Rekindled Hope: A Sibling Bond Amidst Tallinn's Snow
FluentFiction - Estonian
Rekindled Hope: A Sibling Bond Amidst Tallinn's Snow
Tallinna äärelinnas, lumesaju vaibumise hetkedel, kerkis ajutine välihaigla.
In the outskirts of Tallinn, during the moments when the snowfall was easing, a temporary field hospital rose.
See oli koht, kus meditsiinilise personaliga täidetud ruumides võideldakse igapäevaselt tervise nimel.
It was a place where rooms filled with medical personnel fought daily for health.
Haigla kõrval seisis Kaisa, hoides tugevalt oma talvemantlit kinni, et külm tuul ei läbistaks.
Beside the hospital stood Kaisa, holding tightly onto her winter coat to keep the cold wind from piercing through.
Tema süda oli täis muret ning samas lootust, et saab oma venna, Mihkli, külaskäiguga aidata.
Her heart was full of worry and at the same time hope that she could help her brother, Mihkel, with a visit.
Mihkel oli alati olnud elurõõmus ja veidi mässumeelne.
Mihkel had always been cheerful and a bit rebellious.
Kogemata juhtunud õnnetus oli ta aga haiglavoodisse paisanud.
However, an accidental mishap had landed him in a hospital bed.
Kaisa tundis suurt süüd, tema süda ja mõtted keerlesid kogu aeg nende ühiste hetkede ümber, kui ta oleks ehk saanud asju teisiti teha.
Kaisa felt immense guilt, her heart and thoughts constantly revolving around their shared moments, wondering if she could have done things differently.
Ta teadis, et peab omalt poolt kõik tegema, et Mikkel saaks parimat hoolt.
She knew she had to do everything in her power to ensure Mihkel received the best care.
Ta otsustas võta töölt puhkust, olles teadlik, et see otsus ei meeldi tema bossile, Liinale.
She decided to take a leave from work, knowing this decision wouldn't please her boss, Liina.
Sellal, kui Kaisa haigla uksi avas, tervitas teda sooja õhuga hõljum koos antiseptiliste lõhnadega.
As Kaisa opened the hospital doors, she was greeted by a waft of warm air mixed with antiseptic smells.
Ta siirdus sirgjooneliselt Mikkli palatisse.
She headed straight to Mihkel's room.
Mihkel lamas seal, kohandades voodit, naeratus suunurgas, nagu ei muretseks ta sugugi oma vigastuse pärast.
Mihkel lay there, adjusting the bed, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, as if he wasn't worried at all about his injury. "
"Kaisa," hõikas ta, kui ta õde sisse astus.
Kaisa," he called out as his sister entered.
"Kas tõid mulle jälle neid koduseid küpsiseid?"
"Did you bring me those homemade cookies again?"
Kaisa naeratas nukralt.
Kaisa smiled sadly.
"Ma tõin sulle toetust ja armastust.
"I brought you support and love.
Küpsised võivad tulla hiljem."
Cookies might come later."
Ta istus voodi servale, jälgides venda heldimusega.
She sat on the edge of the bed, watching her brother with tenderness.
Mõlemal oli palju öelda, kuid sõnad olid esialgu valulikud.
Both had much to say, but the words were painful at first.
Kaisa tundis, et peab rääkima.
Kaisa felt she had to speak.
Ajaloolised erimeelsused kerkisid pinnale ja peaaegu lõid uuesti lõkkele.
Historical disagreements surfaced and almost reignited.
"Miks sa alati niimoodi riskid?"
"Why do you always take such risks?"
küsis Kaisa pettunult, meenutades karmimatel toonidel kõiki nende varasemaid hõõrumisi.
Kaisa asked with disappointment, recalling in harsher tones all their previous frictions.
Mihkel ohkas.
Mihkel sighed.
"Ma lihtsalt tahtsin elada... ja vahel ma unustan, et keegi võib minu pärast haiget saada.
"I just wanted to live... and sometimes I forget that someone might get hurt because of me.
Ma pole selle üle uhke, Kaisa."
I'm not proud of it, Kaisa."
Sõnad lendasid ja nende vahel tekkis vaikus.
Words flew and silence formed between them.
Siis, ootamatult, avas Mihkel oma südame.
Then, unexpectedly, Mihkel opened his heart.
"Ma kardan, Kaisa.
"I'm scared, Kaisa.
Kardan, et ma ei parane kunagi täielikult," tunnistas ta ausalt.
I'm afraid that I'll never fully recover," he admitted honestly.
Kaisa tundis kurgus torkivat valulikkust.
Kaisa felt a painful lump in her throat.
"Ma kardan ka.
"I'm scared too.
Aga me saame sellest koos üle.
But we'll get through this together.
Ma luban," lausus ta emotsionaalselt.
I promise," she said emotionally.
Järgmiste tundide jooksul rääkisid nad üha avatumalt.
Over the following hours, they spoke more openly.
Vana kibestumus möödus, jättes ruumi mõistmisele ja andestusele.
Old bitterness passed, leaving room for understanding and forgiveness.
Mõlemad leidsid tee teineteiseni tagasi.
Both found their way back to each other.
Kaisa mõistis, et ei pea enam end piinama süütundega.
Kaisa realized she didn't need to torment herself with guilt anymore.
Ta teadis nüüd, et saab olla Mihkli jaoks olemas, kuid tema elu on samuti oluline.
She now knew she could be there for Mihkel, but her life was important too.
Kui Kaisa haiglast ära läks, oli tema südames rahu.
When Kaisa left the hospital, her heart was at peace.
Tal oli kindel plaan naasta tööle ja võtta kaasa uus perspektiiv elust.
She had a firm plan to return to work and to carry forward a new perspective on life.
Ta teadis, et Mihkel on samasuguselt teel paranemise, nii füüsiliselt kui ka vaimselt.
She knew that Mihkel was likewise on the path to recovery, both physically and mentally.
Koos suudeti leida jõud, et olla teineteisele paremaks toeks tulevikus.
Together, they found the strength to be better support for each other in the future.