Transforming Fear into Confidence: A Journey to Inspire
FluentFiction - Welsh
Transforming Fear into Confidence: A Journey to Inspire
Roedd y bore yn llachar wrth i'r haul siglo dros y dinas.
The morning was bright as the sun shimmered over the city.
Ar ben skyscraper marmor, roedd ystafell gyflwyno yn llawn golau.
At the top of the marble skyscraper, the presentation room was full of light.
Roedd Gethin yn edrych allan trwy'r ffenestri gwydr, yn gweld y strydoedd islaw yn troellio fel nifer di-ben-draw o eirth.
Gethin was looking out through the glass windows, seeing the streets below swirling like an endless number of bears.
Yna, gwrandawodd ar lais Mared yn y cefndir, yn galw ei enw.
Then, he listened to Mared's voice in the background, calling his name.
"Mae'n bryd, Gethin, mae pawb ar dân eisiau gweld ein prosiect!
"It's time, Gethin, everyone is eager to see our project!"
"Gethin cefnodd oddi wrth y ffenestr, teimlo nerfusrwydd yn tosio drwy ei stumog.
Gethin turned away from the window, feeling nervousness churning through his stomach.
Roedd ganddo ofn siarad yn gyhoeddus.
He was afraid of public speaking.
Er hynny, roedd y dasg o gyflwyno eu prosiect pensaernïol yn ei fynnu.
Nevertheless, the task of presenting their architectural project demanded his attention.
"Dwi ddim yn siŵr y gallaf wneud hyn," meddai Gethin yn lleddf.
"I'm not sure I can do this," Gethin said softly.
Mared edrychodd arno gyda'i hwyneb yn llawn penderfyniad.
Mared looked at him with her face full of determination.
"Gellir gwneud pob peth.
"Anything can be done.
Dim ond bod rhaid i ti roi cynnig go iawn.
You just have to give it a real try."
"Roedd Mared yn gallu cyflwyno mor naturiol.
Mared could present so naturally.
Fyddai modd iddo byth ddal fyny â'i hyder hi?
Could he ever catch up to her confidence?
Ond roedd Gethin yn gwybod nad oedd ganddo ddewis.
But Gethin knew he had no choice.
Roedd yn rhaid iddo ofyn am help.
He had to ask for help.
"Cei di fy helpu i siarad?
"Can you help me speak?"
" gofynnodd.
he asked.
Roedd ei llais yn ysgafn ac yn ansicr.
His voice was light and uncertain.
Atebodd Mared gydag amynedd nas gwelir yn aml arni.
Mared answered with a patience rarely seen in her.
"Wrth gwrs.
"Of course.
Byddwn yn ymarfer gyda'n gilydd.
We will practice together.
Ond mae rhaid i ti fod yn siŵr dy fod yn dangos dy hun.
But you need to make sure you show yourself.
Ychwanega un stori bersonol i'w plethu yn y cyflwyniad.
Add a personal story to weave into the presentation."
"Trwy ddiwrnod o ymarfer, buodd Mared yn hyfforddi Gethin ar sut i reoli ei ofn a chyfleu eu gweledigaeth ar gyfer adeiladau cynaliadwy.
Through a day of practice, Mared coached Gethin on how to manage his fear and convey their vision for sustainable buildings.
Cymhellai hi ef i gynnwys stori am sut ysbrydolodd pentref ei daid ef waith cynaliadwy.
She encouraged him to include a story about how his grandfather's village inspired his sustainable work.
Roedd y stori yn adeiladu delwedd mewn calon Gethin, yn gwneud y prosiect yn fwy na dim ond cynllun ar bapur.
The story built an image in Gethin's heart, making the project more than just a design on paper.
Daeth yr amser i gyflwyno.
The time came to present.
Roedd cornel o wanwyn yn cyffwrdd â'r tafluniad enfawr a llenwodd y sgrin tu ôl iddyn nhw gyda phlanhigyn uchel ac o reidrapau gwyrddlas.
A corner of spring touched the huge projection, filling the screen behind them with a tall plant and green-blue renderings.
Gethin stopiodd am eiliad i gasglu ei hun cyn camu ymlaen at y llwyfan.
Gethin stopped for a moment to collect himself before stepping onto the stage.
Roedd calonnau'n curo'n ddi-drefn.
Hearts were beating irregularly.
Pan ddechreuodd siarad, roedd ei lais yn eichog trwy'r ystafell.
When he began to speak, his voice echoed through the room.
Trafododd ei syniadau am ddyfodol dinasoedd gwyrdd ac am yr adeilad a gwyllisiwyd yn ôl eu cynigion newydd.
He discussed his ideas about the future of green cities and the building that was envisioned according to their new proposals.
Wrth i'r amser ddraenio, Gethin adroddodd yr hanes am ei daid.
As time drained away, Gethin recounted the story about his grandfather.
Roedd yn gweld y gynulleidfa yn dal eu hanadl, yn cael eu hudo gan ei eiriau.
He saw the audience holding their breath, captivated by his words.
Erbyn y diwedd, llanwyd y stafell gan glapiau.
By the end, the room was filled with applause.
Gwallt Mared cysgodi ei gwên ar draws yr ystafell.
Mared's hair shadowed her smile across the room.
Roeddent ill dau wedi llwyddo nid yn unig trwy sicrhau derbyniad eu prosiect, ond hefyd trwy ddeall ei gilydd yn well.
They both had succeeded, not only by ensuring their project's acceptance but also by understanding each other better.
Nawr, roedd Gethin gyda hyder newydd, a Mared wedi dysgu gwerth amynedd.
Now, Gethin had newfound confidence, and Mared had learned the value of patience.
Wrth iddynt adael yr ystafell, roedd y ddinas o'u blaen yn fwy bywiog ac adeiladol nag erioed.
As they left the room, the city before them was more vibrant and constructive than ever.
Roeddent yn gwybod mai dyma oedd dechrau newydd i'r ddau ohonynt.
They knew this was a new beginning for both of them.