Letters from the Past: Unraveling Secrets of a Hidden Bunker
FluentFiction - Welsh
Letters from the Past: Unraveling Secrets of a Hidden Bunker
Ar fore oer o Chwefror, canodd gwynt y gaeaf drwy goedydd parc Bute.
On a cold February morning, the winter wind sang through the trees of parc Bute.
Roedd Cathays a heolydd Caerdydd wedi'u gorchuddio ag eira manion.
Cathays and the streets of Caerdydd were covered with fine snow.
Wrth gerdded tuag at y mynedfa i'r bwncer cudd, roedd Rhian yn penderfynu tynnu ei het fonet am fwy o wres.
As she walked toward the entrance to the hidden bunker, Rhian decided to remove her beanie for more warmth.
Roedd hi'n gwybod bod argyfwng yn y gwaith hwnnw, ond roedd y stori a'i disgwyliai'n bwysicach.
She knew there was an emergency at work, but the story awaiting her was more important.
Mewn pen draw arall, roedd Glyn yn plymio i feddwl am ddirgelion cudd ei hoff le.
Meanwhile, Glyn was diving into thoughts about the hidden mysteries of his favorite place.
Roedd e'n meddwl am straeon cymheiriaid a thrallodau'r rhyfel.
He thought about the stories of comrades and the tribulations of war.
Wrth fynychu'r daith hnawn, roedd e'n cynhesu wrth adael iddo'i hun gael ei amgylchynu gan bethau oedd unwaith yn fyw a'i glecio.
As he attended the afternoon tour, he warmed up by letting himself be surrounded by things that were once alive and captivating.
Safai Rhian a Glyn gyda'i gilydd ym mynedfa'r bwncer.
Rhian and Glyn stood together at the entrance of the bunker.
Roedd golau cyfyngedig a'r arogl o ddamp yn llenwi'r awyr.
Dim light and the smell of dampness filled the air.
"Gobeithio'n well gen i o fewn," meddai Rhian yn ysgafn, gan edrych ar Glyn.
"I hope it's better inside," Rhian said lightly, looking at Glyn.
Gan fynd drwy ddrysau trwm o ddur, roeddent yn gadael i'r distawrwydd eu hamgylchynu.
Passing through the heavy steel doors, they allowed silence to envelop them.
Ar ôl ambell funud, fe stopiodd goleuadau'r arweinlyfr sydyn, a chyfnewidiad na wyddent oedd hynny a rhywbeth nad oeddent yn ei weld bob dydd.
After a few moments, the guide's lights suddenly stopped, an exchange between what used to be and something they didn't see every day.
"Dwi'n mor flinedig," meddai Rhian.
"I'm so tired," Rhian said.
"Ni allwn ni edrych ymlaen ymhellach. Dim signal ffôn yma."
"We can't look forward much more. No phone signal here."
"Beth am i ni edrych o gwmpas?" awgrymodd Glyn, gyda gwen fach.
"How about we look around?" Glyn suggested with a small smile.
"Gallai fod rhywbeth rhagorol ar ben draw'r coridor hwn."
"There might be something remarkable at the end of this corridor."
Felly dechreuon nhw grwydro, pob un o feddwl ar eu helw a'r golled oedd yn aros am eu hargyfwng.
So they began to wander, each pondering their profit and the loss that awaited their emergency.
Roedd y mapiau ar y wal yn dweud straeon am flaenoriaethau a'u hysbrydoliaeth i gyd o fewn mowldau drwg eu blas.
The maps on the wall told stories of priorities and their inspiration within unpleasant molds.
Nid cyn hir cawsant bentwr o lythyrau cudd o wladwriaeth gynt.
Not long after, they found a pile of hidden letters from a former state.
Rhyfeddod Rhian wrth ddarllen rhai o gyfarchion trugaredd a phoen yr adran.
Rhian marveled as she read some of the compassionate and painful greetings of the department.
"Mae'n hawdd anghofio mai pobl go iawn oedd yn wynebu'r rhyngryn," meddai'n ddyddargaeledd.
"It's easy to forget that real people faced the conflict," she said thoughtfully.
"Mae pob llythyr yn daith," ychwanegodd Glyn, gan ofalu am y geiriau ei darllen.
"Every letter is a journey," Glyn added, taking care with the words he read.
"Ond tswn i'n dioddef ac yn llawen hefo nhw hefyd."
"But I'd endure and rejoice with them too."
Rwyf yn feirniadol ac nid oedd dim sain arall yno heblaw eu llais a'r awel o'r dreiglo.
Something remarkable had happened to them, something they had never appreciated before.
Ni ddigwyddodd hyn o'r blaen. Roedd rhywbeth anghyffredin wedi digwydd iddynt erioed gwerthfawrach fyth.
As night came and the time to wait for other attendees to come to their rescue, an increasing connection formed between Rhian and Glyn.
Wrth i'r nos ddod a'r amser i ddisgwyl mynychwyr eraill yn dod i'w hachub, datblygodd cysylltiad cynyddol rhwng Rhian a Glyn.
Their gestures turned into comfort and their voices into another story's letters.
Roedd eu hymgrymiadau yn troi'n gysur a'u lleisiau yn llythrennau stori arall.
As the doors unlocked, they moved toward the light with new hope.
Wrth i'r drysau ddadglowg, roeddent yn symud tuag at y golau gyda gobaith newydd.
From their experience, they learned that stories aren't destroyed by being passed over human lives, working with presence, not error, and enduring genuine emotions.
O'u profiad, roeddent wedi dysgu bod straeon heb eu difa wrth eu torri dros fywydau dynol, gweithio gyda phresennoldeb nid gwall, a dioddef emosiynau gwirioneddol.
The next month's sixteenth was now marked on the calendar, one for entirely different stories.
Roedd troedle'r ail bymtheg gwell wedi'u nodi ar y calendr nawr, un ar gyfer straeon cwbl gwahanol.
The night of Halloween had waited for its after chamber.
Roedd noson Galan Gaeaf wedi aros am ei siambr ôl.
The new testimony had made a footprint in unwavering friendship.
Roedd y dystlwaith newydd wedi gwneud troedle mewn cyfeillgarwch diamau.
Rhian was filled with a newfound definite passion, while Glyn had more space than ever to encompass further.
Roedd Rhian wedi ei lenwi gydag angerdd pendant newydd fyth, tra bod Glyn wedi mwy o le fyth i gynnwys bellach.
The house was empty, but they, at least now, were filled with boundless hope.