Facing Fear: A Journey of Heart and Hope at Tartu Hospital
FluentFiction - Estonian
Facing Fear: A Journey of Heart and Hope at Tartu Hospital
Suvisel hommikul voolas pehme valgus Tartu Ülikooli Haigla akendest sisse.
On a summer morning, soft light flowed in through the windows of Tartu University Hospital.
Kõrged aknad pakkusid vaade õitsevatele lilledele ja rohelistele puudele, mis õrnalt lehvisid suvetuules.
The tall windows offered a view of blossoming flowers and green trees gently swaying in the summer breeze.
Kersti istus tühjas ruumis, tema süda tagus kiiresti.
Kersti sat in an empty room, her heart pounding rapidly.
Ta teadis, et tuleb südameoperatsioonile.
She knew she was about to undergo heart surgery.
Kersti kartis haiglaid.
Kersti was afraid of hospitals.
Ta kartis meditsiinilisi protseduure.
She feared medical procedures.
Kuid ta teadis, et see operatsioon on oluline, et elada tervislikumat elu.
But she knew this operation was crucial for living a healthier life.
Ta soovis seda väga, kuid hirm ei kadunud.
She wanted it very much, but the fear did not disappear.
Alvar, Kersti abikaasa, seisis tema kõrval.
Alvar, Kersti's husband, stood by her side.
Alvar toetas Kerstit, kuid ka tema oli hirmul ja stressis.
Alvar supported Kersti, but he was also scared and stressed.
Ta ei näidanud seda välja, sest tahtis olla Kersti toeks.
He did not show it, because he wanted to be there for Kersti.
Aga ta sisemuses tundis end ülekoormatuna.
But inside, he felt overwhelmed.
"Alvar," ütles Kersti lõpuks.
"Alvar," Kersti finally said.
"Mul on nii suur hirm.
"I am so scared.
Ma ei tea, kas suudan sellega toime tulla."
I don't know if I can handle this."
Alvar pigistas Kersti kätt tugevalt.
Alvar squeezed Kersti's hand firmly.
"Ma olen sinuga, Kersti.
"I am with you, Kersti.
Me teeme selle koos läbi," lubas ta.
We will get through this together," he promised.
Õde juhatas sisse Madise, tuntud südamekirurgi.
A nurse led in Madis, a renowned heart surgeon.
Madis oli kuulus oma oskuste poolest, kuid ta oli emotsionaalselt kauge.
Madis was famous for his skills but was emotionally distant.
Ta vaatas patsienti rohkem kui tööd, mitte kui inimest.
He viewed patients more as work rather than people.
Madis rääkis Kerstile rahulikul toonil operatsiooni käigust.
Madis spoke to Kersti in a calm tone about the procedure.
Ta nägi Kersti silmis hirmu ja otsustas teha midagi, mida polnud varem teinud.
He saw the fear in Kersti's eyes and decided to do something he had never done before.
Ta istus Kersti kõrval ja puudutas tema kätt.
He sat beside Kersti and touched her hand.
"Kersti," ütles Madis pehmelt.
"Kersti," Madis said softly.
"Ma tean, et sa kardad.
"I know you are scared.
Aga luban, et kõik läheb hästi.
But I promise, everything will be fine.
Ma hoolitsen sinu eest."
I will take care of you."
Kersti tundis end veidi rahulikumalt.
Kersti felt slightly more at ease.
Alvar istus tema kõrval ja neid kolm olid hetkes ühendatud ühise eesmärgiga.
Alvar sat beside her and the three of them were united in that moment with a common goal.
Operatsioon algas.
The operation began.
Steriilses ruumis kõlasid masinate hääled.
The sterile room was filled with the sounds of machines.
Alvar istus pingil ootesaalis, käed rusikasse surutud.
Alvar sat on a bench in the waiting room, his hands clenched into fists.
Ta palvetas.
He prayed.
Madis keskendus tööle, aga esimest korda mõtles ta patsiendi tunnetele ja elu väärtusele.
Madis focused on his work but, for the first time, he thought about the patient’s feelings and the value of their life.
Tunnid möödusid.
Hours passed.
Lõpuks tuli õde Alvari juurde naeratusega.
Finally, a nurse came to Alvar with a smile.
"Operatsioon õnnestus."
"The operation was successful."
Alvar tundis kergendust ja tänu.
Alvar felt relief and gratitude.
Ta astus Kersti palati juurde.
He walked to Kersti's ward.
Kersti silmad avanesid aeglaselt ja ta naeratas.
Kersti's eyes slowly opened and she smiled.
Ta tundis end hästi, valmis uueks ja tervemaks eluks.
She felt well, ready for a new, healthier life.
Madis astus samal ajal ruumi.
Madis entered the room at the same time.
Ta naeratas soojalt Kerstile.
He smiled warmly at Kersti.
"Sa olid vapper, Kersti," ütles ta.
"You were brave, Kersti," he said.
"Sa oled nüüd terve."
"You are now healthy."
Kersti tundis suurt tänu.
Kersti felt great gratitude.
Tema hirm haiglate ees oli kadunud.
Her fear of hospitals had vanished.
Ta vaatas Alvarit ja nägi tema silmades sisemist rahu.
She looked at Alvar and saw inner peace in his eyes.
Madis, kes oli kunagi olnud emotsionaalselt külm, tundis nüüd oma patsientidega tõelist ühendust.
Madis, who had once been emotionally cold, now felt a true connection with his patients.
Suvine päev paistis akendest sooja valguse voogudena.
The summer day shone with warm streams of light through the windows.
Kõik, mida Kersti vajas, oli tema kõrval.
Everything Kersti needed was beside her.
Nad olid teekonnal koos ja olid muutunud tugevamaks.
They were on this journey together and had become stronger.