Summer Shadows: Unraveling the Mystery in Tallinn
FluentFiction - Estonian
Summer Shadows: Unraveling the Mystery in Tallinn
Tallinna politseijaoskond on iga suvi elav.
The Tallinn police station is bustling every summer.
Inimesed tulevad ja lähevad, igaüks oma muredega.
People come and go, each with their own concerns.
Täna siseneb ukse kaudu Kertu.
Today, Kertu walks through the door.
Tema silmad on ärevil ja ta hoiab tihedalt käes kotti.
Her eyes are anxious, and she is holding a bag tightly.
"Kas ma saan teid aidata?" küsib vastuvõtuametnik sõbralikult.
"Can I help you?" the receptionist asks kindly.
Kertu hingab sügavalt sisse ja noogutab.
Kertu takes a deep breath and nods.
"Jah, ma tahan teatada röövist."
"Yes, I want to report a robbery."
Ametnik kutsub Kertu edasi ja juhatab ta väiksemasse kontorisse.
The receptionist calls Kertu in and guides her to a smaller office.
Seal ootab teda noor politseinik Erik.
There, a young police officer named Erik is waiting.
Tal on laiaõlgne keha ja kirev märkmik.
He has broad shoulders and a colorful notebook.
"Istuge, palun. Mis juhtus?" küsib Erik, näidates tooli Kertule.
"Please, have a seat. What happened?" Erik asks, gesturing to a chair for Kertu.
Kertu istub ja korrastab oma mõtted.
Kertu sits down and organizes her thoughts.
"Minu töökoht... Seal toimus eile rööv. Keegi murdis sisse ja varastas sülearvutid ja raha."
"My workplace... There was a robbery there yesterday. Someone broke in and stole laptops and money."
Erik kirjutab kõik üles.
Erik writes everything down.
"Kas sa nägid kedagi kahtlast?"
"Did you see anyone suspicious?"
Kertu hammustab huulde. Talle on raske öelda.
Kertu bites her lip. It’s hard for her to say.
"Ma ei näinud konkreetselt kedagi, aga mul on kahtlus... üks meie töötaja, Andres, käitub viimasel ajal imelikult. Tundub närviline ja hoiab end eemal."
"I didn’t see anyone specific, but I have a suspicion... One of our employees, Andres, has been acting strangely lately. He seems nervous and keeps to himself."
Erik noogutab ja kirjutab edasi.
Erik nods and continues writing.
"Kas sul on muid tõendeid?"
"Do you have any other evidence?"
"Ei, aga tema käitumine on väga kahtlane," ütleb Kertu, tundes, kuidas tema süda lööb kiiremini.
"No, but his behavior is very suspicious," Kertu says, feeling her heart beat faster.
Hetk hiljem siseneb ootamatult kabinetti Andres.
A moment later, Andres unexpectedly enters the office.
Tema nägu on punane ja ta hingab raskelt.
His face is red and he is breathing heavily.
"Kertu, mis toimub? Ma kuulsin, mida sa rääkisid," ütleb ta süngelt.
"Kertu, what’s going on? I heard what you said," he says grimly.
Kertu vaatab maha, kartes.
Kertu looks down, afraid.
"Andres, ma lihtsalt ütlesin, mida ma tundsin. Mul on kahtlusi, aga ma ei süüdista sind."
"Andres, I just said what I felt. I have suspicions, but I’m not accusing you."
Erik tõuseb püsti.
Erik stands up.
"Siin on kõik konfidentsiaalne, Andres. Me uurime asja põhjalikult. Kõik süüdistused ja kahtlused peavad olema uuritud, nii see käib."
"Everything here is confidential, Andres. We will investigate thoroughly. All accusations and suspicions must be checked, that’s how it works."
Andres vaikib, pöörates pilgu kõrvale.
Andres is silent, turning his gaze away.
"Olgu, aga see ei lõpe siin," sosistab ta ja lahkub ruumist.
"Fine, but this won’t end here," he whispers and leaves the room.
Kertu tunneb, kuidas saal muutub raskeks.
Kertu feels the atmosphere in the room become heavy.
Aga Erik raputab pead ja naeratab kergelt.
But Erik shakes his head and smiles lightly.
"Ära muretse, me tegeleme asjaga. Sinu kahtlused on olulised ja need jäävad ainult meie teada."
"Don’t worry, we’ll handle it. Your suspicions are important and will remain just between us."
Kertu hingab sügavalt sisse, tundes kergendust.
Kertu takes a deep breath, feeling relieved.
"Aitäh, Erik. Ma loodan, et kõik laheneb."
"Thank you, Erik. I hope everything gets resolved."
Politseijaoskonnast väljudes tunneb Kertu, et ta on teinud õigesti.
As Kertu leaves the police station, she feels she has done the right thing.
Ta teab, et tõe otsimine võib olla raske, aga see on vajalik.
She knows that seeking the truth can be tough, but it’s necessary.
Ta on nüüd kindlam ja teab, et võib usaldada oma instinkte.
She is now more confident and knows she can trust her instincts.
Tallinna tänavad on sel suvel eriti elavad, aga Kertu sammub edasi, kindlust ja rahulolu südames.
The streets of Tallinn are particularly lively this summer, but Kertu walks on with confidence and satisfaction in her heart.
Ta on teinud esimese sammu õiguse poole.
She has taken the first step toward justice.