Eco-Futurism Under Domes in Tallinn's Old Town
FluentFiction - Estonian
Eco-Futurism Under Domes in Tallinn's Old Town
Tallinna vanalinna tänavad on muutunud.
The streets of Tallinn's old town have changed.
Käänulised munakiviteed on nüüd kaetud läbipaistvate kuplitega.
The winding cobblestone paths are now covered with transparent domes.
Kuppelmajad on varustatud ökotehnoloogiaga, mis hoiab seesmises kliimat kontrolli all.
The dome houses are equipped with eco-technology that keeps the internal climate under control.
Marten ja Liina jalutavad kuplite vahel.
Marten and Liina walk between the domes.
Marten imetleb uut vaadet: "Vanalinn on nii teistsugune nüüd."
Marten admires the new view: "The old town is so different now."
Liina naeratab: "Jah, aga mulle meeldib see.
Liina smiles: "Yes, but I like it.
Siin on soe ja õhk on puhas."
It's warm here and the air is clean."
Marten uurib lähedal asuvat kuplit.
Marten examines a nearby dome.
See on täiuslik.
It is perfect.
Klaas on kristallselge ja seest paistavad taimed ja väikesed aednikud, kes teevad tööd.
The glass is crystal clear, and inside, plants and small gardeners at work can be seen.
"Näe, see on ökokuplipere," ütleb Marten.
"Look, it's an eco-dome family," says Marten.
"Nad kasvatavad oma toitu siin sees," lisab Liina.
"They grow their food in here," adds Liina.
"See on nii mõistlik."
"It's so sensible."
Nad liiguvad edasi järgmise kupli juurde.
They move on to the next dome.
Seal sees on väike kohvik.
Inside, there is a small café.
Inimesed joovad kuumi jooke ja lobisevad rõõmsalt.
People are drinking hot beverages and chatting happily.
"Kas võtame ka kohvi?"
"Shall we have some coffee?"
küsib Marten.
asks Marten.
"Jah, miks mitte," vastab Liina.
"Yes, why not," answers Liina.
Nad astuvad sisse ja tellivad.
They step inside and order.
Istudes vaatavad nad aknast välja.
As they sit down, they look out of the window.
Kupli seinad lasevad läbi päikesevalgust, kuid kaitsevad külma eest.
The dome's walls let in sunlight but keep out the cold.
Kohvikust väljudes märkavad nad suurt monitori kupli seinal.
Upon leaving the café, they notice a large monitor on the dome wall.
Sellel on värsked uudised ja ilm.
It displays fresh news and weather.
Prognoositakse lumesadu, aga kuplis sees on soe ja kuiv.
Snowfall is forecasted, but inside the dome, it is warm and dry.
"Ma armastan seda uut tehnoloogiat," ütleb Marten.
"I love this new technology," says Marten.
"See on palju parem kui vanasti, kui pidime lume ja vihmaga võitlema," vastab Liina.
"It's much better than before when we had to battle snow and rain," replies Liina.
"Nüüd saame nautida iga päeva."
"Now we can enjoy every day."
Õhtul jalutavad Marten ja Liina tagasi oma kupli poole.
In the evening, Marten and Liina walk back to their dome.
Õhk on värske ja päikeseloojang teeb kõik punakaks.
The air is fresh, and the sunset makes everything red.
"Näe, meie kuppel on juba näha," ütleb Marten.
"Look, our dome is already in sight," says Marten.
Sisenedes oma kuplisse, tunnevad nad kohe soojust.
Entering their dome, they immediately feel the warmth.
Liina asetab värsked õunad lauale.
Liina places fresh apples on the table.
"Näe, ostsin turult.
"Look, I bought these at the market.
Need on pärit siitsamast vanalinnast."
They're from right here in the old town."
Marten naeratab: "Need maitsevad kindlasti suurepäraselt."
Marten smiles: "They are sure to taste great."
Nad istuvad laua taha ja naudivad õhtusööki.
They sit down at the table and enjoy dinner.
Väljas muutub lumetorm tugevamaks, kuid sees on mugav ja soe.
Outside, the snowstorm grows stronger, but inside it is comfortable and warm.
Marten ja Liina vaatavad aknast välja, kuulates tormi müha.
Marten and Liina look out the window, listening to the storm's roar.
"Meil on vedanud, et elame siin."
"We're lucky to live here."
Marten noogutab.
Marten nods.
"Siin on hea olla.
"It's good to be here.
Oleme leidnud oma koha."
We've found our place."
Ja nii nad jäävadki, rahul oma uue eluga, Tallinna vanalinna kuplite all, kus iga päev toob endaga uusi avastusi ja rahu.
And so they remain, content with their new life under the domes of Tallinn's old town, where each day brings new discoveries and peace.