A Heritage Celebrated: Family Tales at the Great Cliff
FluentFiction - Irish
A Heritage Celebrated: Family Tales at the Great Cliff
Bhí an ghrian ag taitneamh go láidir ar an Aill Mhór an lá sin.
The sun shone brightly on the Great Cliff that day.
Bhí an ghaoth ag séideadh go bog thar an domhan mór carraigeach.
The wind was blowing gently over the vast rocky landscape.
Rinne na tonnta ceol iontach.
The waves made wonderful music.
Bhí ceiliúradh mór ar siúl.
There was a great celebration happening.
Shroich Niamh agus Cormac an áit, lán le háthas agus sceitimíní.
Niamh and Cormac arrived at the place, full of happiness and excitement.
Bhí clann Niamh agus Cormac mór agus fairsing.
Niamh and Cormac's family was large and extensive.
Tháinig siad ó gach cearn den domhan.
They came from every corner of the world.
Bhí siad bailithe le chéile chun ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar a bhfearann agus ar a n-oidhreacht.
They had gathered together to celebrate their land and heritage.
Bhí beagnach fiche duine ann, idir sheanchaithe agus leanaí beaga.
There were almost twenty people, including elders and small children.
Shuigh siad thart ar thine mhór, ag roinnt scéalta agus ag gáire go geal.
They sat around a big fire, sharing stories and laughing heartily.
Thosaigh seanfhear amháin, Séamus, ag insint scéil iontach.
An old man, Séamus, started telling an amazing story.
Bhí sé faoi Fionn mac Cumhaill agus an Fómhar Builleach.
It was about Fionn mac Cumhaill and the Fomorian Striker.
D'éist gach duine go ciúin agus go haireach.
Everyone listened quietly and attentively.
Bhí suim ag Cormac go háirithe.
Cormac was particularly interested.
Bhí sé ag smaoineamh ar an móid a dhéanfadh sé féin.
He was thinking about the promise he would make for himself.
I lár an tráthnóna, chuaigh na daoine ag siúl timpeall na n-aillean.
In the middle of the afternoon, the people went for a walk around the cliffs.
Thaispeáin Niamh seana-bhiaís tréad an bhóthair dóibh.
Niamh showed them ancient cattle paths.
Bhí na carraigeacha dorcha ach bhí beanna airgid orthu mar gheall ar an ghrian.
The rocks were dark but had silver peaks because of the sun.
Bhí an tírdhreach cosúil le rud éigin as finscéal aoibhinn.
The landscape was like something out of a beautiful legend.
Ag an mbéile tráthnóna, chruinnigh gach duine arís.
At the evening meal, everyone gathered again.
Thosaigh siad ag comhrá faoi laethanta ársa agus scéalta a sin-seanmhuintir.
They began chatting about old times and the stories of their ancestors.
Bhí rud amháin speisialta ann.
There was something special.
Dúirt siad go mbeadh comórtas scéalaíochta ann.
They announced there would be a storytelling contest.
Bhí Niamh agus Cormac lán de spéis.
Niamh and Cormac were very interested.
Tháinig críoch leis an gcomórtas.
The contest came to an end.
Bhí sé ar siúl sa cheann dílis sin inar bhailigh gach duine le chéile.
It took place in that loyal headland where everyone had gathered.
Tháinig casadh nua cothrom sa scéal nuair a thosaigh Niamh ag caint.
There was a new twist in the story when Niamh started talking.
D'inis sí scéal stairiúil faoi a sin-seanmháthair.
She told a historical tale about her great-grandmother.
Bhí fuinneamh ina guth agus grá i ngach focal.
There was energy in her voice and love in every word.
Bhí gach duine tógtha le scéal Niamh.
Everyone was taken with Niamh's story.
Ag deireadh an tráthnóna, d'fhógair Séamus buaiteoir an chomórtais.
At the end of the evening, Séamus announced the winner of the contest.
Bhí iontas ar Niamh nuair a chuala sí a hainm á ghlaoch.
Niamh was surprised when she heard her name being called.
Tháinig an clann go léir chuici agus chuir siad abhráin bhreátha i seana-fhillteáin ar aulgairí mo rudaigh.
The entire family came to her and put beautiful songs in old scrolls around her shoulders.
Bhí Niamh agus Cormac sona sásta.
Niamh and Cormac were very happy.
Ghabh siad buíochas lena gcuid gaolta.
They thanked their relatives.
Bhí gaile an titim ag druidim thart agus an tine fós ag lasadh go geal.
The mists of autumn were closing in, and the fire was still burning brightly.
Bhíodar lán le bród as a n-oidhreacht agus a gclann.
They were full of pride in their heritage and family.
Ar an mbealach abhaile, chonaic siad an ghrian ag luí.
On the way home, they saw the sun setting.
Bhí sé deas cineáil.
It was quite beautiful.
Bhí a fhios acu go raibh anam a ngaoil fós á choimeád beo acu.
They knew that the soul of their ancestors was still being kept alive in them.
Bhí féile mór críochnaithe, ach bhí cairdeas agus cuimhní cinn faoi chomaoin.
The great festival was over, but friendship and memories were cherished.
Sin é mo scéal agus go maire sibh go léir go deas.
That is my story, and may you all live well.