Kaarel's Christmas Wish: Reuniting Family With Hope
FluentFiction - Estonian
Kaarel's Christmas Wish: Reuniting Family With Hope
Keset lund ja külma Tallinna keskkoolis valitses talvine elevus.
In the middle of snow and cold, there was winter excitement in a Tallinna high school.
Kaarel vaatas aknast välja, vaadates lumevaipa, mis kattis linnatänavaid.
Kaarel looked out the window, watching the blanket of snow covering the city streets.
Kool oli rõõmsalt kaunistatud jõuluinglite ja tulukestega.
The school was joyfully decorated with Christmas angels and little lights.
Kaarel aga ei suutnud rõõmu tunda.
However, Kaarel couldn't feel the joy.
Tema mõtted olid mujal, kirjudele koolilauale kuhjunud õppematerjali kõrval.
His thoughts were elsewhere, alongside the colorful study materials piled on his school desk.
Kaarel oli hiljuti pidanud leppima oma vanemate lahkuminekuga.
Kaarel had recently had to come to terms with his parents' separation.
See oli raske talle, eriti nüüd jõulude eel, mis kunagi olid tema lemmikpühad.
It was difficult for him, especially now before Christmas, which had once been his favorite holiday.
Ta tahtis teha midagi, et tuua oma pere kokku, vähemalt jõuluõhtuks.
He wanted to do something to bring his family together, at least for Christmas Eve.
Maarja ja Raimond, Kaareli sõbrad, märkasid tema muret.
Maarja and Raimond, Kaarel's friends, noticed his worry.
"Kaarel, mida sa mõtled?"
"Kaarel, what are you thinking about?"
küsis Maarja.
Maarja asked.
"Sa oled viimasel ajal vaikne."
"You've been quiet lately."
"Ma tahan, et mu vanemad oleksid jälle koos vähemalt jõuluks," vastas Kaarel vaikselt.
"I want my parents to be together again, at least for Christmas," Kaarel replied quietly.
Sõbrad vaikisid hetkeks, mõistes tema soovi.
The friends were silent for a moment, understanding his wish.
Raimond pakkus ettevaatlikult: "Võib-olla võiksid sa nendega eraldi rääkida?
Raimond cautiously suggested, "Maybe you could talk to them separately?
Räägi neile oma mõtetest."
Tell them your thoughts."
Kaarel noogutas.
Kaarel nodded.
Tal oli plaan.
He had a plan.
Ta räägib emaga ja isaga, püüdes neid veenda.
He would talk to his mom and dad, trying to persuade them.
Ta tahtis korraldada jõululaua nende ühises kodus.
He wanted to arrange a Christmas dinner in their shared home.
Tunded olid segased, aga vajadus peret siduda oli tugevam.
His feelings were mixed, but the need to bind the family was stronger.
Järgmisel päeval kutsus Kaarel ema kohvile.
The next day, Kaarel invited his mom for coffee.
Ta istus nende lemmikkohvikus, lumi langevad aknal.
They sat in their favorite cafe, snow falling against the window.
"Emme, jõulud on tulekul.
"Mom, Christmas is coming.
Kas sa võiksid tulla koju õhtusöögile?"
Could you come home for dinner?"
küsis ta.
he asked.
Ema vaatas talle otsa.
His mom looked at him.
"Kaarel, ma ei tea..." "Palun," noogutas Kaarel, "võib-olla võiks... kõik hästi minna."
"Kaarel, I'm not sure..." "Please," Kaarel nodded, "maybe... everything could go well."
Järgnevalt räägib ta isa juures, pakkudes sama ideed.
Next, he talked to his dad, offering the same idea.
Kaarel muretses, aga tundis ka pisikest lootust.
Kaarel worried but also felt a tiny hope.
Isa näis kaugusesse vaatavat enne, kui nõustus lõpuks.
His dad seemed to look into the distance before eventually agreeing.
Luba üksi ei täitnud Kaareli südant rahu, teades et pinge vanemate vahel püsis.
Approval alone did not bring Kaarel peace, knowing that the tension between his parents persisted.
Jõuluõhtu lähenes.
Christmas Eve approached.
Kaarel kaunistas laua kõigi oma lemmiknööride ja küünaldega.
Kaarel decorated the table with all his favorite ribbons and candles.
Ta süütas tule puukütteahjus, et kodu oleks hubane ja soe.
He lit the fire in the wood-burning stove to make the home cozy and warm.
Maarja ja Raimond olid lubanud aidata, kuid nüüd oli hetk, mil kõik taandus ainult temale ja tema lootusele, et mõlemad vanemad tulevad.
Maarja and Raimond had promised to help, but now was the moment when everything boiled down to him and his hope that both parents would come.
Kui päike loojus ja lumi katmas õuet, helises uksekell.
As the sun set and snow covered the yard, the doorbell rang.
Esimesena saabus ema, jälgides ettevaatlikult koridori.
First, his mom arrived, cautiously watching the hallway.
Järgnes isa, kes seisatas hetkeks enne astumist.
Then came his dad, pausing for a moment before stepping in.
Õhtu oli alguses pingeline, kuid järk-järgult kadusid seinad.
The evening was tense at first, but gradually the walls disappeared.
Jagati lugusid, naerukaari kuuldus.
Stories were shared, laughter was heard.
Kaarel märkis, kuidas ema ja isa pilgud kohtusid, naeratused puudutasid ammust ühist tunnet.
Kaarel noticed how his mom and dad's eyes met, smiles touching upon an old shared feeling.
Tuba täitus soojusega, mitte ainult ahju kuumusest.
The room filled with warmth, not just from the stove's heat.
Kui öö lõppes, mõistis Kaarel: ta ei saa muuta seda, mida tulevikud võivad tuua.
As the night ended, Kaarel realized: he couldn't change what the future might bring.
Kuid hetkeks elas ta unistuses, kus pere pidades meeles, et side võib püsida ka tormides.
But for a moment, he lived in a dream where the family remembered that the connection could endure even in storms.
Jõulupuu säras, ja see pidas Kaareli südames lootust.
The Christmas tree shone, holding hope in Kaarel's heart.
Family tähtsus ei haihtunud, vaid muutus, tugevnes.
The importance of family didn't vanish but rather changed, strengthened.
Kaarel teadis, et oli teinud midagi olulist.
Kaarel knew he had done something important.
Sõprus, perekond ja hoolimine olid teda viinud siiani.
Friendship, family, and caring had brought him this far.
Ja see oli olnud seda väärt.
And it had been worth it.