Montserrat's Veil: Oriol's Journey to Serenity and Strength
FluentFiction - Catalan
Montserrat's Veil: Oriol's Journey to Serenity and Strength
Els núvols baixaven sobre les muntanyes de Montserrat, com un vel que embolcallava el món espiritual.
The clouds descended over the Montserrat mountains, like a veil that enveloped the spiritual world.
L'aire d'hivern penetrava fredament a través de les robes d'Oriol, mentre caminava cap al monestir.
The winter air penetrated coldly through Oriol's clothes as he walked towards the monastery.
L'entorn era gairebé fantasmal, però Oriol sentia que la pau del monestir seria el bàlsam pel seu esperit inquiet.
The surroundings were almost ghostly, but Oriol felt that the peace of the monastery would be the balm for his restless spirit.
Marta, una monja sempre de somriure càlid, el va rebre a la porta.
Marta, a nun always with a warm smile, greeted him at the door.
"Benvingut, Oriol.
"Welcome, Oriol.
Aquest lloc ofereix serenitat a aquells que la cerquen," li va dir suaument.
This place offers serenity to those who seek it," she said softly.
Oriol va sentir una onada de gratitud.
Oriol felt a wave of gratitude.
Estava convençut que aquesta experiència li portaria la claredat espiritual que tant anhelava.
He was convinced that this experience would bring him the spiritual clarity he so longed for.
El matí següent, Oriol es va dirigir al petit jardí del monestir.
The next morning, Oriol headed to the monastery's small garden.
Tot estava quiet.
Everything was still.
Lluny, el cant monòton dels monjos vibrava amb l'aire tranquil.
In the distance, the monotonous chant of the monks vibrated with the tranquil air.
Tanmateix, mentre meditava, va notar una lleugera mareig.
However, as he meditated, he noticed a slight dizziness.
Va decidir ignorar-ho, pensant que era part del procés d'adaptació.
He decided to ignore it, thinking it was part of the adaptation process.
Amb el pas dels dies, els símptomes d'Oriol es van agreujar.
As the days passed, Oriol's symptoms worsened.
Un matí, durant una sessió de meditació a la petita capella de pedra, va sentir un girament de cap intens.
One morning, during a meditation session in the small stone chapel, he felt an intense dizziness.
L'entorn va començar a fluctuar.
The surroundings began to fluctuate.
Després de moments angoixants, tot es va enfosquir.
After a few distressing moments, everything went dark.
Va despertar a una cel·la senzilla, amb Marta al seu costat.
He woke up in a simple cell, with Marta by his side.
"T'has desmaiat, Oriol," va dir ella amb tendresa.
"You fainted, Oriol," she said with tenderness.
Ell va intentar moure's, però el seu cos estava dèbil.
He tried to move, but his body was weak.
"Has d'aprendre a escoltar el teu cos tant com la teva ànima," va afegir Marta, clavant els seus ulls sabis en els d'Oriol.
"You must learn to listen to your body as much as your soul," Marta added, locking her wise eyes with Oriol's.
Això va ser un despertar per a Oriol.
This was an awakening for Oriol.
Va entendre que el camí espiritual no estava separat del físic.
He understood that the spiritual path was not separate from the physical.
Marta li va ensenyar que buscar ajuda era un acte de saviesa, no de debilitat.
Marta taught him that seeking help was an act of wisdom, not of weakness.
De mica en mica, Oriol es va recuperar, portant amb ell una nova interpretació de la seva fe.
Little by little, Oriol recovered, carrying with him a new interpretation of his faith.
Va descobrir que cuidar el cos era una part essencial del camí cap a la tranquil·litat de l'ànima.
He discovered that caring for the body was an essential part of the path to soul tranquility.
I així, l'inici d'un nou capítol va començar per a Oriol al monestir de Montserrat.
And so, a new chapter began for Oriol at the Montserrat monastery.
Ara, el so del vent entre les muntanyes li recordava la seva pròpia força interior, aconseguida gràcies a la compassió i saviesa trobades en aquell lloc de serenitat.
Now, the sound of the wind through the mountains reminded him of his own inner strength, achieved thanks to the compassion and wisdom found in that place of serenity.