FluentFiction - Estonian

Love Across Borders: A Valentine's Tale From Tallinn to Rome

FluentFiction - Estonian

14m 08sFebruary 24, 2025

Love Across Borders: A Valentine's Tale From Tallinn to Rome

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  • Kaarel istus oma Tallinna korteris ja vaatas välja aknast.

    Kaarel sat in his Tallinn apartment and looked out the window.

  • Lumehelbed tantsisid aeglaselt allapoole, kattes linna valge vaibaga.

    Snowflakes danced slowly downwards, covering the city with a white blanket.

  • Kuigi Tallinn oli ilus, ei olnud see sama, mis Rooma, kus Maarja praegu viibis.

    Although Tallinn was beautiful, it wasn't the same as Rome, where Maarja was currently staying.

  • Tal oli vaja midagi erilist välja mõelda.

    He needed to come up with something special.

  • Oli ju sõbrapäev.

    After all, it was Valentine's Day.

  • Kuigi nende suhe oli vahemaa tõttu keeruline, oli Kaarel otsustanud, et tahab seda erilist päeva Maarjale meeldejäävaks teha.

    Even though their relationship was complicated due to the distance, Kaarel had decided he wanted to make this special day memorable for Maarja.

  • Ta istus oma köögilaua taga, kirjutas mõtetega täidetud kirja ja korjas esemetest hoolikalt komplekti.

    He sat at his kitchen table, wrote a letter filled with thoughts, and carefully assembled a package of items.

  • Pakki läksid kuivatatud sinililled, väike pudel õunasiidrit ja käsitsi tehtud šokolaad, mille peal oli nende lemmik Tallinna kohviku logo.

    The package included dried cornflowers, a small bottle of apple cider, and a handmade chocolate with their favorite Tallinn café's logo on it.

  • Maarja oli Itaalias õpingutega hõivatud, maalide ja skulptuuride maailmas, kuid Kaarel teadis, et see pakett tooks tüki Eestit tema ellu.

    Maarja was busy with her studies in Italy, immersed in the world of paintings and sculptures, but Kaarel knew that this package would bring a piece of Estonia into her life.

  • Ta lisas kirja lõppu soovi: "Kohtume FaceTime'is kell seitse teie aja järgi."

    He added a note at the end: "Let's meet on FaceTime at seven, your time."

  • Aeg lähenes.

    The time was approaching.

  • Kaarel närveeris.

    Kaarel was nervous.

  • Kuid siis tuli midagi ootamatut.

    But then something unexpected happened.

  • Tallinna kohal puhkes tugev lumetorm, ja äkki kadus internetiühendus.

    A strong snowstorm broke out over Tallinn, and suddenly the internet connection was lost.

  • Kaarel kõndis närviliselt edasi-tagasi, muretsedes, kas Maarja saab kõnele vastata.

    Kaarel paced back and forth nervously, worried whether Maarja would be able to answer the call.

  • Oli juba hiline õhtu, kui torm lõpuks vaibus.

    It was already late evening when the storm finally subsided.

  • Kaarel kiirustas telefoni juurde, lootes parimat.

    Kaarel hurried to his phone, hoping for the best.

  • Ja seal ta oli!

    And there she was!

  • Maarja naeratus paistis ekraanil.

    Maarja's smile was shining on the screen.

  • "Tere, Kaarel!"

    "Hello, Kaarel!"

  • Maarja hääles oli rõõmu ja esmapilk Eestist saadud pakile tegi ta silmad särama.

    There was joy in Maarja's voice, and the first glimpse of the package sent from Estonia made her eyes sparkle.

  • Maarja avas paki ja tundis end lähemal Eestile.

    Maarja opened the package and felt closer to Estonia.

  • Ta loetles hoolsalt kõiki esemeid.

    She carefully went through all the items.

  • "Sinililled!


  • Ah, ja šokolaad!

    Oh, and chocolate!

  • See on lihtsalt täiuslik!"

    It's just perfect!"

  • Kaareli süda oli soe ja rahulolev.

    Kaarel's heart was warm and content.

  • Nad vestlesid kaua, naersid kummaliste toidukatsetuste üle, mida Maarja Itaalias proovinud oli, ja jagasid oma unistusi tuleviku kohta.

    They talked for a long time, laughed over the strange food experiments Maarja had tried in Italy, and shared their dreams for the future.

  • Lõpuks mõistis Kaarel, et tõeline armastus ei kahanenud vahemaa tõttu.

    Finally, Kaarel realized that true love did not diminish because of distance.

  • See ainult kasvas.

    It only grew stronger.

  • Nende side oli tugev, nagu kunagi varem, ja Maarja soe naeratus kinnitas seda.

    Their connection was as strong as ever, and Maarja's warm smile confirmed it.

  • Talveõhtu Tallinnas lõppes rahulikult.

    The winter evening in Tallinn ended peacefully.

  • Kaarel sulges akna ja vaatas, kuidas lumi maandus majakatusele.

    Kaarel closed the window and watched as the snow landed on the house roof.

  • Ta teadis, et hoolimata vahemaast saab armastus alati oma teed.

    He knew that despite the distance, love would always find its way.

  • täta ttk attjds aālme zcsds jääds duuru.

    täta ttk attjds aālme zcsds jääds duuru.