Luc's Snowy Quest: Choosing Dreams Over Distractions
FluentFiction - French
Luc's Snowy Quest: Choosing Dreams Over Distractions
La neige tombait doucement sur les Alpes.
The snow was gently falling over the Alpes.
Le pensionnat était calme, enveloppé dans un doux manteau blanc.
The boarding school was calm, wrapped in a soft white blanket.
Luc regardait par la fenêtre de sa chambre.
Luc was looking out the window of his room.
Il rêvait souvent d’aventures, d’histoires et de contrées lointaines.
He often dreamed of adventures, stories, and distant lands.
Aujourd'hui, il avait une mission importante : acheter un cahier spécial qui l’aiderait à écrire.
Today, he had an important mission: to buy a special notebook that would help him write.
Luc, Sophie, et Henri marchaient ensemble vers le petit marché du village, non loin du pensionnat.
Luc, Sophie, and Henri were walking together to the small village market, not far from the boarding school.
Les stands étaient colorés, pleins de bibelots et de choses intéressantes.
The stands were colorful, full of trinkets and interesting things.
Les lumières des stands brillaient dans la neige, créant une ambiance magique.
The lights of the stands shone in the snow, creating a magical atmosphere.
Sophie s’arrêtait souvent.
Sophie often stopped.
Elle aimait tout voir, tout toucher.
She loved to see everything, to touch everything.
Henri, le plus calme du groupe, la suivait en silence.
Henri, the calmest of the group, followed her in silence.
Luc, cependant, avait les yeux fixés sur son objectif.
Luc, however, had his eyes fixed on his goal.
Un cahier en cuir qu’il avait aperçu chez un marchand la semaine dernière.
A leather notebook he had noticed at a merchant's stand last week.
En chemin, Luc était tenté.
On the way, Luc was tempted.
Des petites figurines de bois, des écharpes chaudes, des bougies parfumées appelaient son nom.
Little wooden figurines, warm scarves, scented candles were calling his name.
Il avait quelques euros en poche.
He had a few euros in his pocket.
Juste assez pour acheter le cahier.
Just enough to buy the notebook.
Mais ici, tous les objets semblaient lui murmurer : « Achète-moi !
But here, all the objects seemed to whisper to him: "Buy me!"
» Il s’arrêta devant un stand de boules de neige.
He stopped in front of a stand with snow globes.
La tentation était forte.
The temptation was strong.
Une petite boule avec un village alpin était très belle.
A small globe with an Alpine village was very beautiful.
Mais il se calma.
But he calmed himself.
Il se souvenait de son rêve de devenir écrivain célèbre.
He remembered his dream of becoming a famous writer.
Le cahier était important.
The notebook was important.
Il devait rester concentré.
He had to stay focused.
Après plusieurs minutes à déambuler entre les stands, Luc vit enfin le cahier.
After several minutes of wandering between the stands, Luc finally saw the notebook.
Il était beau, encore plus que dans ses souvenirs.
It was beautiful, even more so than he remembered.
Le cuir était doux et lisse.
The leather was soft and smooth.
Il prit une grande respiration et demanda le prix.
He took a deep breath and asked for the price.
C’était exactement la somme qu’il possédait.
It was exactly the amount he had.
Luc sourit.
Luc smiled.
Il se souvenait alors de ce qu'il voulait vraiment.
He then remembered what he truly wanted.
Il acheta le cahier sans hésiter.
He bought the notebook without hesitation.
Henri et Sophie le rejoignirent, chacun avec un petit souvenir en main.
Henri and Sophie joined him, each with a little keepsake in hand.
Mais Luc se moquait des petits objets, il avait son trésor.
But Luc didn't care about the little objects; he had his treasure.
Luc apprit ce jour-là que ses rêves valaient plus que des distractions temporaires.
Luc learned that day that his dreams were worth more than temporary distractions.
Il ressentit de la joie.
He felt joy.
Ce cahier inspirerait ses histoires grandioses.
This notebook would inspire his grand stories.
Il savait qu'il avait pris la bonne décision.
He knew he had made the right decision.
En retournant au pensionnat, avec son précieux cahier sous le bras, il se sentait prêt à conquérir le monde de l’écriture.
As he returned to the boarding school, with his precious notebook under his arm, he felt ready to conquer the world of writing.
Les montagnes silencieuses semblaient encourager ses ambitions.
The silent mountains seemed to encourage his ambitions.