Christmas Harmony: How a Nativity Contest Healed a Rift
FluentFiction - Catalan
Christmas Harmony: How a Nativity Contest Healed a Rift
El fred de l'hivern es sentia arreu del petit poble català cobert per una fina capa de gebre.
The winter cold was felt throughout the small Catalan village covered by a thin layer of frost.
Les llums de Nadal penjaven entre els fanals, creant una atmosfera càlida tot i l’aire gèlid.
The Christmas lights hung between the street lamps, creating a warm atmosphere despite the icy air.
Avui, el punt de trobada era el local electoral.
Today, the meeting point was the voting hall.
No només per votar, sinó també per gaudir d'una trobada comunitària.
Not only for voting, but also to enjoy a community gathering.
Júlia, amb el somriure habitual, esperava que aquest dia portés harmonia a la seva família.
Júlia, with her usual smile, hoped that this day would bring harmony to her family.
Li agradava aprofitar aquestes ocasions.
She liked to take advantage of these occasions.
Martí i Núria, els seus germans, tenien una relació tensa per culpa d’un desacord de l'any passat.
Martí and Núria, her siblings, had a tense relationship due to a disagreement from last year.
Júlia estava decidida a fer alguna cosa per apropar-los.
Júlia was determined to do something to bring them closer together.
La sala estava plena de veïns.
The hall was full of neighbors.
Hi havia taules amb manualitats, música tradicional sonant en un racó i xocolata desfeta per a tothom.
There were tables with crafts, traditional music playing in a corner, and hot chocolate for everyone.
Júlia va veure Martí parlant amb alguns amics, i Núria mirava els treballs d'art dels nens.
Júlia saw Martí talking with some friends, and Núria looking at the children's art projects.
Va acostar-se als seus germans i amb entusiasme va proposar una activitat de grup.
She approached her siblings and enthusiastically proposed a group activity.
"Hi ha un concurs de construcció de pessebres.
"There's a nativity scene building contest.
Què us sembla si fem un equip?
How about we form a team?"
", els va dir, amb els ulls brillants d’emoció.
she said, her eyes shining with excitement.
Després d'un moment d'escepticisme, Martí i Núria van acceptar.
After a moment of skepticism, Martí and Núria agreed.
Treballar junts va requerir paciència i creativitat.
Working together required patience and creativity.
Júlia, observant els seus germans col·laborar, va sentir que l'ambient entre ells es relaxava.
Júlia, observing her siblings collaborate, felt that the atmosphere between them was relaxing.
Amb esforç compartit, el pessebre va anar prenent forma.
With shared effort, the nativity scene gradually took shape.
Recordaren les històries de quan eren nens, les rialles sonaven a prop de les decisions que prenien junts.
They recalled stories from their childhood, laughter resonating alongside the decisions they made together.
Mentre el concurs arribava al seu final, es va sentir la veu de l'organitzadora anunciant el seu pessebre com un dels guanyadors.
As the contest came to an end, the organizer's voice was heard announcing their nativity scene as one of the winners.
La sorpresa va fer que Martí i Núria es miressin, i en els seus ulls es va encendre una llum de complicitat.
The surprise made Martí and Núria look at each other, and a light of complicity ignited in their eyes.
Després, sense que ningú ho esperés, Martí va girar-se cap a Núria.
Then, unexpectedly, Martí turned to Núria.
"Potser hem estat massa temps distanciats", va dir amb un to sincer.
"Maybe we've spent too much time apart," he said sincerely.
Núria va assentir lentament.
Núria nodded slowly.
"Sí, és hora de deixar enrere tot això", va respondre.
"Yes, it's time to move past all this," she replied.
Júlia va somriure satisfeta.
Júlia smiled with satisfaction.
Havia vist com el que semblava impossible començava a canviar.
She had witnessed how what had seemed impossible began to change.
En aquell petit local electoral convertit en espai de retrobament i alegria, la seva família començava a sanar ferides antigues.
In that small voting hall turned space of reunion and joy, her family began to heal old wounds.
Tal com havia desitjat, el dia no acaba tan sols amb vots comptats, sinó amb llaços familiars reforçats.
Just as she had hoped, the day ended not only with counted votes but with strengthened family ties.
Quan el sol començava a amagar-se i els últims veïns sortien del local, Júlia es va quedar fora, gaudint del silenci i de la satisfacció d'haver reunit la seva família, encenent una nova esperança amb la calidesa que el fred de l'hivern no podia apagar.
As the sun began to set and the last neighbors left the hall, Júlia stayed outside, enjoying the silence and the satisfaction of having brought her family together, kindling a new hope with a warmth that the winter cold could not extinguish.