FluentFiction - Irish

A Kiss of Fortune at Blarney Castle

FluentFiction - Irish

14m 08sDecember 14, 2023

A Kiss of Fortune at Blarney Castle

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  • Lá breá gréine a bhí ann nuair a shocraigh Aoife, Sean agus Caoimhe dul ar thuras go Caisleán na Blarnan.

    It was a beautiful sunny day when Aoife, Sean, and Caoimhe decided to go on a trip to Blarney Castle.

  • Bhí sceitimíní ar Aoife go háirithe, mar bhí sí ag iarraidh póg a thabhairt ar an gcloch mhór cáiliúil, Cloch na Blarnan, chun an t-ádh a fháil.

    Aoife was particularly excited as she wanted to kiss the famous Blarney Stone to get some luck.

  • Nuair a shroicheadar an caisleán, bhí an áit dubh le daoine.

    When they reached the castle, the place was crowded with people.

  • Bhí scéalta á n-insint ag seanfhear faoi draíocht an chloch.

    An old man was telling stories about the magic of the stone.

  • Dúirt sé go raibh caint na cainteoirí móra ag duine ar bith a phóg an chloch.

    He said that anyone who kissed the stone would have the gift of gab.

  • Chuaigh an triúr suas staighre cúnga na caisleán.

    The three of them went up the narrow stairs of the castle.

  • Aoife ar dtús, í lán de spreagadh.

    Aoife first, was full of excitement.

  • Ní fhaca sí aon rud ach an chloch os a comhair agus í ag druidim.

    She saw nothing but the stone in front of her as she approached.

  • Bhí Sean in aice léi agus Caoimhe taobh thiar, ag féachaint suas orthu.

    Sean was beside her, and Caoimhe was behind, looking up at them.

  • D'fhéach Aoife siar thar a guaillí ag Caoimhe agus dúirt, "An bhfuil tú réidh?"

    Aoife looked back over her shoulder at Caoimhe and said, "Are you ready?"

  • D'fhéach sí ar an gcloch, ansin dhruid sí a súile agus chuir sí a béal chun caint.

    She looked at the stone, then closed her eyes and puckered up.

  • Ach, níor phóg Aoife an chloch ar chor ar bith. In áit an chloch, bhí sean atá sa phictiúr – bhí Aoife tar éis póg a thabhairt do shúil Sean de thaisme!

    But Aoife didn't kiss the stone at all; instead, in place of the stone was Sean in the picture – Aoife had accidentally kissed Sean's eye!

  • Bhí Aoife trína chéile agus thosaigh sí ag gáire go hiontach.

    Aoife was beside herself and started laughing uproariously.

  • Bhí náire ar Sean ach bhí gáire air freisin.

    Sean was embarrassed, but he couldn't help but laugh too.

  • Bhí iontas ar Caoimhe agus shín sí síos chun gáire.

    Caoimhe was surprised and she too broke into laughter.

  • Ní raibh a fhios ag Aoife cad ba cheart di a dhéanamh, ach dúirt Sean léi, "Ná bí buartha, is beag an baol!"

    Aoife didn't know what to do, but Sean told her, "Don't worry, it's no big deal!"

  • Thug Aoife faoi ndeara an dea-ádh a bhí aici - ní hamháin go raibh cara maith aici i Sean ach bhí an triúr acu ag gáire le chéile, faoi láthair sona a bheadh acu le cuimhneamh go deo.

    Aoife noticed the good fortune she had - not only did she have a good friend in Sean, but the three of them were laughing together, having a present happy moment they'd remember forever.

  • Ag an deireadh, phóg Aoife an Blarney Stone i gceart agus bhraith sí an draíocht ag líonadh a croí.

    In the end, Aoife kissed the Blarney Stone properly and felt the magic filling her heart.

  • Chuir an eachtra seo dlúthcheangal idir an triúr, lena gceangal a neartú fós trí scéal a chríochnaigh le póg mhearbhall ach lán de charadas.

    This event created a strong bond between the three, strengthening their friendship through a story that ended with a kiss mix-up but full of laughter.

  • Agus mar sin, ba léir go ndearna an ‘póg mhícheart’ níos mó sonas ná aon póg amháin dá mbeadh sí ceart ó thús.

    So, it became clear that the 'wrong kiss' brought more happiness than any one correct kiss would.

  • Agus is minic a mheabhraíodh an triúr acu an lá iontach sin ag Caisleán na Blarnan, áit ar bhuail draíocht, cairdeas, agus beagán mearbhaill le chéile chun scéal a chruthaigh gáire agus áthas a inseofaí arís agus arís eile.

    And often the three of them would recall that wonderful day at Blarney Castle, where magic, friendship, and a bit of confusion mixed together to create a story of laughter and joy that would be told again and again.