja no escoltava.
Pau kept talking about the painting, but I was no longer listening.
Estava immersa en els meus pensaments, trobant una estranya calma.
I was immersed in my thoughts, finding a strange calm.
Vaig decidir que aquell mateix vespre programaria la meva propera visita mèdica.
I decided that that very evening I would schedule my next medical appointment.
Quan vam sortir del museu, un floc de neu va caure suaument sobre el meu nas.
When we left the museum, a snowflake gently fell on my nose.
Vaig somriure, abraçant el silenci de la nit d’hivern.
I smiled, embracing the silence of the winter night.
Em vaig sentir en pau, decidida a viure cada moment plenament amb l'ajuda de Pau.
I felt at peace, determined to live each moment fully with Pau's help.
Amb pas ferm, vaig afrontar l'incertesa amb un nou esperit, disposada a afrontar el que vingués.
With a firm step, I faced the uncertainty with a new spirit, ready to confront whatever came my way.