From Montserrat's Peak: A Journey to New Beginnings
FluentFiction - Catalan
From Montserrat's Peak: A Journey to New Beginnings
Al cim de Montserrat, el fred de l'hivern tallava com un ganivet.
At the top of Montserrat, the winter cold cut like a knife.
Laia i Marc estaven envoltats per les misterioses ombres de les pedres monolítiques.
Laia and Marc were surrounded by the mysterious shadows of the monolithic stones.
Era el dia de Reis, i esperaven el primer albada de l'any nou.
It was Reis Day, and they awaited the first dawn of the new year.
Laia es va ajustar el gorro, intentant ignorar el vent gèlid.
Laia adjusted her hat, trying to ignore the icy wind.
Encara que les condicions eren dures, el seu desig de començar de nou la guiava.
Although the conditions were harsh, her desire to start anew guided her.
Sempre optimista, Laia volia que aquest any fos diferent.
Always optimistic, Laia wanted this year to be different.
Era el seu moment per trobar inspiració i claredat.
It was her moment to find inspiration and clarity.
Marc, amb el seu sentit de l'aventura i humor, estava allà per Laia.
Marc, with his sense of adventure and humor, was there for Laia.
Ell no creia gaire en les resolucions de Cap d'Any, però estava disposat a ser un bon amic i acompanyar-la.
He didn't believe much in New Year's resolutions, but he was willing to be a good friend and accompany her.
A dins, però, buscava una raó per sentir-se més optimista envers el futur.
Inside, though, he sought a reason to feel more optimistic about the future.
La pujada era complicada.
The climb was challenging.
La neu de l'hivern feia el camí relliscós.
The winter snow made the trail slippery.
Laia dubtava si podria aconseguir-ho.
Laia doubted if she could make it.
Marc va notar la seva preocupació, però sabia que qualsevol comentari escèptic podria fer més difícil la situació.
Marc noticed her concern but knew that any skeptical comment might make the situation more difficult.
"Anem, Laia," va dir Marc, amb un somriure.
"Come on, Laia," said Marc, with a smile.
"Mira el costat bo: ens farem experts en escalada d’hivern!
"Look on the bright side: we're becoming experts in winter climbing!"
" Laia va riure, agraint la seva companyia.
Laia laughed, grateful for his company.
Quan van arribar al cim, el cel començava a il·luminar-se.
When they reached the summit, the sky began to brighten.
Els núvols es van separar lleugerament i els primers ràfecs de sol van aparèixer, pintant el paisatge amb or.
The clouds parted slightly, and the first rays of sun appeared, painting the landscape with gold.
Laia va sentir una onada d'esperança.
Laia felt a wave of hope.
El sol naixent li donava força.
The rising sun gave her strength.
Va decidir que seguiria els seus somnis amb un nou fervor.
She decided she would pursue her dreams with new fervor.
Marc, observant la bellesa del moment i l'emoció de Laia, va trobar sorprenentment una pau interior.
Marc, observing the beauty of the moment and Laia's excitement, surprisingly found an inner peace.
Potser ‘aquest any també trobaria maneres de veure el món amb més esperança.
Perhaps this year he would also find ways to see the world with more hope.
Contemplant Montserrat sota aquella llum, Laia es va sentir plena de determinació.
Contemplating Montserrat under that light, Laia felt full of determination.
I Marc, al seu costat, somreia, disposat a obrir el seu cor a noves possibilitats.
And Marc, by her side, smiled, ready to open his heart to new possibilities.
Aquell matí, no només van veure el sol.
That morning, they not only saw the sun.
Van veure un futur ple de llum, cadascun amb la seva pròpia manera de viure’l.
They saw a future full of light, each in their own way of living it.
Laia i Marc van baixar de la muntanya amb nous propòsits, preparats per afrontar l'any que començava.
Laia and Marc descended the mountain with new purposes, prepared to face the year ahead.