Laughs and Snowmen in the Sauna: An Unexpected Winter Tale
FluentFiction - Estonian
Laughs and Snowmen in the Sauna: An Unexpected Winter Tale
Eesti talv oli oma haripunktis.
The Estonian winter was at its peak.
Puud olid kaetud lumekihiga ning mets oli vaikne ja rahulik.
The trees were covered with a layer of snow, and the forest was quiet and peaceful.
Selge taevas tõotas külma päeva.
The clear sky promised a cold day.
Keset seda lumist maastikku asus traditsiooniline suitsusaun.
Amidst this snowy landscape stood a traditional smoke sauna.
Saun, mis paistis ülevalt eriliselt maagiline, sest tõusva auru ja lumesära kooslus oli midagi erilist.
The sauna looked especially magical from above, as the combination of rising steam and sparkling snow was something special.
Kaarel, noor mees täis energiat ja hulljulgeid ideid, oli endale võtnud eesmärgiks murda maailma saunarekord.
Kaarel, a young man full of energy and daring ideas, had set a goal for himself to break the world sauna record.
Samas saunas olid temaga koos tema sõbrad Liina ja Mikk.
With him in the same sauna were his friends Liina and Mikk.
Liina dokumenteeris kogu ettevõtmist oma kaamera ja märkmikuga.
Liina was documenting the entire undertaking with her camera and notebook.
Ta naeratas, kui nägi Kaarli pühendumust, kuigi temas oli ka veidi skepsist.
She smiled as she saw Kaarel's dedication, although she also had a bit of skepticism.
Mikk, praktiline ja realistlik sõber, oli veendunud, et see pole hea mõte, kuid ta toetas Kaarlit, hoides samal ajal silma peal tema heaolul.
Mikk, the practical and realistic friend, was convinced it was not a good idea but supported Kaarel, keeping an eye on his well-being at the same time.
Kaarel istus saunas, higikristallid tema otsaesisel sillerdamas.
Kaarel sat in the sauna, sweat crystals shimmering on his forehead.
Ta püüdis end rahulikuna hoida, kuigi sisimas hakkas palavus juba tema vastupidavusele mõju avaldama.
He tried to remain calm, even though the heat was starting to affect his endurance.
Kui aeg edasi kulges, avastas ta, et lihtsalt edasi istumine polnudki nii lihtne nagu esialgu arvas.
As time went on, he discovered that simply sitting still was not as easy as he initially thought.
Väljas, sauna ees, jälgisid Liina ja Mikk murelikult, kui aega mõõtvad minutid tiksusid kiiresti.
Outside, in front of the sauna, Liina and Mikk watched with concern as the minutes ticked by quickly.
"Kaarel, sa oled juba üle tunni sees," hüüdis Mikk läbi aurava udu.
"Kaarel, you've been inside for over an hour," shouted Mikk through the steaming mist.
Kuid Kaarel kehitas vaid õlgu, kindel oma otsuses jätkata.
But Kaarel just shrugged, determined to continue.
Järsku hakkas Kaareluid scookama nägemused.
Suddenly, Kaarel began to see visions.
Talle tundus, et saunas koos temaga on kaks rõõmsat lumememme, kes alustasid valju ooperiga.
It seemed to him that two cheerful snowmen were with him in the sauna, starting a loud opera.
Kaarel raputas pead, püüdes meelemängudest jagu saada.
Kaarel shook his head, trying to overcome his hallucinations.
Mikk ja Liina vahetasid veel murelikke pilke.
Mikk and Liina exchanged more worried glances.
"Mida me teeme?"
"What do we do?"
küsis Liina, mureallinen hääles.
asked Liina, concern in her voice.
Mikk tuli lagedale idee: "Proovime teda välja meelitada veidi lõbusamate vahenditega."
Mikk came up with an idea: "Let's try to lure him out with a bit more fun."
Nad korraldasid sauna ukse ees väikese tantsupeo, visates samal ajal nalju ja tehes naljakaid liigutusi.
They organized a small dance party in front of the sauna door, cracking jokes and making funny moves.
Liina filmis seda kõike ja rõõmus naer kostis kõrgemale metsakuplustesse.
Liina filmed it all, and joyful laughter echoed up into the forest canopy.
See omakorda meelitaski Kaarli välja, tema uudishimu ja seltskondlikkus sai temas võitu.
This, in turn, lured Kaarel out, his curiosity and sociability getting the better of him.
Just siis, kui Kaarel saunast väljus, ilmusid seltskonda lumekuju festivali osavõtjad, kes olid ekslikult sinna sattunud.
Just as Kaarel emerged from the sauna, participants of a snow figure festival, who had mistakenly ended up there, appeared.
Sauna ette kogunes rõõmus rahvahulk, kes kõik naersid ja imetlesid improviseeritud tantsu.
A cheerful crowd gathered in front of the sauna, all laughing and admiring the improvised dance.
Naeruga ja häbitundeta, Kaarel mõistis, et rekordite murdmine polegi nii tähtis.
With laughter and without shame, Kaarel realized that breaking records wasn't so important.
Tähtsad olid sõbrad ja loodud mälestused.
What mattered were friends and the memories created.
"Kahjud pole tähtis," naeris Kaarel.
"Losses don't matter," laughed Kaarel.
"Peaasi, et sai naerda!"
"The main thing is that we got to laugh!"
Liina filmis hetke lõpuni ja Mikk nõustus, et isegi kui rekord jäi saavutamata, saadi sellest pealegi fantastiline lugu jutustada.
Liina filmed until the very end, and Mikk agreed that even if a record wasn't achieved, they nevertheless had a fantastic story to tell.
Nii läksid nad kõik koos metsa suunas, jättes saunataguse hetkelise hulluse selja taha, aga hinges kerged ja rahulolevad.
Thus they all headed together toward the forest, leaving the momentary madness behind the sauna, but feeling light-hearted and contented at heart.
Kaarel teadis nüüd, et elamus on olulisem kui ükski rekordaeg.
Kaarel now knew that experience was more important than any record time.