Finding Home: Maarika's Reunion with Family and Heart
FluentFiction - Estonian
Finding Home: Maarika's Reunion with Family and Heart
Maarika seisis vanas Läänemaa maamaja verandauksel.
Maarika stood on the porch door of the old Läänemaa farmhouse.
Suured õunapuud õues olid punaseid vilju täis, tuul mängis langenud lehtedega.
Large apple trees in the yard were full of red fruits, and the wind played with the fallen leaves.
Maarika polnud perekonda üle aasta näinud.
Maarika hadn't seen her family in over a year.
Ta hingas sisse sügisese maa lõhna, mälestused tormasid tagasi.
She breathed in the scent of the autumn earth, memories rushing back.
Maja oli soe ja koduselt mugav, kaminas tuli praksus, köögist kandus leivaküpsetamise aroom.
The house was warm and homely, the fire crackled in the fireplace, and the aroma of bread baking drifted from the kitchen.
Maarika astus sisse ja nägi Rainerit köögis.
Maarika stepped inside and saw Rainer in the kitchen.
Rainer oli alati olnud rõõmsameelne, ja ka nüüd naeratas ta avaralt.
Rainer had always been cheerful, and even now he smiled broadly.
"Maarika, sa oled siin!
"Maarika, you're here!
Hea meel näha!"
Good to see you!"
hüüdis Rainer, ning kallistas teda tugevalt.
exclaimed Rainer, and hugged her tightly.
Katri, nende energiline nõbu, tuli üles trepist, kandes torti.
Katri, their energetic cousin, came up the stairs carrying a cake.
"Maarika, lõpuks saime sind tagasi!"
"Maarika, we finally got you back!"
ütles ta rõõmsalt.
she said happily.
Perekond oli kogunenud tähistama Raineri sünnipäeva.
The family had gathered to celebrate Rainer's birthday.
Kõik tundsid rõõmu, juttu jätkus kauemaks.
Everyone was joyful, and there was plenty to talk about.
Maarika istus laua ääres, vaatles naeratavat peret.
Maarika sat at the table, observing the smiling family.
Kuid kuskil sügaval tundis ta end veidi võõrana.
But deep down, she felt a bit like a stranger.
Õhtu edenedes, kui teised olid hõivatud vestlusega, leidis Maarika võimaluse Raineriga rääkimiseks.
As the evening progressed, when the others were busy chatting, Maarika found an opportunity to talk to Rainer.
Nad istusid verandale, kuuvalgus valgustas nende nägusid.
They sat on the porch, the moonlight illuminating their faces.
"Ma tahaksin teiega rohkem aega veeta, aga tunnen, nagu oleksin kaugeks jäänud," rääkis Maarika vaikselt, avameelselt.
"I would like to spend more time with you, but I feel like I have become distant," Maarika spoke quietly, openly.
"Ma ei taha kaotada sidet teiega."
"I don't want to lose my connection with you."
Rainer pani käe tema õlale.
Rainer put a hand on her shoulder.
"Maarika, oled alati meie pere osa.
"Maarika, you're always a part of our family.
Me igatseme sind," ütles ta rahulikult.
We miss you," he said calmly.
"Ära mõtle liiga palju, tähtis on, et oled siin."
"Don't worry too much, the important thing is that you're here."
Maarika hinge puges pisut kergendus.
Maarika felt a bit of relief seep into her heart.
Kui oli aeg sünnipäevatervituseks, kogunes perekond elutuppa.
When it was time for the birthday toast, the family gathered in the living room.
Maarika tõusis.
Maarika stood up.
"Rainer," alustas ta häbelikult, "ma olen võib-olla elanud kaugel, aga te ei ole kunagi olnud kaugel minu südamest.
"Rainer," she began shyly, "I may have been living far away, but you have never been distant from my heart.
Olen tänulik, et olete minu pere.
I'm grateful that you're my family.
Loodan, et saame rohkem koos olla."
I hope we can spend more time together."
Vaikus täitis toa, samas oli see soe ja täis mõistmist.
Silence filled the room, yet it was warm and full of understanding.
Maarika tundis, kuidas soojus temast läbi voolas.
Maarika felt warmth flow through her.
Katri aplodeeris esimesena, tema eeskuju järgnes ülejäänud perekond.
Katri was the first to applaud, and the rest of the family followed her lead.
Tuba täitus aplausiga ja naeruga.
The room filled with applause and laughter.
See õhtu muutis Maarikat.
That evening changed Maarika.
Ta mõistis, et distants on vaid füüsiline.
She realized that distance is only physical.
Perekonna armastus, ühised mälestused — need olid alati olemas.
Family love, shared memories — they were always there.
Maarika lubas endale külastada tihedamini, püüdes hoida hinge lähedal kõiki neid, keda armastab.
Maarika promised herself to visit more often, trying to keep close in her heart all those she loves.
Lõpuks, kui kõik olid magama läinud, seisis Maarika veel kord veranda ukse juures.
Finally, when everyone had gone to sleep, Maarika stood once more at the porch door.
Linnulaulus kõlas uus lugu.
The birdsong sounded like a new tune.
Kuu paistis, ja Maarika tundis lõpuks end tõeliselt kodus.
The moon shone, and Maarika finally felt truly at home.