A Winter Tale: Love & History at Castell de Montjuïc
FluentFiction - Catalan
A Winter Tale: Love & History at Castell de Montjuïc
A l'alba d'un dia clar d'hivern, el castell de Montjuïc es despertava amb un aire fred i nítid.
At dawn on a clear winter day, the castell de Montjuïc awoke with a cold and crisp air.
Els visitants arribaven a poc a poc, cautelosos sobre el gel que cobria les pedres que havien estat testimonis de tants esdeveniments històrics.
Visitors arrived slowly, cautious of the ice covering the stones that had witnessed so many historical events.
Martí, amb el seu abric fosc i la càmera penjant al coll, passejava lentament, permès pel silenci que encara dominava abans que els tours començessin.
Martí, with his dark coat and camera hanging around his neck, walked slowly, basking in the silence that still dominated before the tours began.
Entre els primers grups, Laia arribava amb la seva llibreta de dibuix.
Among the first groups, Laia arrived with her sketchbook.
Els seus ulls brillaven davant les torres del castell, i Pau, al seu costat, observava tot amb una curiositat relaxada.
Her eyes shone before the towers of the castle, and Pau, by her side, observed everything with a relaxed curiosity.
Inesperadament, una brisa forta va separar Pau del grup, fent que es quedés enrere.
Unexpectedly, a strong breeze separated Pau from the group, leaving him behind.
"Laia," va cridar Martí, aturant-se quan els seus camins es van creuar prop de la muralla principal.
"Laia," called Martí, stopping when their paths crossed near the main wall.
"Sembla que el teu amic s'ha quedat enrere."
"It seems your friend has been left behind."
"Sí, sempre es distreu fàcilment," va riure Laia.
"Yes, he always gets easily distracted," laughed Laia.
"Encantada de conèixer-te, sóc Laia. Aquest és el meu projecte d'art sobre el castell. I tu?"
"Nice to meet you, I'm Laia. This is my art project about the castle. And you?"
"Martí. M'encanta la història i aquest lloc és perfecte per aprendre més. Cada racó d'aquí sembla tenir una història a explicar," va dir Martí amb timidesa.
"Martí. I love history, and this place is perfect for learning more. Every corner here seems to have a story to tell," Martí said shyly.
Laia va sonriure. "Em podries ajudar? Vull capturar l'autèntic Montjuïc. Però... tinc por de no fer-ho bé."
Laia smiled. "Could you help me? I want to capture the authentic Montjuïc. But… I'm afraid I might not do it well."
Martí va dubtar, però després va decidir compartir el seu coneixement. "Mira, per exemple, aquesta part del castell va ser utilitzada com a presó. Té un passat interessant."
Martí hesitated but then decided to share his knowledge. "Look, for instance, this part of the castle was used as a prison. It has an interesting past."
Van caminar junts, Martí parlant animadament sobre els esdeveniments, mentre Laia prenia notes ràpides, fascinada.
They walked together, Martí speaking enthusiastically about the events, while Laia took quick notes, fascinated.
A la tarda, sobre els merlets del castell, el vent s'intensificava, i els ocells volaven baix.
In the afternoon, upon the battlements of the castle, the wind intensified, and the birds flew low.
Martí i Laia es van aturar a admirar la vista del port.
Martí and Laia stopped to admire the view of the port.
En aquell moment, els seus depressors es van fer una pausa, deixant que l'escenari i el silenci parlessin per ells.
At that moment, their thoughts paused, allowing the scene and silence to speak for them.
"Em sento inspirada," va admetre Laia.
"I feel inspired," Laia admitted.
"La teva passió pels detalls m'ajuda a veure realment aquest lloc."
"Your passion for details helps me really see this place."
"A mi em costa parlar tant de la història... però és bo compartir-ho amb algú tan entusiasta," va confessar Martí.
"For me, it's hard to talk so much about history... but it's nice to share it with someone so enthusiastic," Martí confessed.
Van mirar-se fixament i van sentir un corrent càlid que anava més enllà del fred hivernenc.
They looked at each other intently and felt a warm current that went beyond the winter cold.
Quan el sol s'amagava darrere de les muntanyes, van decidir continuar l'exploració de la ciutat junts, un reflex tranquil de les seves noves perspectives.
As the sun hid behind the mountains, they decided to continue exploring the city together, a calm reflection of their new perspectives.
Així, un tour aparentment ordinari al castell de Montjuïc es va convertir en el començament de quelcom especial.
Thus, an apparently ordinary tour of the castell de Montjuïc turned into the beginning of something special.
Martí va aprendre a no amagar les seves passions, i Laia va trobar valor en les diverses visions del món.
Martí learned not to hide his passions, and Laia found value in the diverse visions of the world.
Al final, el que realment havien descobert era l'inici d'una amistat que es transformava en una història d'amor, sota la vella ombra del castell vigilat per les estrelles de Barcelona.
In the end, what they had truly discovered was the start of a friendship that transformed into a love story, under the old shadow of the castle watched over by the stars of Barcelona.