How a Stormy Festival Unleashed Gareth's Hidden Talent
FluentFiction - Welsh
How a Stormy Festival Unleashed Gareth's Hidden Talent
Ar fore glasurol yng nghwmni gwynt y môr, roedd Gareth yn sefyll yn ei weithdy.
On a classic morning accompanied by the sea breeze, Gareth was standing in his workshop.
Roedd y lle'n llawn arogl coed ffres a'r sŵn crynu mân o'i offer.
The place was filled with the scent of fresh wood and the subtle hum of his tools.
Er mai crefftwyr medrus oedd e, roedd diffyg hyder Gareth yn ei atal rhag arddangos ei waith i'r byd.
Although he was a skilled craftsman, Gareth's lack of confidence prevented him from showcasing his work to the world.
Yn y cyfamser, roedd Carys, trefnydd lleol, yn rhedeg o gwmpas fel yr aderyn gwynnog ar ddiwrnod cyntaf y gwanwyn.
Meanwhile, Carys, a local organizer, was running around like a white-throated bird on the first day of spring.
Roedd hi'n awyddus i gynnal gŵyl Gŵyl Ddewi Sant a chreu teimlad o gymuned ymysg trigolion yr ardal.
She was eager to host the St. David's Day festival and create a sense of community among the area’s residents.
Ond roedd llwyth gwaith Carys yn dechrau pwyso arni, a'r ofn o fethu yn torri ar draws eich brwdfrydedd.
But Carys' workload started to weigh on her, and the fear of failure was cutting into her enthusiasm.
Wrth i strydoedd cul y cwm aros llawn pobl yn paratoi ar gyfer y gŵyl, cynigiodd Gareth fynd at Carys a chynnig ei help.
As the narrow streets of the valley remained full of people preparing for the festival, Gareth offered to approach Carys and offer his help.
"Gallwn ni weithio gyda'n gilydd," meddai Gareth yn feiddgar am unwaith.
"We can work together," said Gareth boldly for once.
Roedd Carys yn falch o glywed hyn, gan ei bod yn gwybod bod Gareth yn ddyn medrus.
Carys was pleased to hear this, knowing that Gareth was a skilled man.
Nid oedd popeth yn hawdd.
Not everything was easy.
Roedd llu o waith trefnu yn wynebu Carys, ond pan gymerodd Gareth yr awenau ar gyfer creu llwyfan arddangos ar ei hun, rhyddhaodd hynny ei phwysau.
A multitude of organizing tasks faced Carys, but when Gareth took the reins to create the display stage on his own, it relieved her pressure.
Gan weithio law yn llaw, roedd dawn Carys mewn trefnu yn cyfuno'n wych â gallu Gareth i greu rhywbeth hardd.
Working hand in hand, Carys's organizational talent combined beautifully with Gareth's ability to create something beautiful.
Fodd bynnag, daeth taranau annisgwyl ar ddiwrnod yr ŵyl.
However, unexpected thunderstorms arrived on the day of the festival.
Cyn belled ag yr oedd y meddyliad diwedd, roedd rhaid symud popeth i Neuadd Gymunedol fawr y pentref.
As far as the last decision went, everything had to be moved to the village's large Community Hall.
Roedd posib i baratoi’r neuadd oherwydd penderfyniad cyflym Carys a Gareth.
It was possible to prepare the hall thanks to Carys and Gareth's quick decision.
Y tu mewn i'r neuadd a gawson nhw'r gŵyl, roedd pobl yn ei chael hi'n anodd i gredu sut lwyddodd Carys a Gareth i droi sefyllfa anodd yn llwyddiant, ond roeddent yn falch.
Inside the hall where they held the festival, people found it hard to believe how Carys and Gareth managed to turn a difficult situation into a success, but they were pleased.
Pan agorodd Gareth ei stondin, cafodd munud i weld pobl yn gwerthfawrogi eu cerfiadau gyda chyd-barch.
When Gareth opened his stall, he took a moment to see people appreciating his carvings with mutual respect.
Dechreuodd crefft Gareth ddisgleirio ac fe ddaeth y derbyniad cynhesach nag erioed.
Gareth's craftsmanship began to shine, and the reception was warmer than ever.
Ar ddiwedd y dydd, pan saethodd y diwrnod i mewn i'r hwyrnos, teimlodd Carys fod ei hymnaws i ymddiried a threfnu tîm wedi talu ar ei ganfed.
At the end of the day, as the day shot into the evening, Carys felt that her willingness to trust and organize a team had paid off.
Teimlodd Gareth yn fwy hyderus nag erioed, gan sylweddoli'r gwerth yn cydweithio.
Gareth felt more confident than ever, realizing the value of collaboration.
A’r rhai yn gadael, roedd yr awyrgylch llawn cynhesrwydd ac undod.
As people were leaving, the atmosphere was full of warmth and unity.
Daeth y gŵyl yn siarad yr ardal: digwyddiad lle'r oedd cymdogion wedi dod yn ffrindiau, diolch i Gareth a Carys.
The festival became the talk of the area: an event where neighbors had become friends, thanks to Gareth and Carys.
Roeddent wedi dysgu'r gwerth gwirioneddol o weithio fel tîm a'r nerth sy'n dod o edmygedd cyffredin ar hyd a lled ein cymuned.
They had learned the true value of teamwork and the strength that comes from shared admiration throughout our community.