FluentFiction - Welsh

Castle Chuckles: Eleri's Sheepish Mix-Up!

FluentFiction - Welsh

12m 51sApril 7, 2024

Castle Chuckles: Eleri's Sheepish Mix-Up!

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  • Ar ddiwrnod braf o haf, roedd hi'n bryd i Eleri, Rhys a Carys ymweld â Chastell Conwy, un o gestyll mwyaf prydferth Cymru.

    On a beautiful summer day, it was time for Eleri, Rhys, and Carys to visit Conwy Castle, one of the most beautiful castles in Wales.

  • Roedd yr awyr yn las, a'r haul yn tywynnu'n disglair uwchben yr hen furiau carreg.

    The sky was blue, and the sun shone brightly above the old stone walls.

  • Roedd Eleri yn gyffrous iawn am y diwrnod o anturiaethau gyda'i ffrindiau.

    Eleri was very excited for a day of adventures with her friends.

  • Wrth gerdded tuag at y castell, gwelodd Eleri haid o ddefaid yn pori'n dawel yn y caeau cyfagos.

    As they walked towards the castle, Eleri saw a flock of sheep quietly grazing in the nearby fields.

  • Mae'n hysbys i'r ardal hon fod yn gartref i lawer o ddefaid, ond roedd un yn sefyll allan o'r gweddill; defaid wen gyda man du ar ei chefn.

    It's well known in this area that it's home to many sheep, but one was standing out from the rest; a white sheep with a black patch on its back.

  • Ar y pellter, roedd y man du hwnnw yn edrych braidd yn debyg i siaced oedd Rhys yn arfer ei gwisgo.

    In the distance, that black patch looked somewhat similar to a jacket that Rhys used to wear.

  • Sut mae, Rhys?" galwodd Eleri tuag at y defaid, gan gredu'n ddiffuant mai ei ffrind oedd hi.

    How's it going, Rhys?" called Eleri to the sheep, believing it to be her friend.

  • Cerddodd yn agosach, gan barhau i siarad am y bwriad o archwilio'r castell a'r golygfeydd.

    She walked closer, continuing to talk about the intention to explore the castle and the views.

  • Ond, yn amlwg, nid oedd yr anifail yn ymateb.

    But, clearly, the animal wasn't responding.

  • Parhaodd Eleri i siarad, yn annifyr nad oedd Rhys yn gwrando arni.

    Eleri continued to speak, but Rhys wasn't listening to her.

  • Roedd y defaid, eto'n hamddenol, ond braidd yn ddryslyd, yn pori'r glaswellt, yn llwyr anwybyddu'r sgyrsiau unochrog o'i blaen.

    The sheep, still relaxed, but somewhat insistent, continued grazing, completely ignoring the one-sided conversations in front of it.

  • Cyrraeddodd Rhys a Carys, a dyma fe yn fuan iawn sylweddolodd Eleri ei chamgymeriad doniol.

    Rhys and Carys arrived, and soon Eleri very noticed her funny mistake.

  • Eleri, beth wyt ti'n ei wneud?" gofynnodd Rhys gyda gwên fawr ar ei wyneb.

    Eleri, what are you doing?" Rhys asked with a big smile on his face.

  • Eleri, yn siarad â defaid?!" chwarddodd Carys wrth iddi ymuno â'r ddau.

    Eleri, talking to sheep?!" exclaimed Carys as she joined them.

  • Eleri, yn coch o gywilydd ond yn llawn cymhelliad, chwarddodd, gan gyfaddef ei chamsyniad.

    Eleri, red with embarrassment but full of determination, exclaimed, confessing her amusing mistake.

  • Cymerodd y tri ohonynt funud i chwerthin am y sefyllfa, cyn mynd ymlaen i grwydro mewn chwerthin wrth iddynt archwilio'r Castell prydferth.

    The three of them took a minute to laugh about the situation before going on to roam in laughter as they explored the beautiful castle.

  • O’r diwrnod hwnnw ymlaen, roedd gan Eleri hi anrheg o ffrindiau amhrisiadwy a stori ddiddorol i'w hadrodd.

    From that day on, Eleri had an invaluable gift from her friends and an interesting story to tell.

  • Aeth y tri ffrind am dro trwy'r castell gan edmygu'r hen furiau a bwrlwm y gorffennol.

    The three friends took a walk through the castle, admiring the old walls and the excitement of the past.

  • Yn ddiweddarach, treuliasant prynhawn yn mwynhau teisen a phaned o de wrth syllu dros gaeau a chefn gwlad Conwy.

    Later, they spent an afternoon enjoying cake and a cup of tea while looking over the fields and the Conwy countryside.

  • Yn y diwedd, roedd Eleri wedi dysgu gwers bwysig am bwysigrwydd sylwi'n ofalus a rhannu chwerthin dros y pethau bach.

    In the end, Eleri had learned an important lesson about the importance of paying attention and sharing laughter over the little things.

  • Ac fel hyn, gyda'i phrofiad rhyfedd ond doniol, roedd iddi stori i'w cofio am byth, ynghyd â chof annwyl am ddiwrnod hyfryd yn Castell Conwy gyda'i ffrindiau annwyl, Rhys a Carys.

    And so, with her strange yet funny experience, she had a story to remember forever, along with cherished memories of a lovely day at Conwy Castle with her dear friends, Rhys and Carys.