Oriol's Winter: A Tale of Ambition and Possibility
FluentFiction - Catalan
Oriol's Winter: A Tale of Ambition and Possibility
Al desembre, l'oficina es vestia d'hivern.
In December, the office was dressed in winter.
Les finestres estaven gelades, i les estrelles de paper lluïen entre les files de taules.
The windows were frosted, and the paper stars shone among the rows of desks.
L'aroma dolç de galetes de gingebre i el frescor de les branques de pi omplien l'aire.
The sweet aroma of gingerbread cookies and the freshness of pine branches filled the air.
La música de Nadal sonava suaument des d'alguna ràdio perduda.
Christmas music played softly from some lost radio.
Oriol seia a la seva taula, mirant els documents.
Oriol sat at his desk, looking at documents.
Com a treballador júnior ambicios, desitjava, en secret, més responsabilitat.
As an ambitious junior worker, he secretly wished for more responsibility.
Per això, esperava que la revisió de final d'any fos la seva oportunitat per brillar.
Therefore, he hoped that the year-end review would be his opportunity to shine.
Però la seva confiança s'escapava cada vegada que pensava en això.
But his confidence escaped each time he thought about it.
Al costat, Laia, la seva supervisora, estava aclaparada.
Next to him, Laia, his supervisor, was overwhelmed.
Els projectes s'amuntegaven com els flocs de neu a la finestra.
Projects piled up like snowflakes on the window.
No obstant, sempre havia estat justa en les seves avaluacions.
Nevertheless, she had always been fair in her evaluations.
Oriol sabia que havia de ser pacient, però l'espera el feia sentir ansiós.
Oriol knew he had to be patient, but the wait made him feel anxious.
A la seva esquerra, Núria, una companya experimentada, era coneguda per la seva saviesa.
To his left, Núria, an experienced colleague, was known for her wisdom.
Com a mentora, sempre estava disposada a escoltar i donar consells.
As a mentor, she was always willing to listen and give advice.
Un dia, Oriol va decidir parlar amb ella.
One day, Oriol decided to speak with her.
"Núria", va dir amb veu tímida, "com puc mostrar a Laia el que he aconseguit aquest any?"
"Núria," he said with a timid voice, "how can I show Laia what I've achieved this year?"
Núria va somriure amb comprensió.
Núria smiled with understanding.
"Oriol, has de creure en tu mateix", li va dir.
"Oriol, you have to believe in yourself," she told him.
"Fes que les teves accions parlin per tu. Pots prendre un projecte extra per demostrar-ho".
"Let your actions speak for you. You can take on an extra project to demonstrate it."
Amb el seu consell, Oriol va decidir agafar un projecte addicional.
With her advice, Oriol decided to take on an additional project.
Treballava hores extres, amb dedicació.
He worked overtime, with dedication.
Volia assegurar-se que tot estava perfecte.
He wanted to ensure everything was perfect.
Sabia que Laia estava ocupada, però aquest era el seu moment.
He knew Laia was busy, but this was his moment.
Finalment, el dia de la reunió va arribar.
Finally, the day of the meeting arrived.
Oriol va entrar a la sala de conferències.
Oriol entered the conference room.
Els llums parpellejaven, com si estiguessin animant-lo.
The lights flickered, as if cheering him on.
Va respirar profundament.
He took a deep breath.
"Laia", va començar amb veu segura, "vull compartir amb tu la feina extra que he fet".
"Laia," he began with a confident voice, "I want to share with you the extra work I've done."
Va parlar dels projectes, dels èxits i de les seves ganes de seguir creixent.
He talked about the projects, the achievements, and his eagerness to keep growing.
Va ser concís, però sincer.
He was concise but sincere.
Laia el va escoltar atentament, va fer unes quantes preguntes, i després va somriure.
Laia listened attentively, asked a few questions, and then smiled.
"Bona feina, Oriol", va afirmar.
"Good job, Oriol," she affirmed.
"Veig clarament el teu esforç i compromís. Parlarem de la teva promoció a l'any nou".
"I clearly see your effort and commitment. We'll talk about your promotion in the new year."
Oriol va sortir de la reunió amb el cor lleuger.
Oriol left the meeting with a light heart.
La confiança en ell mateix havia crescut.
His confidence had grown.
Comprenia ara la importància de creure en les seves capacitats i defensar les seves fites.
He now understood the importance of believing in his abilities and standing up for his achievements.
Nadal s'acostava, i ho esperava amb renovades esperances i energies.
Christmas was approaching, and he awaited it with renewed hopes and energies.
La neu ja no semblava tan freda.
The snow no longer seemed so cold.
Tot semblava possible.
Everything seemed possible.
I així, en aquell ambient de Nadal, Oriol va aprendre que el seu camí estava ple de possibilitats, només calia atrevir-se a agafar-les.
And so, in that Christmas atmosphere, Oriol learned that his path was full of possibilities, he just had to dare to seize them.