Surviving the Storm: Maarika's Journey on the Tundra
FluentFiction - Estonian
Surviving the Storm: Maarika's Journey on the Tundra
Pimedas talvehommikus oli ainult valge, lõputu tasandik.
In the dark winter morning, there was only a white, endless plain.
Tundra ulgus tuul ulus lakkamatult.
The tundra wind howled unceasingly.
Maarika astus ettevaatlikult edasi, tema jalanõud krudisesid lume peal.
Maarika stepped carefully forward, her shoes crunching on the snow.
Väikese poe juurde jõudes tõmbas ta ukse raskelt lahti ja astus sisse.
Upon reaching the small store, she pulled the door open with difficulty and stepped inside.
Poemaja oli väike ja külm.
The storehouse was small and cold.
Aknaid kattis jääkirme ning riiulid olid poolikud.
The windows were covered with a layer of frost, and the shelves were half-empty.
Aga Maarika teadis, et siit võiks midagi kasulikku leida.
But Maarika knew that something useful might be found here.
"Kalev, kas oled siin?"
"Kalev, are you here?"
kutsus ta häält tõstes.
she called out, raising her voice.
Kalev, poe omanik, ilmus tagant ruumist.
Kalev, the store owner, appeared from the back room.
"Tere, Maarika," vastas ta.
"Hello, Maarika," he replied.
"Vähe kaupa on tulnud.
"Very little stock has arrived.
Laev hilineb."
The ship is delayed."
Maarika teadis, et oli kannatamatu.
Maarika knew she was impatient.
Ta ei saanud kauem oodata.
She couldn't wait any longer.
"Mul on vaja telginööri ja kuuma toitu.
"I need tent rope and hot food.
Mis sul on?"
What do you have?"
Maarika vaatas murelikult ümber.
Maarika looked around anxiously.
Kalev kriimustas pead.
Kalev scratched his head.
"Väike valik.
"A small selection.
Aga tean, sul on, mida võiksin osta.
But I know you have something I might want to buy.
Oled ju kogenud rännumees."
You are an experienced traveler, after all."
Maarika mõtles hetkeks.
Maarika thought for a moment.
Ta teadis, et võis Kaleviga vahetada, kuid võimalused olid väikesed.
She knew she could barter with Kalev, but the possibilities were limited.
Kalev tõi välja kotitäie kaubaartikleid.
Kalev brought out a bag of goods.
Maarika uuris neid hoolikalt.
Maarika inspected them carefully.
Siin oli natuke konserve ja mõned soojad kindad.
There were some canned goods and a few warm gloves.
"Mul on mõned vanad soojendavad teelambid," pakkus ta.
"I have some old warming travel lamps," she offered.
Kalev noogutas ja korjas välja need esemed, mida tal oli vaja.
Kalev nodded and picked out the items he needed.
Just siis hakkas akna taga tuulehoog tugevamaks muutuma.
Just then, the wind outside began to strengthen.
Õues hakkas hoogsalt lund sadama.
It started to snow heavily.
Maarika vaatas hirmunult aknast välja.
Maarika looked fearfully out the window.
"Torm on tulemas," ütles Kalev.
"A storm is coming," said Kalev.
"Peaksid jääma siia."
"You should stay here."
Maarika seisis, ahvatluses jääda.
Maarika stood there, tempted to stay.
Ent seal oli veel toores trots, mis tahtis edasi minna.
Yet there was still a raw defiance in her that wanted to move on.
Maa kutsus teda.
The land was calling her.
Aga torm.
But the storm.
Ta pöördus Kalevi poole.
She turned to Kalev.
"Kas on veel keegi, kes mind aidata võiks?"
"Is there anyone else who could help me?"
küsis ta.
she asked.
"Huvitav, Anu peaks kohe siia tulema.
"Interesting, Anu should be coming here soon.
Ta teab tundrast rohkem kui keegi teine," vastas Kalev silmi vidutades lumisele teele.
She knows more about the tundra than anyone else," replied Kalev, squinting at the snowy road.
Veidi hiljem sisenes Anu, seljakott õlal, ruumi.
A little later, Anu entered the room, a backpack on her shoulder.
"Kuulsin, mida Maarika vajab ja arusaadavalt, tal on vaja abi," ütles Anu naeratades.
"I heard what Maarika needs, and understandably, she needs help," said Anu with a smile.
Maarika vaatas teda, tundes soojust ja kergendust.
Maarika looked at her, feeling warmth and relief.
Kolmekesi asusid nad plaane arutama.
The three of them began to discuss plans.
Torm räsis väljas, kuid Maarika ei tundnud end enam üksi.
The storm raged outside, but Maarika no longer felt alone.
Ta õppis usaldama ja abi vastu võtma.
She learned to trust and accept help.
Koos sõlmiti tugev plaan ja Maarika teadis, et üksinda ei pea ta teele minema.
They made a strong plan together, and Maarika knew she wouldn't have to set out alone.
Kalev, Anu ja Maarika hakkasid koos koguma ja jagama oma teadmisi ja vahendeid.
Kalev, Anu, and Maarika started to gather and share their knowledge and resources together.
Maarika mõistis, et üksi ei pea vastu pidama.
Maarika realized that she didn't have to endure alone.
Koos oli arukam ja kindlam minna.
It was wiser and safer to go together.
Nii lõppes Maarika lugu tundra ääremaal, teadmisega, et vahel on parim rännutee see, mida jagad teistega.
So ended Maarika's story on the edge of the tundra, with the understanding that sometimes the best journey is the one shared with others.