Carys' Poetic Triumph at the Heart of Dyffryn
FluentFiction - Welsh
Carys' Poetic Triumph at the Heart of Dyffryn
Ar gŵyl harddaf y gaeaf, yn nyffryn heddychlon Cymru, oedd y fferm fach lle roedd Carys yn byw.
On the most beautiful festival of the winter, in the peaceful dyffryn of Cymru, was the small farm where Carys lived.
Ar draul y dyddiau, sŵn defaid yn brefu oedd canu ymgynnesa'r awyr.
Throughout the days, the sound of sheep bleating was the music that warmed the air.
Roedd Carys yn edrych dros ei thir gan dagu ychydig o gysgodion diolchgarwch am gysur ei gartref pysgylchol.
Carys looked over her land, letting out a few shadows of gratitude for the comfort of her pastoral home.
Roedd hi'n ddydd Gwener cyn Diwrnod Sant Dwynwen, diwrnod einioes i gariadon Cymru.
It was the Friday before Diwrnod Sant Dwynwen, a day for lovers in Cymru.
Ymunai'r pentref cyfan i baratoi ar gyfer yr eisteddfod flynyddol.
The entire village joined in to prepare for the annual eisteddfod.
Cerddoriaeth, barddoniaeth a cherddorion talentog.
Music, poetry, and talented musicians filled the air.
Wrth ymyl y tân, roedd Carys yn ysgrifennu, ond rhywbeth oedd ar goll yn ei geiriau.
By the fire, Carys was writing, but something was missing in her words.
Dechreuodd amau ei gallu.
She began to doubt her ability.
Gwyn, ffrind mawr Carys, anogai hi.
Gwyn, a great friend of Carys, encouraged her.
"Ti a all.
"You can do it.
Mae dy enaid yn greadigol.
Your soul is creative.
Creda yn dy hun.
Believe in yourself."
"Efallai naturiâ oedd Carys, neu efallai'r alwad o'i chalon, ond teimlai fod angen iddi wneud cynnig gwirioneddol.
Perhaps it was nature, or perhaps a call from her heart, but Carys felt she needed to make a real effort.
Roedd hi eisiau ysgrifennu cerdd a oedd yn cyffwrdd y pentrefwyr a saethau eu calon.
She wanted to write a poem that would touch the villagers and pierce their hearts.
Ond roedd y rhwystredigaeth hon yn dwyn y diemwntau mae hi wirioneddol wedi eu gofyn.
But this frustration was stealing the diamonds she had truly sought.
Wrth gerdded, a'i hysgrifen yn wag, gweldodd Hywel, ei chymydog o'r fferm gyfagos.
While walking, with her writing empty, she saw Hywel, her neighbor from the nearby farm.
Hywel oedd megis llyfr hanes byw, storïwr am ddigwyddiadau Cymru oedd wedi dod a mynd o'u golwg.
Hywel was like a living history book, a storyteller of events in Cymru that had faded from sight.
Cafodd Carys ysbrydoliaeth.
Carys found inspiration.
Eisteddodd ger Hywel gan wrando ar straeon y gorffennol: straeon am arwyr, am gariadon trist a llon, am y bryniau a'r dyffrynnoedd, a ddylu'n ddwys yn ei chof.
She sat by Hywel and listened to stories of the past: tales of heroes, of lovers both sad and joyful, of the hills and valleys, etching deeply into her memory.
Ar noson yr eisteddfod, gyda chof Hywel yn ei meddwl, trwyddodd Carys ei geiriau mewn barddoniaeth.
On the night of the eisteddfod, with Hywel's memories in her mind, Carys poured her words into poetry.
Blith dristwch y gorffennol a llawenydd y presennol, cyflwynodd hi'r cysyniad o'u gilydd yn y gân.
Amid the sadness of the past and the joy of the present, she presented the concept of togetherness in the song.
Roedd canu Carys fel tammydd nadroedd, synnodd y cyfarwyddwyr, gyrru dernyn dwfn i deimladau ei phentref.
Carys's singing was like a serpent's charm, astonishing the audience, sending a deep piece into the feelings of her village.
Roedd y ferch yn fyw, ei llais yn glir fel swn y tonnau ar lan y môr.
The girl was alive, her voice clear as the sound of waves on the shore.
Wedi'r cyflwyniad, roedd y pentref wedi chael eu dotio.
After the presentation, the village was enchanted.
Roedd teimlad o gyffrousder yn uno'r torfeydd.
A sense of excitement united the crowds.
Enwodd Carys yn fuddugol, ond mwy yn bwysig, roedd hi'n darganfod rhywbeth pwysicach na'r wobr.
Carys was named victorious, but more importantly, she discovered something more important than the prize.
Roedd canolog a phwer barddoniaeth yn dogfen ei phrofiad.
The heart and power of poetry documented her experience.
Pan ddaeth Gwyn a Hywel ati, roedd eu llygaid yn sgleinio.
When Gwyn and Hywel came to her, their eyes were shining.
"Ti a wnaeth hi, Carys," meddai Gwyn.
"You did it, Carys," said Gwyn.
Gan ganmol ddygn, roedd Carys yn cydnabod ei bod yn perthyn i'r gymuned yma.
With sincere praise, Carys acknowledged that she belonged to this community.
Roedd hi'n gwybod bod ei hwn yn ei ddilyniad mewn gwirionedd, ei dydd ei hun, ei bod wedi unfod â straeon ei phobl, oedd wedi'i chyflwyno.
She knew that this was her true calling, her own day, that she had become one with the stories of her people, which she had presented.
Ac yno, yn nhafarn y pentref, gyda digonedd o ddawns a bob peth o'r ddawnsio, roedd Carys yn gwenu.
And there, in the village tavern, with plenty of dancing and everything from the revelry, Carys was smiling.
Roedd ei hunan-amheuaeth wedi dod wyneb yn wyneb ag amod newydd o gadernid o'r lleoedd a ddaliai ynddo ei enaid.
Her self-doubt had come face to face with a new condition of strength from the places she held in her soul.
Roedd hi wedi dysgu bod sylwebaeth mewn storïau personol yn gwneud cysylltiadau cyfoethog.
She had learned that the commentary in personal stories makes rich connections.