Sheep Quest: A Misstep on Mount Snowdon
FluentFiction - Welsh
Sheep Quest: A Misstep on Mount Snowdon
Roedd hi'n fore hyfryd yn Eryri, lle mae awyr mor las fel lliw'r llyn, a'r mynyddoedd yn codi fel cestyll tywod enfawr.
It was a lovely morning in Snowdonia, where the sky is as blue as the lake, and the mountains rise like huge sandcastles.
Roedd Gareth, Elen a Cai wedi penderfynu dringo'r Wyddfa, mynydd uchaf Cymru.
Gareth, Elen, and Cai had decided to climb Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales.
Ar ôl paratoi eu pecynnau cefn a gwirio'r tywydd, dechreuodd y tri ffrind eu hantur ar lwybr Pen-y-Pass.
After preparing their backpacks and checking the weather, the three friends began their adventure on the Pen-y-Pass trail.
Roedd y llwybr yn serth ac yn garw, ond roedd calon yn eu bron.
The path was steep and rugged, but their hearts were full.
Cario ymlaen, gyda'r gwynt yn chwibanu wrth eu clustiau a'r heulwen yn twtio ar eu hwyneb.
Pressing on, with the wind whistling in their ears and the sunshine beaming on their faces.
Ond wrth i'r prynhawn fynnu, a'r cymylau'n dechrau crwydro fel defaid ar goll, gwelodd Gareth rywbeth rhyfedd.
But as the afternoon waned, and the clouds began to roam like lost sheep, Gareth noticed something strange.
Wrth droi cornel, sylwodd fod y llwybr wedi dod i ben.
Turning a corner, he noticed that the trail had come to an end.
O'i flaen roedd llwybr cul, prin iawn, sy'n ymddangos fel doedd neb wedi camu arno ers oesoedd.
Ahead of him was a narrow, barely visible path, which looked like no one had stepped on it for ages.
"Dan ni'n mynd y ffordd 'ma!
"We're going this way!"
" meddai Gareth yn llawn hyder, er nad oedd yn siŵr iawn.
Gareth said confidently, although he wasn't very sure.
Dilynodd Elen a Cai heb gwestiwn, trystio Gareth yn llwyr.
Elen and Cai followed without question, trusting Gareth completely.
Dim ond wedi iddynt gerdded yn bellach, sylweddolwyd gan Elen nad oeddent ar y llwybr cywir mwyach.
Just as they had walked further, Elen realized that they were no longer on the correct path.
"Gareth, wyt ti'n siŵr mai dyma'r ffordd i'r copa?
"Gareth, are you sure this is the way to the top?"
" gofynnodd Elen yn bryderus.
Elen asked anxiously.
Cyn iddo allu ateb, daeth Gareth wyneb yn wyneb â grŵp o ddefaid sy'n bwyta glaswellt yn tawel.
Before he could answer, Gareth came face to face with a group of sheep quietly eating grass.
Roedd yn ymddangos bod ei gamgyfeiriad wedi arwain y tri yn syth i fugeiliad.
It seemed that his misdirection had led them straight to a shepherd.
Yn ôl pob golwg, roedd y defaid wedi meddwl mai Gareth oedd eu bugail newydd, ac fe ddechreuasant ei ddilyn ef lle bynnag aeth.
By all appearances, the sheep had thought that Gareth was their new shepherd, and they started following him wherever he went.
Roedd arnom angen dychwelyd i'r llwybr, ond gyda'r defaid yn dilyn yn agos, roedd yn her newydd.
They needed to return to the path, but with the sheep following closely, it was a new challenge.
Garddiodd Cai cerdded ymlaen a dod o hyd i lwybr adnabyddus, tra bod Gareth a Elen yn geisio arwain y defaid yn ôl i lawr y mynydd.
Cai continued walking ahead and found a familiar path, while Gareth and Elen tried to lead the sheep back down the mountain.
Roedd yn siwrnai araf ac yn un llawn chwerthin a helynt wrth i'r defaid benderfynu peidio â gwrando.
It was a slow and laughter-filled journey as the sheep decided not to listen.
O'r diwedd, cyfarfu Cai â gwarchodwyr y mynydd a oedd yn chwilio am y tri ohonynt.
Finally, Cai met the mountain guards who were looking for the three of them.
Gyda'u help nhw, llwyddodd y dorf i ddychwelyd i'r lwybr cywir, a'r defaid yn ôl i'w porfa.
With their help, the group managed to return to the correct path, and the sheep were back in their pasture.
Wrth edrych yn ôl ar y digwyddiadau, penderfynodd Gareth, Elen a Cai fwynhau gweddill y diwrnod yn y parc heb orfod mynd ar antur bellach.
Looking back on the events, Gareth, Elen, and Cai decided to enjoy the rest of the day in the park without having to go on another adventure.
Roeddent yn hapus ac yn chwerthin am yr helynt oedd wedi bod.
They were happy and laughing about the ordeal it had been.
A'r dydd hwnnw, yn Eryri, dysgon nhw fod antur weithiau yn digwydd pan fyddwch chi'n cymryd y llwybr anhysbys, a bod cymorth bob amser yn dod pan fydd y ffrindiau iawn gyda chi.
And that day, in Snowdonia, they learned that adventure sometimes happens when you take the unknown path, and that help always comes when the right friends are with you.
Ac felly, sgwrsio wrth weld haul yn machlud ar ben y mynyddoedd, dwedodd Gareth, "Wel, dyna antur i ni byth anghofio.
And so, chatting while seeing the sun setting on top of the mountains, Gareth said, "Well, that's an adventure we'll never forget."