A Mischievous Parrot and A Christmas Market Adventure
FluentFiction - Spanish
A Mischievous Parrot and A Christmas Market Adventure
El mercado brillaba con vida bajo el sol del verano.
The market shone with life under the summer sun.
Era un lugar colorido, lleno de risas y voces animadas.
It was a colorful place, full of laughter and lively voices.
Esteban caminaba decidido entre los puestos, buscando el adorno de Navidad perfecto para su madre.
Esteban walked determinedly among the stalls, searching for the perfect Christmas decoration for his mother.
Ella adoraba las decoraciones vibrantes, y él quería sorprenderla este año.
She loved vibrant decorations, and he wanted to surprise her this year.
Las luces y los lazos rojos adornaban cada esquina, y en cada mesa había estrellas, campanas y bolas de cristal centelleando al sol.
Lights and red bows adorned every corner, and on every table were stars, bells, and crystal balls sparkling in the sun.
Pero había algo más en este animado escenario.
But there was something more in this lively scene.
Un loro travieso desde la tienda de mascotas cercana observaba todo con ojos brillantes.
A mischievous parrot from the nearby pet store watched everything with bright eyes.
Lucía, la vendedora de la tienda de adornos, saludó a Esteban con entusiasmo, señalando una bonita estrella dorada.
Lucía, the vendor from the decoration shop, greeted Esteban enthusiastically, pointing to a pretty golden star.
“Es perfecta,” pensó Esteban, mientras la limpiaba con cuidado de polvo.
"It's perfect," thought Esteban, as he carefully wiped the dust off it.
De repente, el loro salió volando alegremente, agarrando la estrella con su pico.
Suddenly, the parrot flew joyfully, grabbing the star with its beak.
Esteban lanzó un pequeño grito de sorpresa mientras el loro se reía, devolviendo la estrella y repitiendo "¡Navidad, Navidad!"
Esteban let out a small shout of surprise as the parrot laughed, returning the star and repeating "Christmas, Christmas!"
Una y otra vez, cada adorno que Esteban elegía, el loro lo interceptaba.
Again and again, every decoration that Esteban chose, the parrot intercepted it.
Paco, un vendedor de frutas, se reía desde su puesto al observar la escena.
Paco, a fruit vendor, laughed from his stall as he watched the scene.
"Ese loro es un desastre", dijo Paco entre risas.
"That parrot is a disaster," said Paco amidst laughter.
“Le encanta jugar.” Esteban suspiró.
“He loves to play.” Esteban sighed.
Necesitaba una solución.
He needed a solution.
Mientras pensaba, su estómago le recordó que era hora de almorzar.
While he thought, his stomach reminded him it was time for lunch.
Sacó su sándwich y, al ver al loro observándolo con curiosidad, tuvo una idea.
He took out his sandwich and, seeing the parrot watching him curiously, he had an idea.
Despacio, ofreció al loro un trozo de pan.
Slowly, he offered the parrot a piece of bread.
El loro, sorprendido, se acercó con cautela y tomó el regalo con gracia.
The parrot, surprised, approached cautiously and took the gift gracefully.
La pequeña amistad inesperada cambió el día de Esteban.
The little unexpected friendship changed Esteban’s day.
El loro se posó ahora sobre su hombro, quieto y satisfecho.
The parrot now perched on his shoulder, still and satisfied.
Con esta nueva paz, Esteban pudo finalmente comprar la estrella dorada que tanto deseaba para su madre.
With this newfound peace, Esteban was finally able to buy the golden star he so desired for his mother.
Y, sonriendo, Lucía le regaló un pequeño adorno de loro para su nuevo amigo.
And, smiling, Lucía gifted him a small parrot ornament for his new friend.
Al salir del mercado, Esteban se sintió alegre y triunfante.
As he left the market, Esteban felt joyful and triumphant.
Había decidido que, a veces, la bondad y la creatividad podían resolver los problemas más inusuales.
He had decided that, sometimes, kindness and creativity could solve the most unusual problems.
Su madre recibiría su adorno navideño y, además, este año tendría una historia divertida que contar en la cena de Nochebuena.
His mother would receive her Christmas decoration, and, moreover, this year he would have a funny story to tell at the Christmas Eve dinner.
El loro, libre ya de sus travesuras, ofrecía un adiós alegre, disfrutando de su nuevo adorno en el sol del verano.
The parrot, free of its mischiefs, offered a cheerful goodbye, enjoying its new ornament in the summer sun.