Christmas Miracle in Tallinn: The Lost Family Heirloom
FluentFiction - Estonian
Christmas Miracle in Tallinn: The Lost Family Heirloom
Katri ja Maarika armastasid jõuluturu melu.
Katri and Maarika loved the hustle and bustle of the Christmas market.
Täna oli Tallinnas ilus päev.
Today was a beautiful day in Tallinn.
Lumekristallid langesid rahulikult maale.
Snowflakes were gently falling to the ground.
Raekoja plats oli täis rõõmsaid inimesi.
The Town Hall Square was full of cheerful people.
Katri ja Maarika nautisid kuuma kakaod ja piparkooke.
Katri and Maarika enjoyed hot cocoa and gingerbread cookies.
Aga midagi oli teistmoodi.
But something was different.
Katri vanaema kuldsõrmus oli kadunud.
Katri’s grandmother’s gold ring had gone missing.
See oli perekonna reliikvia.
It was a family heirloom.
Katri oli selle kaotanud.
Katri had lost it.
„Kus sa viimati sõrmust nägid?“ küsis Maarika murelikult.
“Where did you last see the ring?” Maarika asked worriedly.
„Ma arvan, et jätsin selle piparkoogileti juurde,“ vastas Katri.
“I think I left it by the gingerbread stall,” Katri replied.
Nad käisid igal pool.
They searched everywhere.
Nad küsisid igalt müüjalt.
They asked each vendor.
Kõik jätsid oma asjad ja hakkasid otsima.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and started looking.
Piparkoogileti müüja lubas aidata.
The gingerbread stall seller promised to help.
„Ma nägin sõrmust,“ ütles ta.
“I saw the ring,” he said.
„Üks laps võttis selle.“ Katri ja Maarika otsisid kogu turg.
“A child took it.” Katri and Maarika searched the whole market.
Nad leidsid lapse.
They found the child.
Ta istus pingi peal koos emaga.
He was sitting on a bench with his mother.
Sõrmus oli lapse käes.
The ring was in the child’s hand.
„Vabandage,“ ütles Katri naeratades.
“Excuse me,” Katri said smiling.
„See sõrmus on minu vanaema oma.
“That ring belongs to my grandmother.
Kas saaksin selle tagasi?“ Laps vaatas ema poole.
Can I have it back?” The child looked at his mother.
Ema naeratas.
The mother smiled.
„Muidugi,“ ütles ta.
“Of course,” she said.
Laps andis sõrmuse tagasi.
The child handed the ring back.
Katri tänas emat ja last.
Katri thanked the mother and the child.
Maarika kallistas oma sõpra.
Maarika hugged her friend.
Kõik oli jälle hästi.
Everything was well again.
Laulu ja tantsu saadetis jätkus Raekoja platsil.
Songs and dances continued in Town Hall Square.
Jõuluturu lõhnad ja helid olid taas rahulikud.
The scents and sounds of the Christmas market were peaceful once more.
„Jõulud on imede aeg,“ ütles Katri rõõmsalt.
“Christmas is a time of miracles,” Katri said happily.
Maarika nõustus.
Maarika agreed.
Nad jõid veel kakaod ja nautisid jõulude imet.
They drank more cocoa and enjoyed the magic of Christmas.
Nad teadsid, et kõige tähtsam on hoolida oma lähedastest.
They knew that the most important thing was to care for their loved ones.
Katri sõrmus oli tagasi ja elu oli ilus.
Katri’s ring was back and life was beautiful.