Hope and Reconciliation: A Christmas Reunion in Santiago
FluentFiction - Spanish
Hope and Reconciliation: A Christmas Reunion in Santiago
Mateo miró por la ventana del autobús mientras recorría las calles de Santiago.
Mateo looked out the bus window as it traveled through the streets of Santiago.
Era verano, pero el sol no alegraba su corazón.
It was summer, but the sun did not cheer his heart.
El hospital psiquiátrico se alzaba frente a él como un edificio frío y distante.
The psychiatric hospital stood before him like a cold and distant building.
Dentro, su madre Elena lo aguardaba.
Inside, his mother Elena awaited him.
Mateo respiró hondo antes de entrar.
Mateo took a deep breath before entering.
El pasillo del hospital tenía paredes de un color pálido e impersonal.
The hallway in the hospital had walls of a pale, impersonal color.
Algunas luces de Navidad colgaban en la zona común, pero apenas daban calidez.
Some Christmas lights hung in the common area, but they barely added warmth.
Mateo se sentía solo.
Mateo felt alone.
Su padre, Carlos, había sido ausente desde que Elena fue ingresada.
His father, Carlos, had been absent since Elena was admitted.
Mateo ajustó su mochila en el hombro, decidido a traer un poco de alegría a su madre.
Mateo adjusted his backpack on his shoulder, determined to bring a little joy to his mother.
Al llegar a la habitación de Elena, su madre sonrió al verlo.
Upon reaching Elena's room, his mother smiled when she saw him.
Mateo le devolvió la sonrisa.
Mateo returned the smile.
"Te traje algo", dijo, mostrando una pequeña bolsa.
"I brought you something," he said, showing a small bag.
Sacó de ella algunas decoraciones navideñas: una guirnalda, unas luces y un pequeño belén.
He took out some Christmas decorations: a garland, some lights, and a small nativity scene.
Sabía que era contra las reglas, pero no le importaba.
He knew it was against the rules, but he didn't care.
Mateo pasó la tarde adornando la habitación de Elena.
Mateo spent the afternoon decorating Elena's room.
Ella observaba cómo su hijo colocaba cada adorno con cariño.
She watched as her son placed each ornament with care.
"Hijo, esto es precioso", susurró Elena, conmovida.
"Son, this is beautiful," Elena whispered, moved.
Un poco después, mientras Mateo le contaba historias de su infancia a su madre, una enfermera entró.
A little later, while Mateo was telling his mother stories from his childhood, a nurse entered.
"No puedes tener eso aquí", dijo con firmeza.
"You can't have that here," she said firmly.
Mateo miró a Elena, quien parecía más viva que nunca rodeada de luces y colores.
Mateo looked at Elena, who seemed more alive than ever surrounded by lights and colors.
"Solo es para Navidad", suplicó Mateo, deseando poder llevar un poco de hogar a ese lugar estéril.
"It's just for Christmas," pleaded Mateo, wishing he could bring a bit of home to that sterile place.
Justo en ese momento, la puerta se abrió y Carlos apareció en el umbral.
Just at that moment, the door opened and Carlos appeared in the doorway.
Mateo se sorprendió.
Mateo was surprised.
Su padre parecía diferente, quizá movido por el peso de la culpa o la nostalgia del pasado.
His father seemed different, perhaps moved by the weight of guilt or nostalgia from the past.
Carlos miró alrededor.
Carlos looked around.
Vio las decoraciones y los ojos brillantes de Elena.
He saw the decorations and Elena's bright eyes.
“Mateo”, dijo suavemente, acercándose, “siento haber estado ausente.
“Mateo,” he said softly, approaching, “I'm sorry for being absent.
Quiero ayudar”.
I want to help.”
Los tres se quedaron en silencio por un momento.
The three remained silent for a moment.
Sentimientos mezclados llenaban el aire.
Mixed feelings filled the air.
Finalmente, Carlos rompió el silencio.
Finally, Carlos broke the silence.
"¿Podemos intentarlo juntos?", le preguntó a Mateo.
"Can we try together?" he asked Mateo.
Mateo miró a su padre.
Mateo looked at his father.
En sus ojos había comprensión, arrepentimiento y una promesa de cambio.
In his eyes, there was understanding, regret, and a promise of change.
“Sí, papá”, respondió Mateo, sintiendo un peso levantarse de sus hombros.
“Yes, Dad,” Mateo replied, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders.
Era un pequeño paso hacia la reconciliación y el perdón.
It was a small step toward reconciliation and forgiveness.
Aquella Navidad, la habitación de Elena brillaba más que nunca.
That Christmas, Elena's room shone brighter than ever.
Carlos, Mateo y Elena pasaron el día juntos, con la promesa de enfrentar lo que viniera unidos como familia.
Carlos, Mateo, and Elena spent the day together, with the promise to face whatever came next united as a family.
Mateo comprendió que no tenía que cargar con todo solo.
Mateo understood that he did not have to carry everything alone.
Había esperanza en el calor de su familia, incluso en el lugar más frío.
There was hope in the warmth of his family, even in the coldest place.