From Farm Fields to Folklore: A School Project Adventure
FluentFiction - Irish
From Farm Fields to Folklore: A School Project Adventure
Tá sé fuar, geimhriúil ar an bhfeirm i gContae an Chláir, áit a bhfuil Cillian agus Maeve ag tabhairt faoin tionscadal scoile.
It is cold and wintry on the farm in Contae an Chláir, where Cillian and Maeve are working on their school project.
Tá sneachta beagán dá shúile ar an talamh, rud a chuireann atmaisféar draíochta ar an timpeallacht.
A little snow is dusting the ground, adding a magical atmosphere to the surroundings.
Tá siad beirt ag cuartú faisnéise ar thábhacht na talmhaíochta in Éirinn – agus inniu tá siad ar cuairt chuig feirm a chara teaghlaigh.
They are both gathering information about the importance of agriculture in Ireland – and today they are visiting a family friend's farm.
Nuair a shroicheann siad an feirm, milleann an aimsir fhliuch an tseans le grianghraif a ghlacadh.
When they arrive at the farm, the wet weather ruins the chance to take photos.
Tá tinneas i ngoirt na bhfeirme de bharr na mbogacán uisce.
The fields are drenched with the aftermath of waterlogged soil.
Bíonn Cillian beagáinín díomách—an raibh sé seo an plan ceart?
Cillian feels a bit disappointed—was this the right plan?
Ach Mhaeve nascann an mhisneach leis.
But Maeve connects with courage.
"Is féidir linn é seo a láimhseáil," a deir Maeve.
"We can handle this," Maeve says.
Tá smaoineamh aici, líonta le healaín agus scéalaíocht mar is nós léi.
She has an idea filled with creativity and storytelling, as is her way.
Imíonn siad ar thuras ar an bhfeirm le Seán, cara teaghlaigh a bhfuil na scéalta is suimiúla aige.
They embark on a tour of the farm with Seán, a family friend who has the most interesting stories.
Tá stair ar leith ag an bhfeirm seo.
This farm has a unique history.
Bhí sé mar áit do chláiríní sean Éireannacha a scríobhtar le lámha sciliúla.
It used to be a place where old Irish records were written by skilled hands.
In aice leis an seanstábla, insíonn Sé an scéal faoin gcéad uaigneach a chosain an talamh seo ó stoirm mhór.
Next to the old stable, Seán tells the story of the lone protector who defended this land from a great storm.
Agus iad ag éisteacht go géar, tógann Maeve nótaí agus déanann Cillian líníochtaí.
As they listen intently, Maeve takes notes and Cillian makes sketches.
Cruthaíonn siad aisling na gaibhne ag obair agus na capaill á síneadh sna táblaí áille.
They envision the dream of the blacksmiths working and horses stretching in the beautiful stables.
Tá an aimsir gairid, ach tá spiorad an tsamhraidh sa phlé peryphéariúiltúil.
The weather is short-lived, but the spirit of summer lingers peripherally in the discussion.
Tiomáineann sean-thraidisiún Chorcaí in oícheanta gan bhrí na geimhreacha fada síos go smior.
Old Corcaigh traditions drive the meaning of long winter nights deep into the marrow.
Nuair a fhilleann siad ar scoil, tá brú á gcur aon ghabh Nóra ar spás an tionscadail: am mãrmachas scéil, á cheangal le líníochtaí malla fuيدي psychedelm ai spreagadh.
When they return to school, there is pressure from Nóra to use some project space: time for storytelling, linked with delayed psychedelic drawings as inspiration.
Cruthaíonn siad meascán de stair, nádúr agus draíocht.
They create a blend of history, nature, and magic.
Úsáideann Maeve an scil sin atá aici chun tionscadail a chur i láthair—aigneach, ag casadh a bhfuil ar cheann de na tionscadail is speisialta den bhliain.
Maeve uses her skill to present projects—insightfully, turning it into one of the most special projects of the year.
Cabhraíonn Maeve le Cillian a thuiscint gurb é an cruthaitheacht agus an léargas atá tábhachtach, b'fhéidir níos tábhachtaí ná na sonraí cruinne a theastaíonn uait.
Maeve helps Cillian understand that creativity and perspective are important, perhaps even more so than the precise details you may need.
Glacann sé lena hintinn oscailte agus feiceann sé áilleacht an saoil trí shúile cadair.
He embraces her open-mindedness and sees the beauty of life through each lens.
Cuireann an múinteoir a bhfuil meas mór orthu ainm áirithe orthu as a n-iarrachtaí.
The beloved teacher praises them for their efforts.
Tá Cillian níos muiníní ina féin, féachann sé lena shamhlaíocht a chur i bhfeidhm go coimeádachasach gur fiú luach ann nó é.
Cillian becomes more confident in himself, looking to apply his imagination conservatively, valuing its worth.
Tá an antoisceach agus an macánta a bhí ag toacú le chéile, déanfar an scil empatacha seo meangadh fadrangrúil oraibh i bhfad oíbh.
The radical and honest approach that was merging creates an empathetic skill, gracing them with profound smiles in time.
Mar sin, ar Lá Fhéile Bríde, tagann an tionscadal le críochnú.
So, on Lá Fhéile Bríde, the project comes to completion.
Buaileann an raon saothar éagsúla agus is iad féin scairt meon úr nua, gné na bhfeirme gaibhníthe lena eachtraí beaga féin, á léiríú gur fiú d'íslí tosaigh iarann a chur ort.
The range of various works shines, striking a new mindset, with the essence of the farm's small adventures, illustrating that it's worthwhile to take initial risks in pursuit.
Agus do scéalta tugann éagsúlacht solais ann go háthán, táin tadhdhaí fhíor-seithí as dín deartháir na gcolúir atá beirt.
And with stories bringing a diversity of light into it, there emerges a true thrill under the roof of the dove's brother that is both.
Tá spártálachas an doinimhghrín a bhí ann ding inse, breá le nasc ionadaíoch of haiginn.
The sparking spirit of understanding that was present suggests a bond representative to some degree.