FluentFiction - Croatian

Scoops & Missteps: A Dubrovnik Delight

FluentFiction - Croatian

14m 51sMarch 24, 2024

Scoops & Missteps: A Dubrovnik Delight

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  • Sunce je visoko sjelo na nebo i svoje zlatne zrake sijalo je na kamenom dragulju Jadrana - Dubrovniku.

    The sun had risen high in the sky and its golden rays shone upon the Adriatic gemstone of Dubrovnik.

  • Ana, djevojka s osunčanim licem i veselim osmijehom, šetala je uskim ulicama ovog čarobnog grada, tražeći malo hladovine i osvježenja.

    Ana, a girl with a sun-kissed face and a cheerful smile, walked along the narrow streets of this magical city, seeking a bit of shade and refreshment.

  • Na svom putovanju, naletjela je na šareni štand s natpisom "Gelato".

    On her journey, she came across a colorful stand with a sign that read "Gelato."

  • Oči su joj se razveselile na taj prizor jer je osjećala potrebu za ledenom slasticom koja bi joj ohladila usne i pružila slatku utjehu.

    Her eyes lit up at the sight as she felt the need for a frozen treat to cool her lips and provide sweet comfort.

  • "Jednu kuglu od vanilije i jednu od čokolade, molim," rekla je Ana, ne ugledavši lice prodavača dok je zamišljeno gledala u boje sladoleda.

    "One scoop of vanilla and one of chocolate, please," Ana said, not paying attention to the face of the vendor as she gazed thoughtfully at the ice cream colors.

  • "Uhhh, mislim da ste malo pobrkali," začudit će se glas iza štanda.

    "Uhhh, I think you might be a little mixed up," a voice from behind the stand would surprise her.

  • Ana je podigla pogled i ugledala Ivana, muškarca ne obučenog kao prodavač sladoleda, već u ležernoj majici i kratkim hlačama s fotoaparatom oko vrata.

    Ana looked up and saw Ivan, a man not dressed as an ice cream seller but in a casual shirt and shorts with a camera around his neck.

  • Ana se nasmiješila, pomalo postiđena.

    Ana smiled, feeling a bit embarrassed.

  • "Oprostite, mislila sam da radite ovdje.

    "I’m sorry, I thought you worked here.

  • Previdjela sam.

    My mistake."

  • " Ivan se nasmijao, njegov osmijeh odavao je toplinu i razumijevanje.

    Ivan laughed, his smile radiating warmth and understanding.

  • "Nema problema, desilo se i meni slično nedavno.

    "No problem, I had a similar mix-up recently.

  • Ali ako želite, mogu vam pokazati pravu slastičarnicu s najboljim gelatom u gradu.

    But if you’d like, I can show you a real gelato place with the best ice cream in town."

  • "Ana je veselo prihvatila ponudu.

    Ana happily accepted the offer.

  • Zajedno su se prošetali do malene slastičarnice skrivene među starim zidinama.

    Together, they strolled to a small gelato shop hidden among the old walls.

  • Nakon što su kupili sladoled, sjeli su na kameni zid s pogledom na kristalno plavo more.

    After buying the ice cream, they sat on a stone wall overlooking the crystal blue sea.

  • Razgovarali su o putovanjima, o knjigama, o glazbi.

    They talked about travels, books, and music.

  • Ani je bila sreća što je tako jednostavna zabuna prerasla u nešto lijepo.

    Ana felt lucky that such a simple mistake had turned into something beautiful.

  • Ivan se pokazao kao izvanredan sugovornik i novi prijatelj.

    Ivan proved to be an excellent conversationalist and a new friend.

  • Dok su se smijali i dijelili priče, sunce je polako počelo zalaziti, bojeći nebo i more u nijanse crvene i narančaste.

    As they laughed and shared stories, the sun slowly began to set, painting the sky and sea in shades of red and orange.

  • Napokon, kada su posljednji zalogaji gelata nestali, Ana i Ivan su odlučili da će se opet susresti.

    Finally, after the last spoonfuls of gelato had disappeared, Ana and Ivan decided they would meet again.

  • "Sljedeći put", Ana je kazala, "ja ću izabrati mjesto i ponudit ćeš ti prvi sladoled kao uspomenu na naš prvi susret.

    "Next time," Ana said, "I’ll choose the place, and you will offer the first ice cream as a memento of our first meeting."

  • "Dogovorili su se i tako su se, s osmijehom na licu, rastali znajući da je grad Dubrovnik dobio novi prijateljski dvojac koji će, zahvaljujući jednoj neobičnoj zabuni, imati još mnogo slatkih trenutaka.

    They made the agreement, parting ways with smiles on their faces, knowing that the city of Dubrovnik had gained a new friendly duo who, thanks to an unusual mix-up, would have many more sweet moments.